require(["esri/widgets/Popup"], function(Popup) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/widgets/Popup
Inheritance: Popup Widget Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0

The popup widget allows users to view content from feature attributes. Popups enhance web applications by providing users with a simple way to interact with and view attributes in a layer. They play an important role in relaying information to the user, which improves the storytelling capabilities of the application.

All Views contain a default popup. This popup can display generic content, which is set in its title and content properties. When content is set directly on the Popup instance it is not tied to a specific feature or layer.


In the image above, the text "Marriage in NY, Zip Code: 11385" is the popup's title. The remaining text is its content. A dock button popup-dock-btn may also be available in the top right corner of the popup. This allows the user to dock the popup to one of the sides or corners of the view. The options for docking may be set in the dockOptions property.

Popups can also contain actions that act like buttons, which execute a function defined by the developer when clicked. By default, every popup has a "Zoom in" action popupTemplate-zoom-action that allows users to zoom to the selected feature. See the actions property for information about adding custom actions to a popup.

In most cases this module will not need to be loaded into your application because the view contains a default instance of popup.

PopupTemplate is closely related to Popup, but is more specific to layers and graphics. It allows you to define custom title and content templates based on the source of the selected feature. When a layer or a graphic has a defined PopupTemplate, the popup will display the content defined in the PopupTemplate when the feature is clicked. The content may contain field values from the attributes of the selected feature.

Custom PopupTemplates may also be assigned directly to a popup by setting graphics on the features property. For more information about Popup and how it relates to PopupTemplate see the samples listed below.

For information about gaining full control of widget styles, see the Styling topic.
See also:


new Popup(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

Defines actions that may be executed by clicking the icon or image symbolizing them in the popup.

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Position of the popup in relation to the selected feature.

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This closes the popup when the View camera or Viewpoint changes.

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This property indicates to the Popup that it needs to allow or disallow the click event propagation.

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Indicates whether the popup displays its content.

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more detailsPopup

Indicates whether to enable collapse functionality for the popup.

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The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget.

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more detailsWidget

The content of the popup.

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Dock position in the View.

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The name of the class.

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more detailsAccessor

Enables automatic creation of a popup template for layers that have popups enabled but no popupTemplate defined.

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When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

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more detailsWidget

Indicates whether the placement of the popup is docked to the side of the view.

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more detailsPopup

Docking the popup allows for a better user experience, particularly when opening popups in apps on mobile devices.

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more detailsPopup

The number of selected features available to the popup.

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more detailsPopup

Shows pagination for the popup if available.

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more detailsPopup

An array of features associated with the popup.

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more detailsPopup

This function provides the ability to override either the MapView goTo() or SceneView goTo() methods.

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Highlight the selected popup feature using the highlightOptions set on the MapView or the highlightOptions set on the SceneView.

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The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created.

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more detailsWidget

The widget's default label.

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more detailsPopup

Point used to position the popup.

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more detailsPopup

An array of pending Promises that have not yet been fulfilled.

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The selected feature accessed by the popup.

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more detailsPopup

Index of the feature that is selected.

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more detailsPopup

Indicates whether to display a spinner at the popup location prior to its display when it has pending promises.

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more detailsPopup

The title of the popup.

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more detailsPopup

A reference to the MapView or SceneView.

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This is a class that contains all the logic (properties and methods) that controls this widget's behavior.

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Indicates whether the popup is visible.

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more detailsPopup

Property Details

Autocasts from Object[]

Defines actions that may be executed by clicking the icon or image symbolizing them in the popup. By default, every popup has a zoom-to action styled with a magnifying glass icon popupTemplate-zoom-action. When this icon is clicked, the view zooms in four LODs and centers on the selected feature.

You may override this action by removing it from the actions array or by setting the overwriteActions property to true in a PopupTemplate. The order of each action in the popup is the order in which they appear in the array.

