
Class: esri/widgets/smartMapping/SmartMappingSliderBase
Inheritance: SmartMappingSliderBase Widget Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12

The base class for all Smart Mapping slider widgets.

For information about gaining full control of widget styles, see the Styling topic.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget.

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The name of the class.

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When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

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The Histogram associated with the data represented on the slider.

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The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created.

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A function used to format user inputs.

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Function used to parse slider inputs formatted by the inputFormatFunction.

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The widget's label.

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A modified version of Slider.labelFormatFunction, which is a custom function used to format labels on the thumbs, min, max, and average values.

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The maximum value or upper bound of the slider.

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The minimum value or lower bound of the slider.

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more detailsSmartMappingSliderBase

Defines how slider thumb values should be rounded.

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more detailsSmartMappingSliderBase

The state of the view model.

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Zooms the slider track to the bounds provided in this property.

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Property Details

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget. This property can only be set once. The following examples are all valid use cases when working with widgets.

// Create the HTML div element programmatically at runtime and set to the widget's container
const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
  view: view,
  container: document.createElement("div")

// Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view
view.ui.add(basemapGallery, {
  position: "top-right"
// Specify an already-defined HTML div element in the widget's container

const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
  view: view,
  container: basemapGalleryDiv

// Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view
view.ui.add(basemapGallery, {
  position: "top-right"

// HTML markup
  <div id="viewDiv"></div>
  <div id="basemapGalleryDiv"></div>
// Specify the widget while adding to the view's UI
const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
  view: view

// Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view
view.ui.add(basemapGallery, {
  position: "top-right"
declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

destroyed Boolean inherited

When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

histogramConfig HistogramConfig

The Histogram associated with the data represented on the slider. The bins are typically generated using the histogram statistics function.

See also:
  layer: featureLayer,
  field: "fieldName",
  numBins: 30
  // set the histogram to the slider
  slider.histogramConfig = {
    bins: histogramResult.bins

The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created. If not set by the developer, it will default to the container ID, or if that is not present then it will be automatically generated.

inputFormatFunction LabelFormatter
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.14

A function used to format user inputs. As opposed to labelFormatFunction, which formats thumb labels, the inputFormatFunction formats thumb values in the input element when the user begins to edit them.

The image below demonstrates how slider input values resemble corresponding slider values by default and won't match the formatting set in labelFormatFunction.

Slider without input formatter

If you want to format slider input values so they match thumb labels, you can pass the same function set in labelFormatFunction to inputFormatFunction for consistent formatting.

Slider with input formatter

However, if an inputFormatFunction is specified, you must also write a corresponding inputParseFunction to parse user inputs to understandable slider values. In most cases, if you specify an inputFormatFunction, you should set the labelFormatFunction to the same value for consistency between labels and inputs.

This property overrides the default input formatter, which formats by calling toString() on the input value.

See also:
// Formats the slider input to abbreviated numbers with units
// e.g. a thumb at position 1500 will render with an input label of 1.5k
slider.inputFormatFunction = function(value, type){
  if(value >= 1000000){
    return (value / 1000000).toPrecision(3) + "m"
  if(value >= 100000){
    return (value / 1000).toPrecision(3) + "k"
  if(value >= 1000){
    return (value / 1000).toPrecision(2) + "k"
  return value.toFixed(0);
inputParseFunction InputParser
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.14

Function used to parse slider inputs formatted by the inputFormatFunction. This property must be set if an inputFormatFunction is set. Otherwise the slider values will likely not update to their expected positions.

Overrides the default input parses, which is a parsed floating point number.

See also:
// Parses the slider input (a string value) to a number value understandable to the slider
// This assumes the slider was already configured with an inputFormatFunction
// For example, if the input is 1.5k this function will parse
// it to a value of 1500
slider.inputParseFunction = function(value, type, index){
  var charLength = value.length;
  var valuePrefix = parseFloat(value.substring(0,charLength-1));
  var finalChar = value.substring(charLength-1);

  if(parseFloat(finalChar) >= 0){
    return parseFloat(value);
  if(finalChar === "k"){
    return valuePrefix * 1000;
  if(finalChar === "m"){
    return valuePrefix * 1000000;
  return value;

The widget's label.

This property is useful whenever the widget is controlled by another one (e.g. Expand)

labelFormatFunction LabelFormatter

A modified version of Slider.labelFormatFunction, which is a custom function used to format labels on the thumbs, min, max, and average values. Overrides the default label formatter. This function also supports date formatting.

