require(["esri/portal/Portal"], function(Portal) { /* code goes here */ });
The Portal class is part of the ArcGIS Enterprise portal that provides a way to build applications that work with content from ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. ArcGIS Enterprise is software from Esri that customers can deploy either on-premises or in the cloud. ArcGIS Online is Esri's Software as a Service offering that represents GIS as a Service and is implemented using the same technology as ArcGIS Enterprise.
The Portal API allows application developers to work with users, groups and content hosted within ArcGIS Online or within an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. The API allows developers to build web, mobile, and desktop applications that support sharing and collaboration using web maps. Organizational developers can also use the API to build custom applications for their users.
The Portal class provides a view of the portal as seen by the current user, anonymous or logged in. It includes information such as the name, logo, featured items and supported protocols (http vs https) for this portal. If the user is not logged in, this call will return the default view of the portal. If the user is logged in, the view of the portal returned will be specific to the organization that the user belongs to. The default view of the portal is dependent on the culture of the user that is obtained from the users profile.
If no url is set before loading the Portal, the API defaults to that of esriConfig.portalUrl. There may be scenarios when more than one portal instance are needed. In these circumstances, there are a couple of different options to take into account.
- Set a new Portal instance within the PortalItem and set the portal's url.
portalItem: {
id: "e691172598f04ea8881cd2a4adaa45ba",
// autocastable to Portal
portal: {
url: "https://thePortalUrl"
- Create separate portal instances before passing them into the PortalItem's portal property.
let portalA = new Portal({
url: "https://www.exampleA.com/arcgis" // First instance
let portalB = new Portal({
url: "https://www.exampleB.com/arcgis" // Second instance
let item = new PortalItem({
id: "e691172598f04ea8881cd2a4adaa45ba",
portal: portalA // This loads the first portal instance set above
The when() method on the Portal instance can be called to execute processes that may only run after the Portal is loaded.
// load the Portal and PortalQueryParams modules
], function(Portal, PortalQueryParams) {
portal = new Portal();
// Setting authMode to immediate signs the user in once loaded
portal.authMode = "immediate";
// Once portal is loaded, user signed in
portal.load().then(function() {
// Create query parameters for the portal search
// This object autocasts as new PortalQueryParams()
var queryParams = {
query: "owner:" + portal.user.username,
sortField: "numViews",
sortOrder: "desc",
num: 20
// Query the items based on the queryParams created from portal above
- new Portal(properties)
- Parameter:properties Objectoptional
See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.
Property Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class | |
String | The access level of the organization. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | When | more details | Portal | |
String | The authentication mode for handling authentication when the user attempts to access a secure resource. more details | more details | Portal | |
String[] | Array of trusted servers to send credentials to when making Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests to access services secured with web-tier authentication. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that defines the basemaps that should be displayed in the BasemapGallery when useVectorBasemaps is not true. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The Bing key to use for web maps using Bing Maps. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether an organization can list applications in the marketplace. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether an organization can list data services in the marketplace. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether an organization can list pre-provisioned items in the marketplace. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether an organization can provision direct purchases in the marketplace without customer request. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | When | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | The Bing key can be shared to the public and is returned as part of a portal's description call ( | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | When | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether to allow an organization with an enterprise IDP configured to be able to turn on or off the ArcGIS sign in. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether to allow an organization with an enterprise IDP configured to be able to turn on or off the enterprise sign in. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that identifies the group containing the color sets used for rendering in the map viewer. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether to allow the organization to disable commenting. more details | more details | Portal | |
Date | Date the organization was created. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The default locale (language and country) information. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The custom base URL for the portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The name of the class. more details | more details | Accessor | |
Basemap | The default basemap to use for the portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
Extent | The default extent to use for the portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
Basemap | The default vector basemap to use for the portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | A description of the organization/portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Boolean value indicating whether to opt-in to the Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) program. more details | more details | Portal | |
Object[] | The featured groups for the portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that defines the featured group. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that identifies the group containing features items for the gallery. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether the organization has content categories. more details | more details | Portal | |
Object | Helper services provided by the portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The group that contains featured content to be displayed on the home page. more details | more details | Portal | |
Number | The number of featured items that can be displayed on the home page. more details | more details | Portal | |
Number | The port used by the portal for HTTP communication. more details | more details | Portal | |
