require(["esri/views/SceneView"], function(SceneView) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/views/SceneView
Inheritance: SceneView View Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0


A SceneView displays a 3D view of a Map or WebScene instance using WebGL. To render a map and its layers in 2D, see the documentation for MapView. For a general overview of views, see View.

Various scenes

For a map to be visible to the user in the DOM, a SceneView must have both a valid Map instance and a DOM element with a non-zero height and width in which to render. Note that there must be valid data in the map, such as operational layers or a basemap with base layers, before the view will begin rendering the map.

// Create a basic SceneView instance with a basemap and world elevation
var view = new SceneView({
  // An instance of Map or WebScene
  map: new Map({
    basemap: "hybrid"

  // The id of a DOM element (may also be an actual DOM element)
  container: "viewDiv"

Known Limitations

  • The number of features that can be rendered in a SceneView varies depending on the complexity of each feature's geometry and symbol. Layers with a large number of features are dynamically loaded and displayed as you navigate the scene. For optimal performance, the number of displayed features is adjusted based on the complexity of the symbol and device capability. As a result, some features may not be visible in the view.

  • SceneView does not support rendering of Multipoint geometry.

Using the view

A SceneView may not be immediately ready for display after it has been constructed. For example, map data may need to be loaded first to determine the spatialReference of the view, or the DOM container may not yet have a non-zero size. Many of the view methods (such as hitTest or goTo) need the view to be ready before they can be used.

// create a SceneView instance (for 3D viewing)
var view = new SceneView({
  map: new Map({
    basemap: "topo"

  container: "viewDiv"

view.when(function() {
      // SceneView is now ready for display and can be used. Here we will
      // use goTo to view a particular location at a given zoom level, camera
      // heading and tilt.
        center: [-112, 38],
        zoom: 13,
        heading: 30,
        tilt: 60
    .catch(function(err) {
      // A rejected view indicates a fatal error making it unable to display,
      // this usually means that WebGL is not available, or too old.
      console.error("SceneView rejected:", err);

For live examples of view.when(), see the 2D overview map in SceneView and Toggle elevation layer samples.

SceneView navigation

The view can be navigated programmatically via goTo() and the view properties or interactively with mouse, keyboard or touch inputs. SceneView navigation is enabled by defaults, and includes the mouse, keyboard and touch interactions as described in the table below. Touch interactions are working on any touch enabled monitor or laptop screen.

ActionSceneView behavior
Double-clickZoom in at the cursor
Scroll forwardZoom in at the cursor
Scroll backwardZoom out at the center of the view
Right-click+Drag3D-rotate around the center of the view
Arrow KeysNudge the view left, right, up, or down (only supported in global scene)
B + Left-click+Drag3D-rotate around the camera's position
PMove the camera to look perpendicular to the data displayed in the view
NAdjust the SceneView to point north
WTilt camera up
ARotate camera counterclockwise
STilt camera down
DRotate camera clockwise
JMove down, closer to the view (only supported in global scene)
UMove up, higher from the view (only supported in global scene)
Drag with one or multiple fingersPan
Double-tap with one fingerZoom in at the finger position
Two finger pinch in/outZoom out/in
Move two fingers in clockwise or counterclockwise directionRotate
Drag two fingers up or down the screenTilt the scene

To disable SceneView navigation, you must call the stopPropagation() method on the event objects of the pointer or gesture events that trigger the navigation.

See our samples on disabling view navigation for examples.

SceneView navigation with Gamepad and 3DConnexion devices

Gamepad and 3Dconnexion devices, like the SpaceMouse, can be used for navigation when view.navigation.gamepad.enabled is set to true(default). Please see GamepadInputDevice for supported devices.


Gamepad ActionSceneView behavior
Left TriggerDescend
Right TriggerAscend
Left StickPan
Right Stick3D-rotate around the center of the view
Action ImageSpaceMouse ActionSceneView behavior
3DMousePanPush (left/right/forward/backward)Pan
3DMousePanPull upAscend
3DMousePanPush downDescend
3DMousePanRotate clockwiseRotate the view clockwise
3DMousePanRotate counterclockwiseRotate the view counterclockwise
3DMousePanTiltTilt the scene

To disable gamepad navigation, you can set view.navigation.gamepad.enabled to false.