// For thumb values, rounds each label to whole numbers
slider.labelFormatFunction = function(value, type) {
  return (type === "value-change") ? value.toFixed(0): value;
max Number

The maximum value or upper bound of the slider. If the largest slider value in the constructor is greater than the max set in this property, then the max will update to match the largest slider value.

slider.max = 150;
min Number

The minimum value or lower bound of the slider. If the smallest slider value in the constructor is greater than the min set in this property, then the min will update to match the smallest slider value.

slider.min = -150;
precision Number
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.14

Defines how slider thumb values should be rounded. This number indicates the number of decimal places slider thumb values should round to when they have been moved.

This value also indicates the precision of thumb labels when the data range is less than 10 (i.e. (max - min) < 10).

When the data range is larger than 10, labels display with a precision of no more than two decimal places, though actual slider thumb values will maintain the precision specified in this property.

For example, given the default precision of 4, and the following slider configuration, The labels of the thumbs will display two decimal places, but the precision of the actual thumb values will not be lost even when the user slides or moves the thumb.

const slider = new Slider({
  min: 20,
  max: 100,  // data range of 80
  values: [50.4331],
  // thumb label will display 50.43
  // thumb value will maintain precision, so
  // value will remain at 50.4331
  container: "sliderDiv"

If the user manually enters a value that has a higher precision than what's indicated by this property, the precision of that thumb value will be maintained until the thumb is moved by the user. At that point, the value will be rounded according to the indicated precision.

If thumb labels aren't visible, they must be enabled with labelInputsEnabled.

Keep in mind this property rounds thumb values and shouldn't be used exclusively for formatting purposes. To format thumb labels, use the labelFormatFunction property.

Default Value:4
slider.precision = 7;
state Stringreadonly

The state of the view model.

Possible Values:"ready"|"disabled"

zoomOptions Object

Zooms the slider track to the bounds provided in this property. When min and/or max zoom values are provided, the absolute min and max slider values are preserved and rendered at their typical positions on the slider. However, the slider track itself is zoomed so that thumbs cannot be moved above or below the provided min and max zoomed values.

When a slider is in a zoomed state, the zoomed ends of the track will appear jagged. In the image below, notice how the top thumb cannot be moved past the zoom max of 31 even though the slider max is 200.


To exit a zoomed state, the user can click the jagged line or the developer can set the zoomOptions to null. It is up to the developer to provide a UI option for end users to enable zooming on the slider.

Setting the zoomOptions is useful when the slider is tied to heavily skewed datasets where the histogram renders only one or two bars because of outliers.


You can remove the influence of outliers by zooming the slider and regenerating a histogram based on the zoomed min and max. This will provide a better view of the data and make the slider more useful to the end user.

min Number

The lower bound of the zoom.

max Number

The upper bound of the zoom.

// zooms the slider to so thumbs can only be moved
// to positions between the values of 10 and 25 while
// maintaining the slider's absolute minimum and
// maximum values
slider.zoomOptions = {
  min: 10,
  max: 25
// disables zooming on the slider
slider.zoomOptions = null;
// zooms the slider to so thumbs can only be moved
// to positions above the value of 10, while maintaining
// the slider's absolute minimum value
slider.zoomOptions = {
  min: 10
// zooms the slider to so thumbs can only be moved
// to positions below the value of 25, while maintaining
// the slider's absolute maximum value
slider.zoomOptions = {
  max: 25
// zooms the slider to the handle positions
// with some padding
document.getElementById("zoomInButton").onclick = function() {
  const lowerThumb = slider.values[0];
  const upperThumb = slider.values[1];

  const range = upperThumb - lowerThumb;
  const padding = range * 0.3;

  const zoomMin = (lowerThumb - padding) > slider.min ? (lowerThumb - padding) : slider.min;
  const zoomMax = (upperThumb + padding) < slider.max ? (upperThumb + padding) : slider.max;

  slider.set({ zoomOptions: { min: zoomMin, max: zoomMax } });

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property.

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Destroys the widget instance.

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Emits an event on the instance.

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Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

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Registers an event handler on the instance.

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Widget teardown helper.

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This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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Renders widget to the DOM immediately.

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This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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Method Details


A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property. This aids in simplifying CSS class setup.

classNames Array<(string|Array<string>|Object)>

The class names.

StringThe computed class name.
See also:
// .tsx syntax showing how to set CSS classes while rendering the widget

render() {
  const dynamicIconClasses = {
    [CSS.myIcon]: this.showIcon,
    [CSS.greyIcon]: !this.showIcon

  return (
    <div class={classes(CSS.root, CSS.mixin, dynamicIconClasses)} />

Destroys the widget instance.

emit(type, event){Boolean}inherited

Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.

type String

The name of the event.

event Object

The event payload.

Booleantrue if a listener was notified

Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

type String

The name of the event.

BooleanReturns true if the class supports the input event.
on(type, listener){Object}inherited

Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener.


A event type, or an array of event types, to listen for.

listener Function

The function to call when the event is fired.