Number | The port used by the portal for HTTPS communication. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The id of the organization that owns this portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The country code of the calling IP (ArcGIS Online only). more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether the portal is an organization. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates if the portal is on-premises. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates if the portal is in read-only mode. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that identifies the group containing editing templates. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether the portal's resources have loaded. more details | more details | Portal | |
Error | The Error object returned if an error occurred while loading. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | Represents the status of a load operation. more details | more details | Portal | |
Object[] | A list of warnings which occurred while loading. more details | more details | Portal | |
Number | The maximum validity in minutes of tokens issued for users of the organization. more details | more details | Portal | |
Date | Date the organization was last modified. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | Name of the organization. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | URL of the portal host. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The portal mode. more details | more details | Portal | |
Object | Properties specific to the organization, for example the "contact us" link. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The region for the organization. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The REST URL for the portal, for example "https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest" for ArcGIS Online and "https://www.example.com/arcgis/sharing/rest" for your in-house portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
Object[] | Custom HTML for the home page. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether the description of your organization displays on the home page. more details | more details | Portal | |
Object | The JSON used to create the property values when the | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | Indicates whether hosted services are supported. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that defines the symbols sets. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that defines the collection of templates that will appear in the template gallery. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The URL to the thumbnail of the organization. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | Sets the units of measure for the organization's users. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The URL to the portal instance. more details | more details | Portal | |
String | The prefix selected by the organization's administrator to be used with the customBaseURL. more details | more details | Portal | |
PortalUser | Information representing a registered user of the portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | When | more details | Portal | |
Boolean | When | more details | Portal | |
String | The query that defines the vector tiles basemaps that should be displayed in the BasemapGallery when useVectorBasemaps is true. more details | more details | Portal |
Property Details
- access String
The access level of the organization. When public, anonymous users can access the organization. When private, access is restricted to only members of the organization.
Possible Values:"public"|"private"
- allSSL Boolean
, access to the organization's Portal resources must occur over SSL.
- authMode String
The authentication mode for handling authentication when the user attempts to access a secure resource.
Possible Value Description anonymous An error will be returned when a secure resource is requested. auto The user will be signed in when a secure resource is requested. immediate The user will be signed in when the Portal is loaded. Possible Values:"anonymous"|"auto"|"immediate"
- Default Value:auto
Array of trusted servers to send credentials to when making Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests to access services secured with web-tier authentication.
- basemapGalleryGroupQuery StringSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4
The query that defines the basemaps that should be displayed in the BasemapGallery when useVectorBasemaps is not true. The fetchBasemaps() method does this automatically.
- bingKey String
The Bing key to use for web maps using Bing Maps.
- canListApps Boolean
Indicates whether an organization can list applications in the marketplace.
- canListData Boolean
Indicates whether an organization can list data services in the marketplace.
- canListPreProvisionedItems Boolean
Indicates whether an organization can list pre-provisioned items in the marketplace.
- canProvisionDirectPurchase Boolean
Indicates whether an organization can provision direct purchases in the marketplace without customer request.
- canSearchPublic Boolean
, the organization's public items, groups and users are included in search queries. Whenfalse
, no public items outside of the organization are included. However, public items which are part of the organization are included.- Default Value:true
The Bing key can be shared to the public and is returned as part of a portal's description call (
). This requires the access of the portal to be set to public. The canShareBingPublic property is not returned publicly but only shown to users within the organization.- Default Value:false
, members of the organization can share resources outside the organization.- Default Value:false
- canSignInArcGIS Boolean
Indicates whether to allow an organization with an enterprise IDP configured to be able to turn on or off the ArcGIS sign in.
- Default Value:false
- canSignInIDP Boolean
Indicates whether to allow an organization with an enterprise IDP configured to be able to turn on or off the enterprise sign in.
- Default Value:false
- colorSetsGroupQuery String
The query that identifies the group containing the color sets used for rendering in the map viewer.
- commentsEnabled Boolean
Indicates whether to allow the organization to disable commenting. When commentsEnabled is false, comments are hidden and not removed. numComments are set to zero for all items in the organization. Calls to add a comment and view comments will fail. If the organization re-enables comments, the comments display and numComments are restored.
- Default Value:false
- created Date
Date the organization was created.
- culture String
The default locale (language and country) information.
- customBaseUrl String
The custom base URL for the portal.
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as
- defaultBasemap Basemap
The default basemap to use for the portal. Used in the map viewer.
- defaultExtent Extent
The default extent to use for the portal. Used in the map viewer. The extent will be in the default basemap's spatial reference.
- defaultVectorBasemap BasemapSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4
The default vector basemap to use for the portal. Used in the map viewer.