The trigger-action event fires each time an action in the popup is clicked. This event should be used to execute custom code for each action clicked. For example, if you would like to add a zoom-out action to the popup that zooms the view out several LODs, you would define the zoom-out code in a separate function. Then you would call the custom zoom-out function in the trigger-action event handler. See the sample code snippet below for more details on how this works.

Actions are defined with the properties listed in the ActionButton or ActionToggle classes.

See also:
// Defines an action to zoom out from the selected feature
var zoomOutAction = {
  // This text is displayed as a tooltip
  title: "Zoom out",
  // The ID by which to reference the action in the event handler
  id: "zoom-out",
  // Sets the icon font used to style the action button
  className: "esri-icon-zoom-out-magnifying-glass"
// Adds the custom action to the popup.

// The function to execute when the zoom-out action is clicked
function zoomOut() {
  // in this case the view zooms out two LODs on each click
    zoom: view.zoom - 2

// This event fires for each click on any action
view.popup.on("trigger-action", function(event){
  // If the zoom-out action is clicked, fire the zoomOut() function
  if( === "zoom-out"){
alignment String|Function
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8

Position of the popup in relation to the selected feature. The default behavior is to display above the feature and adjust if not enough room. If needing to explicitly control where the popup displays in relation to the feature, choose an option besides auto.

Possible Values: auto | top-center | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-center | bottom-right | Function

Default Value:"auto"
// Popup will display on the bottom-right of the selected feature regardless of where that feature is located
view.popup.alignment = "bottom-right";
autoCloseEnabled Boolean
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5

This closes the popup when the View camera or Viewpoint changes.

Default Value:false
autoOpenEnabled Boolean
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.10

This property indicates to the Popup that it needs to allow or disallow the click event propagation.

Use view.popup.autoOpenEnabled = false; when needing to stop the click event propagation.

Default Value:true
view.popup.autoOpenEnabled = false;
view.on("click", function(event) {{
    // Set the popup
collapsed Boolean
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5

Indicates whether the popup displays its content. If true, only the header displays.

Default Value:false
collapseEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to enable collapse functionality for the popup.

Default Value:true

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget. This property can only be set once. The following examples are all valid use cases when working with widgets.

// Create the HTML div element programmatically at runtime and set to the widget's container
const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
  view: view,
  container: document.createElement("div")

// Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view
view.ui.add(basemapGallery, {
  position: "top-right"
// Specify an already-defined HTML div element in the widget's container

const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
  view: view,
  container: basemapGalleryDiv

// Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view
view.ui.add(basemapGallery, {
  position: "top-right"

// HTML markup
  <div id="viewDiv"></div>
  <div id="basemapGalleryDiv"></div>
// Specify the widget while adding to the view's UI
const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
  view: view

// Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view
view.ui.add(basemapGallery, {
  position: "top-right"

The content of the popup. When set directly on the Popup, this content is static and cannot use fields to set content templates. To set a template for the content based on field or attribute names, see PopupTemplate.content.

See also:
// This sets generic instructions in the popup that will always be displayed
// unless it is overridden by a PopupTemplate
view.popup.content = "Click a feature on the map to view its attributes";
currentDockPosition Stringreadonly

Dock position in the View.

Possible Values:"auto"|"top-center"|"top-right"|"top-left"|"bottom-left"|"bottom-center"|"bottom-right"

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

defaultPopupTemplateEnabled Boolean
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.11

Enables automatic creation of a popup template for layers that have popups enabled but no popupTemplate defined. Automatic popup templates are supported for layers that support the createPopupTemplate method. (Supported for FeatureLayer, GeoJSONLayer, SceneLayer, CSVLayer, PointCloudLayer, StreamLayer and ImageryLayer).

Starting with version 4.12, PopupTemplate content can no longer be set using a wildcard, e.g. *. Instead, set the defaultPopupTemplateEnabled property to true.

Default Value:false
destroyed Boolean inherited

When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

dockEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether the placement of the popup is docked to the side of the view.

