require(["esri/core/Collection"], function(Collection) { /* code goes here */ });
Collection stores an array of items of the same type. It provides useful utility methods for working with items in the Collection, including filter(), find(), and reduce().
A Collection can be of any type. For example, is a collection of graphics that are stored in the GraphicsLayer. You can use the methods found in the Collection class to add, remove, re-order, or manipulate graphics in a GraphicsLayer.
Another example of a Collection is Map.layers, which is a Collection of operational layers included in the Map.
// Removes a layer from the map using Collection.remove();
The change event fires each time an item is added, moved, or removed from the Collection. Since properties of type Collection
cannot be watched, the change event should be used to notify the developer/user of changes made to the collection.
- See also:
- new Collection(properties)
- Parameter:properties Objectoptional
See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.
Property Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class | |
String | The name of the class. more details | more details | Accessor | |
Number | The number of items in the Collection. more details | more details | Collection |
Property Details
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as
- length Number
The number of items in the Collection.
Method Overview
Name | Return Type | Summary | Class | |
Adds a single item to the collection. more details | more details | Collection | ||
Adds multiple items to the collection. more details | more details | Collection | ||
Collection | Creates a deep clone of the Collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Collection | Creates a new Collection containing the items in the original Collection joined with the items in the input array or Collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Boolean | Emits an event on the instance. more details | more details | Collection | |
Boolean | Determines whether all items in the Collection pass a test defined by | more details | Collection | |
Collection | Filters the Collection's items based on a test defined by the | more details | Collection | |
* | Returns an item in the Collection if that item passes a test as defined in the | more details | Collection | |
Number | Returns the index of an item in the Collection if that item passes a test as defined in the | more details | Collection | |
Collection | Flattens a hierarchical Collection containing at least one child collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Executes the input function for each item in the Collection. more details | more details | Collection | ||
* | Returns the item at the specified index. more details | more details | Collection | |
Boolean | Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name. more details | more details | Collection | |
Boolean | Tests if an item is present in the new Collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Number | Returns the index of an element in the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Boolean | Determines whether the passed value is a Collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
String | Creates a string representation of the items in the Collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Number | Returns the last index of an element in the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Collection | Passes each Collection item into the | more details | Collection | |
Object | Creates a subclass of Collection containing a typed object. more details | more details | Collection | |
Object | Registers an event handler on the instance. more details | more details | Collection | |
* | Removes the last item from the collection and returns it. more details | more details | Collection | |
Number | Adds an item(s) to the end of the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
* | Reduces all items in the collection (from left to right) into a single variable using | more details | Collection | |
* | Reduces all items in the collection (from right to left) into a single variable using | more details | Collection | |
Removes an item from the collection. more details | more details | Collection | ||
Removes all items from the collection. more details | more details | Collection | ||
* | Removes an item from the collection at a specified index. more details | more details | Collection | |
* | Removes each item in the input array. more details | more details | Collection | |
* | Moves an item in the Collection to a specified index. more details | more details | Collection | |
Collection | Reverses the collection in place. more details | more details | Collection | |
* | Removes the first item from the collection (at index 0), and returns it. more details | more details | Collection | |
Collection | Creates a new Collection comprised of a portion of the original Collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Boolean | Determines whether an item in the Collection passes a test defined by | more details | Collection | |
Sorts the Collection in place. more details | more details | Collection | ||
Array | Removes existing items and/or adds new items to the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Array | Returns a new array object containing the Collection's items. more details | more details | Collection | |
Number | Adds one or more items to the beginning of the collection. more details | more details | Collection |
Method Details
- add(item, index)
Adds a single item to the collection. The change event is fired after an item is added to the Collection.
Parameters:item *The item to add.
index NumberoptionalZero-based index of where in the collection to add the item. If not specified, the items will be added at the end.
Example:var gpc = new Graphic(); // Creates a new graphic var layer = new GraphicsLayer(); // Creates a new graphics layer; // Adds graphic to layer's graphics collection
- addMany(items, index)
Adds multiple items to the collection. The change event is fired after items are added to the Collection.