- description String
A description of the organization/portal.
- eueiEnabled BooleanSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
Boolean value indicating whether to opt-in to the Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) program.
- Default Value:false
The featured groups for the portal. Returns an array of objects that provide access to the owner and title for each featured group. Each item in this array has the following specification:
- featuredItemsGroupQuery String
The query that defines the featured group. If null, then the most viewed items in the organization will be the featured items.
- galleryTemplatesGroupQuery String
The query that identifies the group containing features items for the gallery. Set a Group ID or, if null, then the most viewed items in your organization are displayed in the gallery.
- hasCategorySchema BooleanSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8
Indicates whether the organization has content categories.
- Default Value:false
- helperServices ObjectSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4
Helper services provided by the portal. This is useful in instances where helper services are needed but may not be available using the given helper methods createClosestFacilityTask, createElevationLayers, createGeometryService, createPrintTask, createRouteTask, and createServiceAreaTask.
For additional information about helper services, see the about utility services topic from the ArcGIS Server documentation.
- homePageFeaturedContent String
The group that contains featured content to be displayed on the home page.
- homePageFeaturedContentCount Number
The number of featured items that can be displayed on the home page. The max is 100. Accepts integers only.
- httpPort Number
The port used by the portal for HTTP communication.
- httpsPort Number
The port used by the portal for HTTPS communication.
- id String
The id of the organization that owns this portal. If
then this is the default portal for anonymous and non-organizational users.
- ipCntryCode String
The country code of the calling IP (ArcGIS Online only).
- isOrganization Booleanreadonly
Indicates whether the portal is an organization.
- isPortal Boolean
Indicates if the portal is on-premises.
- isReadOnly BooleanSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.14
Indicates if the portal is in read-only mode. When
, content cannot be created, modified, or deleted on the Portal.
- layerTemplatesGroupQuery String
The query that identifies the group containing editing templates.
- loaded Booleanreadonly
Indicates whether the portal's resources have loaded. When
, all the properties of the object can be accessed.- Default Value:false
- loadError Errorreadonly
The Error object returned if an error occurred while loading.
- Default Value:null
- loadStatus Stringreadonly
Represents the status of a load operation.
Value Description not-loaded The object's resources have not loaded. loading The object's resources are currently loading. loaded The object's resources have loaded without errors. failed The object's resources failed to load. See loadError for more details. Possible Values:"not-loaded"|"loading"|"failed"|"loaded"
- Default Value:not-loaded
A list of warnings which occurred while loading.
- maxTokenExpirationMinutes Number
The maximum validity in minutes of tokens issued for users of the organization. -1 is the default and is a special value that indicates infinite timeout or permanent tokens. For tokens granted using OAuth 2.0 authorization grant, it represents the maximum validity of refresh tokens. For access tokens, the maximum validity is the lower of two weeks or this value.
- modified Date
Date the organization was last modified.
- name String
Name of the organization.
- portalHostname String
URL of the portal host.
- portalMode String
The portal mode.
Possible Values:"multitenant"|"singletenant"
- portalProperties Object
Properties specific to the organization, for example the "contact us" link. If the organization is public, the properties are visible to the anonymous user.
- region String
The region for the organization.
- restUrl Stringreadonly
The REST URL for the portal, for example "https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest" for ArcGIS Online and "https://www.example.com/arcgis/sharing/rest" for your in-house portal.
Custom HTML for the home page.
- showHomePageDescription Boolean
Indicates whether the description of your organization displays on the home page.
- sourceJSON ObjectSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.13
The JSON used to create the property values when the
is loaded. Although most commonly used properties are exposed on thePortal
class directly, this provides access to all information returned by the portal. This property is useful if working in an application built using an older version of the API which requires access to portal properties from a more recent version.- See also:
- supportsHostedServices Boolean
Indicates whether hosted services are supported.
- Default Value:false
- symbolSetsGroupQuery String
The query that defines the symbols sets.
- templatesGroupQuery String
The query that defines the collection of templates that will appear in the template gallery.
- thumbnailUrl Stringreadonly
The URL to the thumbnail of the organization.
- units String
Sets the units of measure for the organization's users. The user default is derived from the organization's region.
Possible Values:"english"|"metric"
- url String
The URL to the portal instance. Setting the location of the portal instance via esriConfig.portalUrl should be used in favor of setting it directly on this property.
If using an on-premise portal, the syntax should look similar to:
- Default Value:esriConfig.portalUrl
- urlKey String
The prefix selected by the organization's administrator to be used with the customBaseURL.