Docking the popup allows for a better user experience, particularly when opening popups in apps on mobile devices. When a popup is "dockEnabled" it means the popup no longer points to the selected feature or the location assigned to it. Rather it is attached to a side, the top, or the bottom of the view.

See dockOptions to override default options related to docking the popup.

Default Value:false
See also:
// The popup will automatically be dockEnabled when made visible
view.popup.dockEnabled = true;
dockOptions Object

Docking the popup allows for a better user experience, particularly when opening popups in apps on mobile devices. When a popup is "dockEnabled" it means the popup no longer points to the selected feature or the location assigned to it. Rather it is placed in one of the corners of the view or to the top or bottom of it. This property allows the developer to set various options for docking the popup.

See the object specification table below to override default docking properties on the popup.

breakpoint Object|Boolean
Default Value:true

Defines the dimensions of the View at which to dock the popup. Set to false to disable docking at a breakpoint.

width Number
Default Value:544

The maximum width of the View at which the popup will be set to dockEnabled automatically.

height Number
Default Value:544

The maximum height of the View at which the popup will be set to dockEnabled automatically.

buttonEnabled Boolean

If true, displays the dock button. If false, hides the dock button from the popup.

position String|Function
Default Value:auto

The position in the view at which to dock the popup. Can be set as either a string or function. See the table below for known string values and their position in the view based on the view's size.

Known ValueView size > breakpointView size < breakpoint
autotop-rightbottom 100%
top-lefttop-lefttop 100%
top-centertop-centertop 100%
top-righttop-righttop 100%
bottom-leftbottom-leftbottom 100%
bottom-centerbottom-centerbottom 100%
bottom-rightbottom-rightbottom 100%
See also:
view.popup.dockOptions = {
  // Disable the dock button so users cannot undock the popup
  buttonEnabled: false,
  // Dock the popup when the size of the view is less than or equal to 600x1000 pixels
  breakpoint: {
    width: 600,
    height: 1000
featureCount Numberreadonly

The number of selected features available to the popup.

Default Value:0
featureNavigationEnabled Boolean

Shows pagination for the popup if available. This allows the user to scroll through various selected features using either arrows


or a menu.


features Graphic[]

An array of features associated with the popup. Each graphic in this array must have a valid PopupTemplate set. They may share the same PopupTemplate or have unique PopupTemplates depending on their attributes. The content and title of the popup is set based on the content and title properties of each graphic's respective PopupTemplate.

When more than one graphic exists in this array, the current content of the Popup is set based on the value of the selected feature.

This value is null if no features are associated with the popup.

// When setting the features property, the graphics pushed to this property
// must have a PopupTemplate set.
var g1 = new Graphic();
g1.popupTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
  title: "Results title",
  content: "Results: {ATTRIBUTE_NAME}"
// Set the graphics as an array to the popup instance. The content and title of
// the popup will be set depending on the PopupTemplate of the graphics.
// Each graphic may share the same PopupTemplate or have a unique PopupTemplate
var graphics = [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5];
view.popup.features = graphics;
goToOverride GoToOverride
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8

This function provides the ability to override either the MapView goTo() or SceneView goTo() methods.

See also:
// The following snippet uses the Search widget but can be applied to any
// widgets that support the goToOverride property.
search.goToOverride = function(view, goToParams) {
  goToParams.options.duration = updatedDuration;
  return view.goTo(, goToParams.options);
highlightEnabled Boolean

Highlight the selected popup feature using the highlightOptions set on the MapView or the highlightOptions set on the SceneView.

Default Value:true

The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created. If not set by the developer, it will default to the container ID, or if that is not present then it will be automatically generated.

label String

The widget's default label.

location Pointautocast

Point used to position the popup. This is automatically set when viewing the popup by selecting a feature. If using the Popup to display content not related to features in the map, such as the results from a task, then you must set this property before making the popup visible to the user.