Parameters:items Array|CollectionAn array or collection of items to add.
index NumberoptionalZero-based index of where in the collection to add the items. If not specified, the items will be added at the end.
Example:// Creates two new graphics var gpc1 = new Graphic(); var gpc2 = new Graphic(); var layer = new GraphicsLayer(); // Creates a new graphics layer // Adds both graphics to layer's graphics collection[gpc1, gpc2]);
- clone(){Collection}
Creates a deep clone of the Collection. To create a shallow clone of the collection, use slice().
Returns:Type Description Collection A clone of the Collection that invoked this method. - See also:
Example:// slides is a clone of the scene slides var slides = scene.presentation.slides.clone();
- concat(value){Collection}
Creates a new Collection containing the items in the original Collection joined with the items in the input array or Collection.
Parameter:value Array|CollectionThe array or Collection to append to the existing Collection.
Returns:Type Description Collection A new Collection comprised of the items in the Collection that invoked this method combined with the input items. - See also:
Example:// creating a collection of all the basemap's layers. var basemap = map.basemap; var basemapLayers = basemap.baseLayers.concat(basemap.referenceLayers);
- emit(type, event){Boolean}Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5
Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.
Parameters:type StringThe name of the event.
event ObjectoptionalThe event payload.
Returns:Type Description Boolean true
if a listener was notified
- every(callback){Boolean}
Determines whether all items in the Collection pass a test defined by
. Each item in the Collection is passed into the callback until one returns a value offalse
.Parameter:callback ItemTestCallbackThe function to call for each item in the Collection.
Returns:Type Description Boolean Returns true
if every call to thecallback
function returnedtrue
. Returnsfalse
if at least one call to thecallback
.- See also:
Example:var meetsStandardSize =, i){ // Tests each geometry's area to see if it is greater than 1,000 acres return calculateArea(item.geometry) > 1000; });
- filter(callback){Collection}
Filters the Collection's items based on a test defined by the
function. Each item is passed into thecallback
function, which returnstrue
if the item passes the test andfalse
if it does not.Parameter:callback ItemTestCallbackThe function that defines a test for determining whether to return the item in a new Collection.
Returns:Type Description Collection Returns a new Collection containing the items that passed the filter test. - See also:
Example:// filteredLayers is a Collection of all the non-visible layers in the map var filteredLayers = map.layers.filter(function(layer){ return !layer.visible; });
- find(callback){*}
Returns an item in the Collection if that item passes a test as defined in the
function. Each item is passed into thecallback
function, which returnstrue
if the item passes the test andfalse
if it does not.Parameter:callback ItemTestCallbackThe testing function that will assess each item in the Collection. Returns
if an item passes the test andfalse
if it fails.Returns:Type Description * The first item in the Collection that satisfies the test function. - See also:
Example:// If the id of a map layer is already known, get the layer that matches the id var myLayer = map.layers.find(function(layer){ return === "speciesLyr01"; }); // myLayer references the layer in map with ID "speciesLyr01"
- findIndex(callback){Number}
Returns the index of an item in the Collection if that item passes a test as defined in the
function. Each item is passed into thecallback
function, which returnstrue
if the item passes the test andfalse
if it does not.Parameter:callback ItemTestCallbackThe testing function that will assess each item in the Collection. Returns
if an item passes the test andfalse
if it fails.Returns:Type Description Number Returns the index of the Collection item that satsifies the test function. If an item fails the test, -1
is returned.- See also:
Example:// gpcIndex is assigned the index of the first graphic whose name // property is 'Redlands'. This result can be used in getItemAt() var gpcIndex ={ return === "Redlands"; });
- flatten(callback){Collection}
Flattens a hierarchical Collection containing at least one child collection. Each item in the collection is passed into the
function, which should check for child collections specified by the developer. A flat collection of all items (parent and children) is returned.This is useful for scenarios where the user would like to search all the layers in a map, including a GroupLayer's layers and a MapImageLayer's sublayers. The callback should return the sub-collection of the item. If multiple levels of collections exist in the hierarchy, then this method recursively executes for all sub-collections.
