require(["esri/tasks/PrintTask"], function(PrintTask) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/tasks/PrintTask
Inheritance: PrintTask Task Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.1

The PrintTask generates a printer-ready version of the map using an Export Web Map Task available with ArGIS Server 10.1 and later. This class is used when you want to have more granular control over the user interface, for example, if you want to provide users the ability to define what appears on the printed page.

Use PrintParameters to set the printing options of the task.

Known Limitations

  • There is no current support for printing SceneViews. Instead, see SceneView.takeScreenshot().
  • There is no current support for printing highlighted features. Instead, see MapView.takeScreenshot().
  • VectorTileLayer printing requires ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or later.
  • There is no current support for printing ImageryLayers when a pixelFilter is defined.
  • Labels currently cannot be printed as part of a FeatureLayer with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or any Printing Service published with ArcMap.
  • ImageryLayer cannot be printed with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or earlier, or any Printing Service published with ArcMap.
  • The print server does not directly print SVG symbols. Rather, they are converted to PictureMarkerSymbols for display.
  • Make certain that any resources to be printed are accessible by the print server. For example, if printing a map containing PictureMarkerSymbols, the URL to these symbols must be accessible to the print server for it to work properly.
  • Printing layers rendered with the DotDensityRenderer will create a client-side image of the layer in the printout.
  • Printing layers using clustering will create a client-side image of the layer in the printout.
  • For printing secure VectorTileLayers with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or 10.6.0, or for printing VectorTileLayers with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or any Printing Service published with ArcMap, the PrintTask will create a client-side image for the VectorTileLayer to use in the printout. This has some limitations related to large size printing quality and a dependency on browser window height/width ratio.
See also:


new PrintTask(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The name of the class.

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The mode for the print task execution.

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The options to be used for data requests.

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The time interval in milliseconds between each job status request sent to an asynchronous GP task.

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more detailsPrintTask

The URL of the REST endpoint of the Export Web Map Task.

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Property Details

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

mode Stringreadonly

The mode for the print task execution.

Possible Values:"async"|"sync"

Default Value:sync
requestOptions Object inherited

The options to be used for data requests. These options can also be controlled through the requestOptions method parameter.

updateDelay Number

The time interval in milliseconds between each job status request sent to an asynchronous GP task.

Default Value:1000
url String

The URL of the REST endpoint of the Export Web Map Task.

var printTask = new PrintTask({
   url: printUrl

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Sends a request to the print service to create a printable static image of the map using the options specified in the PrintParameters.

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more detailsPrintTask

Method Details

execute(params, requestOptions){Promise<PrintResponse>}

Sends a request to the print service to create a printable static image of the map using the options specified in the PrintParameters.


Defines the printing options.

requestOptions Object

Additional options to be used for the data request (will override requestOptions defined during construction).

Promise<PrintResponse>Resolves to an object containing the URL of the generated printout of the view.
var printTask = new PrintTask({
   url: printUrl

var template = new PrintTemplate({
 format: "pdf",
 exportOptions: {
   dpi: 300
 layout: "a4-portrait",
 layoutOptions: {
   titleText: "Warren Wilson College Trees",
   authorText: "Sam"

var params = new PrintParameters({
 view: view,
 template: template

printTask.execute(params).then(printResult, printError);

Type Definitions


Represents the response of the execute() method.

url String

URL pointing to the location of the generated printout of the view.

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