
require(["esri/tasks/support/ServiceAreaParameters"], function(ServiceAreaParameters) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/tasks/support/ServiceAreaParameters
Inheritance: ServiceAreaParameters Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0

Input parameters for ServiceAreaTask.

ServiceAreaParameters, and other service area related classes, requires a service area layer. A service area layer is a layer of type esriNAServerServiceAreaLayer.

See also:


new ServiceAreaParameters(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The list of network attribute names to be accumulated with the analysis (i.e.

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A set of attribute parameter values that can be parameterized to determine which network elements can be used by a vehicle.

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The name of the class.

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An array of numbers defining the breaks.

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When true, restricted network elements should be considered when finding network locations.

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An array of network source names to NOT use when generating polygons.

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The set of facilities loaded as network locations during analysis.

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The network attribute name used as the impedance attribute in analysis.

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If true, similar ranges will be merged in the resulting polygons.

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The precision of the output geometry after generalization.

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The units of the output geometry precision.

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The type of output lines to be generated in the result.

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The type of output polygons to be generated in the result.

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The well-known ID of the spatial reference for the geometries returned with the analysis results.

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Indicates if the lines should overlap from multiple facilities.

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Indicates if the polygons should overlap from multiple facilities.

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The set of point barriers loaded as network locations during analysis.

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The set of polygon barriers loaded as network locations during analysis.

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The set of polyline barriers loaded as network locations during analysis.

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The list of network attribute names to be used as restrictions with the analysis.

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Specifies how U-turns should be handled.

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If true, facilities will be returned with the analysis results.

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If true, point barriers will be returned in the pointBarriers property of the analysis results.

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If true, polygon barriers will be returned in the polygonBarriers property of the analysis results.

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If true, polyline barriers will be returned in the polylineBarriers property of the analysis results.

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If true, lines will be split at breaks.

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If true, polygons will be split at breaks.

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Local date and time at the facility.

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Options for traveling to or from the facility.

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Travel modes define how a pedestrian, car, truck or other medium of transportation moves through the street network.

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If true, the outermost polygon (at the maximum break value) will be trimmed.

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If polygons are being trimmed, provides the distance to trim.

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If polygons are being trimmed, specifies the units of trimPolygonDistance.

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When true, the hierarchy attributes for the network will be used in the analysis.

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Property Details

accumulateAttributes String[]

The list of network attribute names to be accumulated with the analysis (i.e. which attributes should be returned as part of the response). The default is as defined in the specific routing network layer used in your RouteTask. You can specify any attributes names listed in the Service Directory under Network Dataset > Network Attributes as Usage Type: esriNAUTCost.

attributeParameterValues Object[]

A set of attribute parameter values that can be parameterized to determine which network elements can be used by a vehicle. The parameter holding a vehicle characteristic is compared to a value coming from a descriptor attribute to determine whether or not a network element is traversable. For example, a parameterized restriction attribute can compare the height of your vehicle with a descriptor attribute that holds the clearance under overpasses through tunnels. If the vehicle's height is greater than the clearance, the edge is restricted.

Parameterized cost attributes that reference other cost attributes and scale them, can also be used. This is useful when inclement weather like ice, fog or heavy rain, descends on the study area and hinders normal flow of traffic. By having a parameter already outfitted on a cost attribute, travel-time expectations and traversable network paths can be adjusted with respect to changes in traffic speeds.

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

defaultBreaks Number[]

An array of numbers defining the breaks. The default value is defined in the network analysis layer.

doNotLocateOnRestrictedElements Boolean

When true, restricted network elements should be considered when finding network locations.

excludeSourcesFromPolygons String[]

An array of network source names to NOT use when generating polygons. This property specifies if certain network sources should be excluded from the service area polygon generation. A service area on a multi-modal network where only one mode is being used to compute the service area would get a more appropriate shape if other modes are excluded from the polygons.

The set of facilities loaded as network locations during analysis. At ArcGIS Server 10.1, an optional url property was added. Use this property to specify a REST query request to a Feature, Map or GP Service that returns a JSON feature set. The url property can be specified using DataFile. Note that either the features or url property should be specified.

impedanceAttribute String

The network attribute name used as the impedance attribute in analysis. The default is as defined in the routing network layer used in your RouteTask. You can specify any attribute names listed in the Service Directory under Network Dataset > Network Attributes as Usage Type: esriNAUTCost. You can also specify a value of none to indicate that no network attributes should be used for impedance. If you specify an empty string, it will use the default of the service.

For example, set impedanceAttribute = 'Time' for quickest route and impedanceAttribute = 'Length' for shortest drive, assuming the service has those two esriNAUTCost attributes.

View the Understanding the network attribute ArcGIS desktop help topic for more details.

mergeSimilarPolygonRanges Boolean

If true, similar ranges will be merged in the resulting polygons.

Default Value:false
outputGeometryPrecision Number

The precision of the output geometry after generalization. If 0, no generalization of output geometry is performed. If present and positive, it represents the MaximumAllowableOffset parameter and generalization is performed according to IPolycurve.Generalize.

outputGeometryPrecisionUnits String

The units of the output geometry precision.

Possible Values:"centimeters"|"decimal-degrees"|"decimeters"|"feet"|"inches"|"kilometers"|"meters"|"miles"|"millimeters"|"nautical-miles"|"points"|"yards"

outputLines String

The type of output lines to be generated in the result. The default is defined in the specific routing network layer used in your ServiceAreaTask.