Parameter:callback ItemCallbackA function that will assess each item in the Collection.
Returns:Type Description Collection Returns a flat collection of all items in the original collection and their children. Example:// create a MapImageLayer with several sublayers and add to a map // containing another GraphicsLayer var layer = new MapImageLayer({ sublayers: [ ... ] }); var map = new Map({ layers: [ layer, new GraphicsLayer() ] }); // A flat collection of all layers and sublayers // (if layer is a MapImageLayer) in the map. // This collection may be searched or used for other purposes var allLayersAndSublayers = map.layers.flatten(function(item){ return item.layers || item.sublayers; });
- forEach(callback)
Executes the input function for each item in the Collection.
Parameter:callback ItemCallbackThe function to call for each item in the Collection.
- See also:, i){ // Do something here to each graphic like calculate area of its geometry calculateArea(item.geometry); });
- getItemAt(index){*}
Returns the item at the specified index.
Parameter:index NumberZero-based index of the item in the Collection to retrieve.
Returns:Type Description * The item in the Collection stored at the specified index. Example:// Assigns the base layer at index 0 to baseLayer var baseLayer = map.basemap.baseLayers.getItemAt(0);
- hasEventListener(type){Boolean}
Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.
Parameter:type StringThe name of the event.
Returns:Type Description Boolean Returns true if the class supports the input event.
- includes(searchElement){Boolean}
Tests if an item is present in the new Collection.
Parameter:searchElement *The item to search for in the collection.
Returns:Type Description Boolean true
if the item is in the collection.- See also:
Example:// check if a layer is in the map's operational layers. if ( { // ... }
- indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex){Number}
Returns the index of an element in the collection.
Parameters:searchElement *Item to search for in the collection.
fromIndex NumberoptionalUse if you don't want to search the whole collection or you don't want to search from the start.
Returns:Type Description Number The location of the first match found in the collection, or -1 if there is no match. - See also:
Example:// index is the index of the first graphic in the // graphics layer that matches the input graphic var index =;
Determines whether the passed value is a Collection.
Parameter:value *The value to be checked.
Returns:Type Description Boolean true if the test passes, false otherwise.
- join(separator){String}
Creates a string representation of the items in the Collection.
Parameter:separator StringoptionalDefault Value: ,The separator used between each item in the final string.
Returns:Type Description String The string representation of the items. - See also:
Example:var stringCollection = new Collection(["how", "are", "you", "doing?"]); var phrase = stringCollection.join(" "); // Prints "how are you doing?" console.log(phrase);
- lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex){Number}
Returns the last index of an element in the collection.
Parameters:searchElement *Item to search for in the collection.
fromIndex NumberoptionalUse if you don't want to search the whole collection, or you don't want to search from the end.
Returns:Type Description Number The location of the last match found in the collection, or -1 if there is no match. - See also:
Example:// index is the index of the first graphic in the // graphics layer that matches the input graphic var index =;
- map(callback){Collection}
Passes each Collection item into the
function and returns a new array of the returned values. For example, if you have a Collection of numbers and would like to add each number by 10, you can usemap()
to create a new Collection with the same numbers incremented by 10.Parameter:callback ItemMapCallbackThe function that processes each item in the Collection and returns a new value at the same index of the original item.
Returns:Type Description Collection Returns a new collection containing the new items generated from the callback
.- See also:
Example:// Gets the geometries of the graphics and assigns them to a new Collection var geoms =, i){ return item.geometry; });
Creates a subclass of Collection containing a typed object.
Parameter:type ObjectThe type to assign the Collection.
Returns:Type Description Object The typed collection. Example:require(["esri/core/Collection", "esri/geometry/Point"], function(Collection, Point){ var PointCollection = Collection.ofType(Point); var collection = new PointCollection(); collection.add([-100,40]); var point = collection.getItemAt(0); // point.x = -100; point.y = 40 });
- on(type, listener){Object}
Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener.