See also:
// Sets the location of the popup to the center of the view
view.popup.location =;
// Displays the popup
view.popup.visible = true;
// Sets the location of the popup to a specific place (using autocast)
// Note: using latlong only works if view is in Web Mercator or WGS84 spatial reference.
view.popup.location = {latitude: 34.0571, longitude: -117.1968};
// Sets the location of the popup to the location of a click on the view
view.on("click", function(event){
  view.popup.location = event.mapPoint;
  // Displays the popup
  view.popup.visible = true;
promises Promise[]

An array of pending Promises that have not yet been fulfilled. If there are no pending promises, the value is null. When the pending promises are resolved they are removed from this array and the features they return are pushed into the features array.

selectedFeature Graphicreadonly

The selected feature accessed by the popup. The content of the Popup is determined based on the PopupTemplate assigned to this feature.

selectedFeatureIndex Number

Index of the feature that is selected. When features are set, the first index is automatically selected.

spinnerEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to display a spinner at the popup location prior to its display when it has pending promises.

title String

The title of the popup. This can be set generically on the popup no matter the features that are selected. If the selected feature has a PopupTemplate, then the title set in the corresponding template is used here.

// This title will display in the popup unless a selected feature's
// PopupTemplate overrides it
view.popup.title = "Population by zip codes in Southern California";

A reference to the MapView or SceneView. Set this to link the widget to a specific view.

This is a class that contains all the logic (properties and methods) that controls this widget's behavior. See the PopupViewModel class to access all properties and methods on the widget.

visible Boolean

Indicates whether the popup is visible.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Use this method to remove focus from the Widget.

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A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property.

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more detailsWidget

Removes promises, features, content, title and location from the Popup.

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more detailsPopup

Closes the popup by setting its visible property to false.

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more detailsPopup

Destroys the widget instance.

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Emits an event on the instance.

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Use this method to give focus to the Widget if the widget is able to be focused.

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Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

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Selects the feature at the next index in relation to the selected feature.

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Registers an event handler on the instance.

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Opens the popup at the given location with content defined either explicitly with content or driven from the PopupTemplate of input features.

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Widget teardown helper.

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more detailsWidget

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

Selects the feature at the previous index in relation to the selected feature.

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This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

Renders widget to the DOM immediately.

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more detailsWidget

Positions the popup on the view.

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more detailsPopup

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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more detailsWidget

Triggers the trigger-action event and executes the action at the specified index in the actions array.

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more detailsPopup

Method Details

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6

Use this method to remove focus from the Widget.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

A utility method used for building the value for a widget's class property. This aids in simplifying CSS class setup.

classNames Array<(string|Array<string>|Object)>

The class names.

StringThe computed class name.
See also:
// .tsx syntax showing how to set CSS classes while rendering the widget

render() {
  const dynamicIconClasses = {
    [CSS.myIcon]: this.showIcon,
    [CSS.greyIcon]: !this.showIcon

  return (
    <div class={classes(CSS.root, CSS.mixin, dynamicIconClasses)} />

Removes promises, features, content, title and location from the Popup.


Closes the popup by setting its visible property to false. Users can alternatively close the popup by directly setting the visible property to false.

See also:

Destroys the widget instance.

emit(type, event){Boolean}
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5

Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.

type String

The name of the event.

event Object

The event payload.

Booleantrue if a listener was notified
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6

Use this method to give focus to the Widget if the widget is able to be focused.


Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

type String

The name of the event.

BooleanReturns true if the class supports the input event.

Selects the feature at the next index in relation to the selected feature.

PopupViewModelReturns an instance of the popup's view model.
See also:
on(type, listener){Object}

Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener.


A event type, or an array of event types, to listen for.

listener Function

The function to call when the event is fired.

ObjectReturns an event handler with a remove() method that can be called to stop listening for the event(s).
removeFunctionWhen called, removes the listener from the event.
view.on("click", function(event){
  // event is the event handle returned after the event fires.