- user PortalUser
Information representing a registered user of the portal.
- useStandardizedQuery Boolean
, only simple where clauses that are compliant with SQL92 can be used when querying layers and tables. The recommended security setting is true.
- useVectorBasemaps BooleanSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4
, the organization has opted in to use the vector tile basemaps, and (a) vectorBasemapGalleryGroupQuery should be used instead of basemapGalleryGroupQuery, while (b) defaultVectorBasemap should be used instead of defaultBasemap. The fetchBasemaps() method automatically uses vectorBasemapGalleryGroupQuery.
- vectorBasemapGalleryGroupQuery StringSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4
The query that defines the vector tiles basemaps that should be displayed in the BasemapGallery when useVectorBasemaps is true. The fetchBasemaps() method does this automatically.
Method Overview
Name | Return Type | Summary | Class | |
Cancels a load() operation if it is already in progress. more details | more details | Portal | ||
Promise<ClosestFacilityTask> | A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's ClosestFacilityTask helper service. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<ElevationLayer[]> | A helper function that returns an array of ElevationsLayers derived from the Portal's Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation helper service. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<GeometryService> | A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's GeometryService helper service. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<PrintTask> | A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's PrintTask helper service. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<RouteTask> | A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's RouteTask helper service. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<ServiceAreaTask> | A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's ServiceAreaTask helper service. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<Basemap[]> | Fetches the basemaps that are displayed in the BasemapGallery. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<Object[]> | If present, fetches the organization's category schema. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<PortalGroup[]> | Fetches the featured groups in the Portal. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<Object[]> | Fetches and returns the associated regions with the portal instance. more details | more details | Portal | |
Portal | A new | more details | Portal | |
Boolean |
| more details | Portal | |
Boolean |
| more details | Portal | |
Boolean |
| more details | Portal | |
Promise | Loads the resources referenced by this class. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<PortalQueryResult> | Executes a query against the Portal to return an array of PortalGroup objects that match the input query. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<PortalQueryResult> | Executes a query against the Portal to return an array of PortalItem objects that match the input query. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise<PortalQueryResult> | Executes a query against the Portal to return an array of PortalUser objects that match the input query. more details | more details | Portal | |
Promise |
| more details | Portal |
Method Details
- cancelLoad()
Cancels a load() operation if it is already in progress.
- createClosestFacilityTask(){Promise<ClosestFacilityTask>}Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12
A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's ClosestFacilityTask helper service.
Returns:Type Description Promise<ClosestFacilityTask> When resolved, returns an instance of the ClosestFacilityTask. - See also:
- createElevationLayers(){Promise<ElevationLayer[]>}Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12
A helper function that returns an array of ElevationsLayers derived from the Portal's Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation helper service.
Returns:Type Description Promise<ElevationLayer[]> When resolved, returns an array of ElevationLayers. - See also:
- createGeometryService(){Promise<GeometryService>}Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12
A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's GeometryService helper service.
Returns:Type Description Promise<GeometryService> When resolved, returns an instance of GeometryService. - See also:
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12
A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's PrintTask helper service.
Returns:Type Description Promise<PrintTask> When resolved, returns an instance of PrintTask. - See also:
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12
A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's RouteTask helper service.
Returns:Type Description Promise<RouteTask> When resolved, returns an instance of RouteTask. - See also:
- createServiceAreaTask(){Promise<ServiceAreaTask>}Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12
A helper function that returns an instance of the portal's ServiceAreaTask helper service.
Returns:Type Description Promise<ServiceAreaTask> When resolved, returns an instance of ServiceAreaTask. - See also:
Fetches the basemaps that are displayed in the BasemapGallery. When useVectorBasemaps is
, the basemaps will be based on vectorBasemapGalleryGroupQuery. Otherwise, it is based on basemapGalleryGroupQuery.Parameters:basemapGalleryGroupQuery StringoptionalWhen provided, this argument is used to fetch basemaps based on input query parameters.
options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<Basemap[]> Resolves to an array of Basemap objects representing the basemaps used in the Basemap Gallery of the Portal. Example:portal.fetchBasemaps("title:\"Cloud Creek Basemaps\" AND owner:jsmith") .then(function(basemaps){ // do something with the basemaps });
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8
If present, fetches the organization's category schema.