Parameters:A event type, or an array of event types, to listen for.
listener FunctionThe function to call when the event is fired.
Returns:Type Description Object Returns an event handler with a remove()
method that can be called to stop listening for the event(s).Property Type Description remove Function When called, removes the listener from the event. Example:view.on("click", function(event){ // event is the event handle returned after the event fires. console.log(event.mapPoint); });
- pop(){*}
Removes the last item from the collection and returns it.
Returns:Type Description * The last item in the collection. - See also:
Example:// Removes the last layer in the map and stores it in lastLayer var lastLayer = map.layers.pop();
- push(item){Number}
Adds an item(s) to the end of the collection.
Parameter:item *An item or comma-separated list of items to add to the end of the collection.
Returns:Type Description Number The new length of the collection. - See also:
Examples:// Adds a new graphic to the end of the graphics collection on a GraphicsLayer;
// Adds three new graphics to the end of the GraphicsLayer's graphics collection, g2, g3);
- reduce(callback){*}
Reduces all items in the collection (from left to right) into a single variable using
.Parameter:callback ItemReduceCallbackThe function that processes each item in the Collection and appends it to the previous item.
Returns:Type Description * Returns the value representing the reduction of the Collection's items. - See also:
- reduceRight(callback, initialValue){*}
Reduces all items in the collection (from right to left) into a single variable using
.Parameters:callback ItemReduceCallbackThe function that processes each item in the Collection and appends it to the previous item.
initialValue *optionalItem to use as the first element to process in
.Returns:Type Description * Returns the value representing the reduction of the Collection's items. - See also:
- remove(item)
Removes an item from the collection. The change event is fired after an item is removed from the Collection.
Parameter:item *The item to remove.
Example:var layer = map.layers.getItemAt(4); // Removes the fifth layer from the map map.layers.remove(layer);
- removeAll()
Removes all items from the collection.
Example:// Removes all layers from the map map.layers.removeAll();
- removeAt(index){*}
Removes an item from the collection at a specified index. The change event is fired after an item is removed from the Collection.
Parameter:index NumberThe index of the item to remove..
Returns:Type Description * The removed item if present in the collection, undefined
otherwise.Example:// Removes the layer at index 4 of the map map.layers.removeAt(4);
- removeMany(items){*}
Removes each item in the input array. If an item is present multiple times in the collection, only the first occurrence is removed. The change event is fired after an item is removed from the Collection.
Parameter:items Array|CollectionThe items to remove.
Returns:Type Description * The removed items present in the collection. Example:var refLayers = [refLyr1, refLyr2, refLyr3]; // Removes three reference layers in the refLayers // collection from the basemap's referenceLayers map.basemap.referenceLayers.removeMany(refLayers);
- reorder(item, index){*}
Moves an item in the Collection to a specified index. The change event is fired after an item is moved in the Collection.
Parameters:item *The item to move.
index NumberThe index to move the item to.
Returns:Type Description * The item that was moved. undefined
is not in the collectionExample:// Get the first two layers in a map var layer1 = map.layers.getItemAt(0); var layer2 = map.layers.getItemAt(1); // Moves the second layer to the first position in the map.layers Collection // effectively swapping the positions of layer1 and layer2 map.layers.reorder(layer2, 0);
- reverse(){Collection}
Reverses the collection in place.
Returns:Type Description Collection The reversed collection. - See also:
Example:// Reverse layers from the map map.layers.reverse();
- shift(){*}
Removes the first item from the collection (at index 0), and returns it. The remaining items of the collection are then shifted down one index from their previous location.
Returns:Type Description * The first item in the collection. - See also:
Example:// Removes the first layer in the map and stores it in firstLyr var firstLyr = map.layers.shift();
- slice(begin, end){Collection}
Creates a new Collection comprised of a portion of the original Collection.