ObjectReturns an event handler with a remove() method that can be called to stop listening for the event(s).
removeFunctionWhen called, removes the listener from the event.
view.on("click", function(event){
  // event is the event handle returned after the event fires.

Widget teardown helper. Any handles added to it will be automatically removed when the widget is destroyed.


Handles marked for removal once the widget is destroyed.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Executes after widget is ready for rendering.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. It must be implemented by subclasses for rendering.

ObjectThe rendered virtual node.

Renders widget to the DOM immediately.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Schedules widget rendering. This method is useful for changes affecting the UI.

Type Definitions


Configuration options for defining the slider's Histogram.

average Number

Indicates the average value of the dataset. When set, a solid line on the histogram will render at the location of the average value along with a label defaulting to the value set here.

barCreatedFunction BarCreatedFunction

Function for styling bars representing histogram bins. This can be used to style bins or add custom interaction to them. For example, you can use this function to color bins that match the colors on the slider's track.

bins Bin[]

The bins of the histogram. This is an array of objects indicating the range and count of data in each bin. This value is typically retrieved from the histogram function.

dataLines Object[]

When set, renders lines on the histogram that indicate important or meaningful values to the end user.

value Number

The value on the data axis of the histogram where a line will be rendered.


The label associated with the line.

dataLineCreatedFunction DataLineCreatedFunction

Function that fires each time a data line is created. You can use this to style individual dataLines on the data axis.

standardDeviation Number

Indicates the standard deviation of the dataset. When set, data lines are on the histogram at the locations of the standard deviations above and below the average.

standardDeviationCount Number

Indicates the standard deviation of the dataset. When set, data lines are on the histogram at the locations of the standard deviations above and below the average.

LabelFormatter(value, type, index){String}

Function used to format thumb labels. This function should be set to the labelFormatFunction property. This function fires every time a label is created or updated on the slider.

value Number

The value of the thumb.

type String

The label type. Valid types include average, min, max, and value.

Possible Values:"average"|"min"|"max"|"value"

index Number

The index of the thumb (or value).

StringThe formatted value for the label.

Event Overview

{oldValue: Number,type: "max-change",value: Number}

Fires when a user changes the max of the slider.

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{oldValue: Number,type: "min-change",value: Number}

Fires when a user changes the min of the slider.

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more detailsSmartMappingSliderBase
{index: Number,oldValue: Number,type: "thumb-change",value: Number}

Fires when a user changes the value of a thumb via arrow keys and keyboard editing of the label on the widget.

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more detailsSmartMappingSliderBase
{index: Number,state: "start","drag",type: "thumb-drag",value: Number}

Fires when a user drags a thumb on the widget.

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Event Details


Fires when a user changes the max of the slider.

oldValue Number

The former max (or bound) of the slider.

type String

The type of the event.

The value is always "max-change".

value Number

The value of the max (or bound) of the slider when the event is emitted.

slider.on("max-change", function() {
  const renderer = layer.renderer.clone();
  const visualVariable = renderer.visualVariables[0].clone();
  colorVariable.stops = slider.stops;
  renderer.visualVariables = [ visualVariable ];
  layer.renderer = renderer;

Fires when a user changes the min of the slider.

oldValue Number

The former min value (or bound) of the slider.

type String

The type of the event.

The value is always "min-change".

value Number

The value of the min value (or bound) of the slider when the event is emitted.

slider.on("min-change", function() {
  const renderer = layer.renderer.clone();
  const visualVariable = renderer.visualVariables[0].clone();
  colorVariable.stops = slider.stops;
  renderer.visualVariables = [ visualVariable ];
  layer.renderer = renderer;

Fires when a user changes the value of a thumb via arrow keys and keyboard editing of the label on the widget.

index Number

The 0-based index of the thumb emitting the event.

oldValue Number

The former value of the thumb before the change was made.

type String

The type of the event.

The value is always "thumb-change".

value Number

The value of the thumb when the event is emitted.

slider.on("thumb-change", function() {
  const renderer = layer.renderer.clone();
  const visualVariable = renderer.visualVariables[0].clone();
  colorVariable.stops = slider.stops;
  renderer.visualVariables = [ visualVariable ];
  layer.renderer = renderer;

Fires when a user drags a thumb on the widget.

index Number

The 0-based index of the thumb emitting the event.

state String

The state of the drag.

Possible Values:"start"|"drag"

type String

The type of the event.

The value is always "thumb-drag".

value Number

The value of the thumb when the event is emitted.

slider.on("thumb-drag", function() {
  const renderer = layer.renderer.clone();
  const visualVariable = renderer.visualVariables[0].clone();
  colorVariable.stops = slider.stops;
  renderer.visualVariables = [ visualVariable ];
  layer.renderer = renderer;

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