Opens the popup at the given location with content defined either explicitly with content or driven from the PopupTemplate of input features. This method sets the popup's visible property to true. Users can alternatively open the popup by directly setting the visible property to true. The popup will only display if the view's size constraints in dockOptions are met or the location property is set to a geometry.

options Object

Defines the location and content of the popup when opened.

title String

Sets the title of the popup.


Sets the the content of the popup.

location Geometry

Sets the popup's location, which is the geometry used to position the popup.

fetchFeatures Boolean
Default Value: false

When true, indicates the popup should fetch the content of this feature and display it. If no PopupTemplate exists, a default template is created for the layer if defaultPopupTemplateEnabled = true. In order for this option to work, there must be a valid view and location set.

features Graphic[]

Sets the popup's features, which populate the title and content of the popup based on each graphic's PopupTemplate.

promises Promise[]

Sets pending promises on the popup. The popup will display once the promises resolve. Each promise must resolve to an array of Graphics.

featureMenuOpen Boolean
Default Value: false

Since: 4.5
This property enables multiple features in a popup to display in a list rather than displaying the first selected feature. Setting this to true allows the user to scroll through the list of features returned from the query and choose the selection they want to display within the popup.

updateLocationEnabled Boolean
Default Value: false

When true indicates the popup should update its location for each paginated feature based on the selected feature's geometry.

collapsed Boolean
Default Value: false

Since: 4.5
When true, indicates that only the popup header will display.

See also:
view.on("click", function(event){{
   location: event.mapPoint,  // location of the click on the view
   title: "You clicked here",  // title displayed in the popup
   content: "This is a point of interest"  // content displayed in the popup
view.on("click", function(event){{
     location: event.mapPoint,  // location of the click on the view
     fetchFeatures: true // display the content for the selected feature if a popupTemplate is defined.
  title: "You clicked here",  // title displayed in the popup
  content: "This is a point of interest",  // content displayed in the popup
  updateLocationEnabled: true  // updates the location of popup based on
  // selected feature's geometry
  features: graphics,  // array of graphics
  featureMenuOpen: true, // selected features initially display in a list

Widget teardown helper. Any handles added to it will be automatically removed when the widget is destroyed.


Handles marked for removal once the widget is destroyed.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Executes after widget is ready for rendering.

Selects the feature at the previous index in relation to the selected feature.

PopupViewModelReturns an instance of the popup's view model.
See also:

This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. It must be implemented by subclasses for rendering.

ObjectThe rendered virtual node.

Renders widget to the DOM immediately.


Positions the popup on the view. Moves the popup into the view's extent if the popup is partially or fully outside the view's extent.

If the popup is partially out of view, the view will move to fully show the popup. If the popup is fully out of view, the view will move to the popup's location.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Schedules widget rendering. This method is useful for changes affecting the UI.


Triggers the trigger-action event and executes the action at the specified index in the actions array.

actionIndex Number

The index of the action to execute.

Event Overview

{action: ActionButtonActionToggle}

Fires after the user clicks on an action or action toggle inside a popup.

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more detailsPopup

Event Details


Fires after the user clicks on an action or action toggle inside a popup. This event may be used to define a custom function to execute when particular actions are clicked. See the example below for details of how this works.


The action clicked by the user. For a description of this object and a specification of its properties, see the actions property of this class.

See also:
// Defines an action to zoom out from the selected feature
var zoomOutAction = {
 // This text is displayed as a tooltip
 title: "Zoom out",
 // The ID used to reference this action in the event handler
 id: "zoom-out",
 // Sets the icon font used to style the action button
 className: "esri-icon-zoom-out-magnifying-glass"
// Adds the custom action to the popup

// Fires each time an action is clicked
view.popup.on("trigger-action", function(event){
  // If the zoom-out action is clicked, than execute the following code
  if( === "zoom-out"){
    // Zoom out two levels (LODs)
      zoom: view.zoom - 2

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