Parameters:begin NumberoptionalThe index of the first item to extract.
end NumberoptionalThe index of the last item to extract.
Returns:Type Description Collection Returns a new Collection containing the items in the specified range. - See also:
Example:// get the graphics from index 50 to 100; var selection =, 100);
- some(callback){Boolean}
Determines whether an item in the Collection passes a test defined by
. Each item in the Collection is passed into the callback until one returns a value oftrue
.Parameter:callback ItemCallbackThe function that defines the test for each Collection item.
Returns:Type Description Boolean Returns true
if any of the items in the Collection pass the test defined incallback
. Returnsfalse
if all items fail the test.- See also:
Example:// If at least one of the point graphics has a geometry whose // elevation is above 1000m, then passes will have a value of true. // Otherwise, it will be false. var passes =, i){ return item.geometry.z > 1000; });
- sort(compareFunction)
Sorts the Collection in place.
Parameter:compareFunction ItemCompareCallbackoptionalThe function that defines a comparison of two items in the collection.
- See also:
Example:// Sort graphics based on their elevation or z-value var sortedGraphics =, b){ if(a.geometry.z > b.geometry.z){ return 1; } else if (a.geometry.z < b.geometry.z){ return -1; } else { return 0; } });
- splice(start, deleteCount, items){Array}
Removes existing items and/or adds new items to the collection.
Parameters:start NumberIndex at which to start changing the collection.
deleteCount NumberIndicates the number of collection items to remove. If
is used then no elements are removed and at least one new item should be added in theitems
parameter.items *The item or comma-separated list of items to add to the collection.
Returns:Type Description Array An array of the deleted items formerly part of the collection. - See also:
Examples:// map.layers is a collection of 6 layers // Adds a seventh layer to the map at index 3 map.layers.splice(3, 0, layer7);
// Removes two layers starting from index 2 and adds the // specified layers in the positions of the former layers var oldLyrs = map.layers.splice(2, 2, layer8, layer9, layer10); // oldLyrs = [layer2, layer3]
- toArray(){Array}
Returns a new array object containing the Collection's items.
Returns:Type Description Array An array containing the Collection's items. Example:// Creates an array populated with the map's layers var mapLyrsArray = map.layers.toArray();
- unshift(items){Number}
Adds one or more items to the beginning of the collection.
Parameter:items *The item(s) to add to the beginning of the collection.
Returns:Type Description Number The new length of the collection. - See also:
Example:// If a map's basemap has 3 baseLayers: baseLyr0, baseLyr1, baseLyr2 map.basemap.baseLayers.unshift(baseLyr3); // Now the baseLayers collection is: baseLyr3, baseLyr0, baseLyr1, baseLyr2
Type Definitions
- ItemCallback(item, index)
The function that is called for each Collection item.
Parameters:item *The current item being assessed in the collection.
index NumberThe index of the item being assessed.
- ItemCompareCallback(firstItem, secondItem){Number}
The function that defines a comparison.
Parameters:firstItem *the first item in the comparison.
secondItem *the second item in the comparison.
Returns:Type Description Number -1 if firstItem is smaller than secondItem, 1 if it is larger, and 0 if both are equal.
- ItemMapCallback(item, index){*}
The function that defines a mapping and is called for each Collection item.
Parameters:item *The current item being assessed in the collection.
index NumberThe index of the item being assessed.
Returns:Type Description * the new value that replaces item.
- ItemReduceCallback(previousValue, currentValue, index){*}
The function that defines a reducer.
Parameters:previousValue *The item previously reduced value.
currentValue *The current item being assessed in the collection.
index NumberThe index of the item being assessed.
Returns:Type Description * the value to be passed to the next reducer.
- ItemTestCallback(item, index){Boolean}
The function that defines a test and is called for each Collection item.
Parameters:item *The current item being assessed in the collection.
index NumberThe index of the item being assessed.
Returns:Type Description Boolean true if the test passes, false otherwise.