Parameters:options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<Object[]> Resolves to an array of objects containing the following properties: Property Type Description title string The title of the category schema. categories object[] An array of objects containing a title and an array of categories. Example:// Fetches the category schema portal.fetchCategorySchema().then(function(schemas){ schemas.forEach(function(schema){ console.log("schema: ", schema); }); });
- fetchFeaturedGroups(options){Promise<PortalGroup[]>}
Fetches the featured groups in the Portal.
Parameters:options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<PortalGroup[]> Resolves to an array of PortalGroup objects. Example:// fetch featured groups portal.fetchFeaturedGroups().then(function(groups){ groups.forEach(function(group){ group.fetchMembers().then(function(members){ console.log("member", members); }); }); });
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8
Fetches and returns the associated regions with the portal instance.
Parameters:options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<Object[]> Resolves to an array of objects containing the following properties: Property Type Description localizedName string The localized name for the region. For example, "Australia". name string The name of the region. For example, "Australia". region string Region name. For example, "AU". - See also:
A new
instance is created the first time this method is called. The URL from config.portalUrl is automatically used for this instance. This instance is then cached and used for any subsequent calls to this method.Returns:Type Description Portal The Portal instance.
- isFulfilled(){Boolean}
may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected). If it is fulfilled,true
will be returned.Returns:Type Description Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).
- isRejected(){Boolean}
may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected. If it is rejected,true
will be returned.Returns:Type Description Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been rejected.
- isResolved(){Boolean}
may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved. If it is resolved,true
will be returned.Returns:Type Description Boolean Indicates whether creating an instance of the class has been resolved.
- load(signal){Promise}
Loads the resources referenced by this class. This method automatically executes for a View and all of the resources it references in Map if the view is constructed with a map instance.
This method must be called by the developer when accessing a resource that will not be loaded in a View.
It's possible to provide a
to stop being interested into aLoadable
instance load status. When the signal is aborted, the instance does not stop its loading process, only cancelLoad can abort it.Parameter:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise Resolves when the resources have loaded.
- queryGroups(queryParams, options){Promise<PortalQueryResult>}
Executes a query against the Portal to return an array of PortalGroup objects that match the input query.
Parameters:Autocasts from ObjectThe input query parameters defined in PortalQueryParams.
options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<PortalQueryResult> When resolved, resolves to an instance of PortalQueryResult which contains a results
array of PortalGroup objects representing all the groups that match the input query.- See also:
- queryItems(queryParams, options){Promise<PortalQueryResult>}
Executes a query against the Portal to return an array of PortalItem objects that match the input query.
Parameters:Autocasts from ObjectThe input query parameters defined in PortalQueryParams.
options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<PortalQueryResult> When resolved, resolves to an instance of PortalQueryResult which contains a results
array of PortalItem objects representing all the items that match the input query.- See also:
Example:// Once portal is loaded, user signed in portal.load().then(function() { console.log(portal); // Create query parameters for the portal search // This object autocasts as new PortalQueryParams() var queryParams = { query: "owner:" + portal.user.username, sortField: "numViews", sortOrder: "desc", num: 20 }; // Query the items based on the queryParams created from portal above portal.queryItems(queryParams).then(createGallery); });
- queryUsers(queryParams, options){Promise<PortalQueryResult>}
Executes a query against the Portal to return an array of PortalUser objects that match the input query.
Parameters:Autocasts from ObjectThe input query parameters defined in PortalQueryParams.
options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<PortalQueryResult> When resolved, resolves to an instance of PortalQueryResult which contains a results
array of PortalUser objects representing all the items that match the input query.- See also:
Example:// Once portal is loaded, user signed in portal.load().then(function() { // queryUsers // This object autocasts as new PortalQueryParams() var queryParameters = { query: "username:" + portal.user.username }; portal.queryUsers(queryParameters).then(function(queryResults){ queryResults.results[0].fetchFolders().then(function(folders){ folders.forEach(function(folder){ console.log(" user folder", folder.title); }); }); }); });
- when(callback, errback){Promise}Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6
may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created. This method takes two input parameters: acallback
function and anerrback
function. Thecallback
executes when the instance of the class loads. Theerrback
executes if the instance of the class fails to load.Parameters:callback FunctionoptionalThe function to call when the promise resolves.
errback FunctionoptionalThe function to execute when the promise fails.
Returns:Type Description Promise Returns a new promise for the result of callback
that may be used to chain additional functions.Example:// Although this example uses MapView, any class instance that is a promise may use then() in the same way var view = new MapView(); view.when(function(){ // This function will execute once the promise is resolved }, function(error){ // This function will execute if the promise is rejected due to an error });