
Class: esri/geometry/support/MeshMaterial
new MeshMaterial(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

Specifies how transparency on the object is handled.

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Specifies how transparency on the object is handled.

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more detailsMeshMaterial

Allows to specify a single, uniform color for the mesh component.

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more detailsMeshMaterial

Allows to specify a texture to get color information from.

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more detailsMeshMaterial

The name of the class.

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Specifies whether both sides of each triangle are displayed, or only the front sides.

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Allows to specify a texture to get normal information from.

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Property Details

alphaCutoff Number

Specifies how transparency on the object is handled. If alphaMode is set to either mask or auto this property specifies the cutoff value below which masking happens (that is, the coresponding part of the Mesh is rendered fully transparent).

Default Value:0.5
alphaMode String

Specifies how transparency on the object is handled. See also alphaCutoff.

opaqueAlpha is ignored, and the object is rendered fully opaque.
blendAlpha values are used for gradual transparency, blending between the object and its background.
maskAlpha values are used for binary transparency, either displaying the object, or its background. See also alphaCutoff.
autoThe implementation mixes the mask and blend settings, masking below alphaCutoff and blending above it.

Possible Values:"auto"|"blend"|"opaque"|"mask"

Default Value:"auto"
Autocasts from Object|Number[]|String

Allows to specify a single, uniform color for the mesh component. This can be autocast with a named string, hex string, array of rgb or rgba values, an object with r, g, b, and a properties, or a Color object.

colorTexture MeshTextureautocast

Allows to specify a texture to get color information from. The texture is accessed using the uv coordinate specified for each vertex in the mesh vertex attributes.

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

doubleSided Boolean

Specifies whether both sides of each triangle are displayed, or only the front sides.

Default Value:true
normalTexture MeshTextureautocast

Allows to specify a texture to get normal information from. The texture is accessed using the uv coordinate specified for each vertex in the mesh vertex attributes.

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colorTexture MeshTextureautocast
Autocasts from Object|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageData|String

Allows to specify a texture to get color information from. The texture is accessed using the uv coordinate specified for each vertex in the mesh vertex attributes.

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

doubleSided Boolean

Specifies whether both sides of each triangle are displayed, or only the front sides.

Default Value:true
normalTexture MeshTextureautocast

Allows to specify a texture to get normal information from. The texture is accessed using the uv coordinate specified for each vertex in the mesh vertex attributes.

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