Event Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class | |
{item: *} | Fires after an item has been added to the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
Fires after an item has been added, reordered or removed from the collection. more details | more details | Collection | ||
{item: *} | Fires after an item has been removed from the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
{cancellable: Boolean,defaultPrevented: Boolean,item: *,preventDefault: Function} | Fires before an item is added to the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
{cancellable: Boolean,defaultPrevented: Boolean,item: *,preventDefault: Function} | Fires before any modifications are performed on the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
{cancellable: Boolean,defaultPrevented: Boolean,item: *,preventDefault: Function} | Fires before an item has been removed from the collection. more details | more details | Collection | |
{added: Array,moved: Array,removed: Array} | Fires after an item has been added, reordered, or removed from the Collection. more details | more details | Collection |
Event Details
- after-add
Fires after an item has been added to the collection.
- Property:
- item *
The item added to the collection.
Example:// indicates a layer has been added to the map map.layers.on("after-add", function(event){ console.log(event.item, " has been added to the map."); });
- after-changes
Fires after an item has been added, reordered or removed from the collection.
Example:map.layers.on("after-changes", function(event){ console.log(event, " layer was added/removed from the map."); });
- after-remove
Fires after an item has been removed from the collection.
- Property:
- item *
The item to remove from the collection.
Example:// indicates a layer has been removed from the map map.layers.on("after-remove", function(event){ console.log(event.item, " has been removed from the map."); });
- before-add
Fires before an item is added to the collection. This event can be used to prevent an item from being added to the collection by cancelling it with the
method.- Properties:
- cancellable Boolean
Indicates if the change event can be cancelled.
defaultPrevented BooleanIndicates if this event has previously been cancelled by another event handler.
item *The item to add to the collection.
preventDefault FunctionA method that prevents the item from being added to the collection.
Example:// prevents a layer from being added to the map more than once. map.layers.on("before-add", function(event){ if(map.layers.includes(event.item){ event.preventDefault(); console.log("layer already exists in map."); } });
- before-changes
Fires before any modifications are performed on the collection. This event can be used to prevent an item from being added or removed from the collection by cancelling it with the
method.- Properties:
- cancellable Boolean
Indicates if the change event can be cancelled.
defaultPrevented BooleanIndicates if this event has previously been cancelled by another event handler.
item *The item to add or remove from the collection.
preventDefault FunctionA method that prevents the item from being added or removed from the collection.
Example:map.layers.on("before-changes", function(event){ // prevents layers from being added/removed from the map event.preventDefault(); });
- before-remove
Fires before an item has been removed from the collection. This event can be used to prevent an item from being removed from the collection by cancelling it with the
method.- Properties:
- cancellable Boolean
Indicates if the change event can be cancelled.
defaultPrevented BooleanIndicates if this event has previously been cancelled by another event handler.
item *The item to remove from the collection.
preventDefault FunctionA method that prevents the item from being removed from the collection.
Example:// prevents a layer from being removed from the basemap map.basemap.baseLayers.on("before-remove", function(event){ if(map.basemap.baseLayers.includes(event.item)){ event.preventDefault(); console.log("layer cannot be removed from basemap."); } });
- change
Fires after an item has been added, reordered, or removed from the Collection. Using methods of other classes that affect properties of type Collection will also cause this event to fire, such as Map.add(), Map.remove(), Map.reorder().
For example,
which uses Map.add() to add a new layer to themap.layers
collection will cause this event to fire.Properties of type
cannot be watched. The change event should be used to notify the developer/user of changes to the collection.- Properties:
- added Array
An array of items added to the collection using either add() or addMany().
moved ArrayAn array of items that moved in the collection using reorder().
removed ArrayAn array of items removed from the collection using either remove(), removeMany(), removeAt(), or removeAll().
Example:// This function will fire each time a layer is either added, // moved, or removed from the map.layers Collection map.layers.on("change", function(event){ var newLayers = event.added; // An array of layers added to the map.layers Collection var reorderedLayers = event.moved; // An array of layers moved in the Collection var removedLayers = event.removed; // An array of layers removed from map });