Possible ValueDescription
noneNo lines are returned
straightOnly returns straight lines
true-shapeReturn the true shape of the lines
true-shape-with-measureReturn the true shape of the lines with their measurements

Possible Values:"none"|"straight"|"true-shape"|"true-shape-with-measure"

outputPolygons String

The type of output polygons to be generated in the result. The default is as defined in the specific routing network layer used in your ServiceAreaTask.

Possible Values:"none"|"simplified"|"detailed"

outSpatialReference SpatialReference

The well-known ID of the spatial reference for the geometries returned with the analysis results. If outSpatialReference is not specified, the geometries are returned in the spatial reference of the view.

overlapLines Boolean

Indicates if the lines should overlap from multiple facilities. The default is defined by the network analysis layer in your ServiceAreaTask.

Default Value:false
overlapPolygons Boolean

Indicates if the polygons should overlap from multiple facilities. The default is defined by the network analysis layer in your ServiceAreaTask.

Default Value:false
pointBarriers DataLayer|FeatureSet

The set of point barriers loaded as network locations during analysis. At ArcGIS Server 10.1, an optional url property was added. Use this property to specify a REST query request to a Feature, Map or GP Service that returns a JSON feature set. The url property can be specified using DataFile. Note that either the features or url property should be specified.

polygonBarriers DataLayer|FeatureSet

The set of polygon barriers loaded as network locations during analysis. At ArcGIS Server 10.1, an optional url property was added. Use this property to specify a REST query request to a Feature, Map or GP Service that returns a JSON feature set. The url property can be specified using DataFile. Note that either the features or url property should be specified.

polylineBarriers DataLayer|FeatureSet

The set of polyline barriers loaded as network locations during analysis. At ArcGIS Server 10.1, an optional url property was added. Use this property to specify a REST query request to a Feature, Map or GP Service that returns a JSON feature set. The url property can be specified using DataFile. Note that either the features or url property should be specified.

restrictionAttributes String[]

The list of network attribute names to be used as restrictions with the analysis. The default is as defined in the specific routing network layer used in your RouteTask. You can specify any attributes names listed in the Service Directory under Network Dataset > Network Attributes as Usage Type: esriNAUTCost.

restrictUTurns String

Specifies how U-turns should be handled. The default is defined in the routing network layer used in your RouteTask.

Possible ValueDescription
allow-backtrackAllows U-turns on everywhere
at-dead-ends-onlyOnly allows U-turns at dead ends
no-backtrackRestricts U-turns everywhere
at-dead-ends-and-intersectionsOnly allows U-turns at dead ends and intersections

Possible Values:"allow-backtrack"|"at-dead-ends-only"|"no-backtrack"|"at-dead-ends-and-intersections"

returnFacilities Boolean

If true, facilities will be returned with the analysis results.

Default Value:false
returnPointBarriers Boolean

If true, point barriers will be returned in the pointBarriers property of the analysis results.

Default Value:false
returnPolygonBarriers Boolean

If true, polygon barriers will be returned in the polygonBarriers property of the analysis results.

Default Value:false
returnPolylineBarriers Boolean

If true, polyline barriers will be returned in the polylineBarriers property of the analysis results.

Default Value:false
splitLinesAtBreaks Boolean

If true, lines will be split at breaks.

Default Value:false
splitPolygonsAtBreaks Boolean

If true, polygons will be split at breaks.

Default Value:false
timeOfDay Date

Local date and time at the facility. If travelDirection = "to-facility", the timeOfDay value specifies arrival time at the facility. if travelDirection = "from-facility", timeOfDay specifies departure time from the facility. Requires ArcGIS Server service version 10.1 or greater.

travelDirection String

Options for traveling to or from the facility. Default values are defined by the network layer.

Possible ValueDescription
from-facilitySets travel direction from the facility
to-facilitySets travel direction to the facility

Possible Values:"from-facility"|"to-facility"

travelMode String

Travel modes define how a pedestrian, car, truck or other medium of transportation moves through the street network.

See also:
trimOuterPolygon Boolean

If true, the outermost polygon (at the maximum break value) will be trimmed. The default is defined in the network analysis layer in your ServiceAreaTask.

Default Value:false
trimPolygonDistance Number

If polygons are being trimmed, provides the distance to trim. The default value is defined in the network analysis layer.

trimPolygonDistanceUnits String

If polygons are being trimmed, specifies the units of trimPolygonDistance. The default is defined in the network analysis layer.

Possible Values:"centimeters"|"decimal-degrees"|"decimeters"|"feet"|"inches"|"kilometers"|"meters"|"miles"|"millimeters"|"nautical-miles"|"points"|"yards"

useHierarchy Boolean

When true, the hierarchy attributes for the network will be used in the analysis. The default value is defined in the network layer. useHierarchy cannot be used in conjunction with outputLines. Requires an ArcGIS Server service version 10.1 or greater.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform.

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Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation.

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Method Details


Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. The object passed into the input json parameter often comes from a response to a query operation in the REST API or a toJSON() method from another ArcGIS product. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for details and examples of when and how to use this function.

json Object

A JSON representation of the instance in the ArcGIS format. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for examples of the structure of various input JSON objects.

*Returns a new instance of this class.

Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for more information.

ObjectThe ArcGIS portal JSON representation of an instance of this class.

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