Programmatic navigation

Traditional 2D mapping properties, such as scale, zoom, center and extent do not always work well in 3D. For example, a map's scale is not clear when viewed in the context of a globe. The SceneView therefore supports these properties on a best effort basis, with certain limitations (see the documentation of individual properties for more information).

// Compatibility with 2D viewing properties, such as center and zoom, allows
// convenient transitioning from the familiar use of the 2D MapView to the
// use of the SceneView for 3D viewing.
var view = new SceneView({
  map: new Map({
    basemap: "satellite"

  container: "viewDiv",

  // Sets the center point of the view at a specified lon/lat
  center: [-112, 38],

  // Sets the zoom LOD to 13
  zoom: 13

The nature of 3D viewing includes oblique views, z-values, and rotation, all of which add complexity to defining what is visible in the view. In contrast to 2D MapView, which are primarily defined by an extent, or center and scale, the primary view specification of the SceneView is a Camera instance. The camera is defined by a 3D position, heading and tilt. See the documentation of Camera for more details.

Because some view properties overlap (e.g. center and camera), there is a set priority in which these properties are applied during construction of the view (until the view becomes ready). The following table describes which properties have priority during view construction (properties that are overridden will have no effect during construction).

cameraviewpoint, extent, center, scale, zoom
viewpointextent, center, scale, zoom
extentcenter, scale, zoom

It can be difficult to define the camera for viewing data at a particular location. The goTo method provides a convenient way to set the view's camera based on data (geometries, graphics) you want to view and from any perspective using heading, tilt, scale or zoom. Additionally, goTo will provide a smooth transition to the new location of the view by default.

// go to a location specified in geographic coordinates,
// from a 45 degree angle.
  center: [-112, 38],
  heading: 45

// go to view all the graphics in, while northing the
// the camera and tilting it to 60 degrees
  heading: 0,
  tilt: 60

// Set the view to show an extent at a -20 degree heading, disabling the
// animated transition
  target: new Extent(694942, 5596444, 1284090, 6163926, SpatialReference.WebMercator),
  heading: -20
}, {
  animate: false

Viewing modes

global vs local

The SceneView supports two different viewing modes, global (left picture above) and local (right picture above), specified by the viewingMode property. Global scenes render the earth as a globe, while local scenes render the surface on a flat plane. Local mode allows for navigation and feature display in a localized or clipped area. In both viewing modes the users may navigate the camera below the ground surface by setting the esri/Ground#navigationConstraint#type to none.

The viewing mode (if not explicitly set by the user) is determined based on the spatial reference of the view. If the spatial reference is either Web Mercator or WGS84, then the viewingMode will default to global. For any other spatial reference the viewingMode will default to local.

Supported coordinate systems

The SceneView supports following coordinate systems in a global scene:

  • WGS84 or WebMercator
  • Noncached layers with any spatial reference since they will be reprojected to the scene spatial reference

In a local scene the following coordinate systems are supported:

  • Any Projected Coordinate System
  • Noncached layers with any spatial reference since they will be reprojected to the scene spatial reference

Using elevation data

The SceneView will use elevation layers from the Map.ground as sources for elevation when rendering the ground surface. Similar to the basemap, the ground can be initialized with a well-known name, which creates it with a known set of elevation layers.

var view = new SceneView({
  map: new Map({
    basemap: "satellite",

    // A ground preset containing a single elevation layer, sourced from
    ground: "world-elevation"

  container: "viewDiv"

Local elevation layers can be added to the ground.layers to merge multiple elevation sources into a single surface. See 3D Map With Elevation Services for an example.

See also:


new SceneView(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

// Typical usage
var view = new SceneView({
  // ID of DOM element containing the view
  container: "viewDiv",
  // Map/WebScene object
  map: new Map()

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

Collection containing a flat list of all the created LayerViews related to the basemap, operational layers, and group layers in this view.

more details
more detailsView

Allows the view to be partially or fully transparent when composited with the webpage elements behind it.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Represents an ongoing view animation initialized by goTo().

more details
more detailsView

Represents the view for a single basemap after it has been added to the map.

more details
more detailsView

A convenience property used for defining the breakpoints on the height and width of the view.

more details
more detailsSceneView

The observation point from which the visible portion (or perspective) of the SceneView is determined.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Represents the view's center point; when setting the center you may pass a Point instance or an array of numbers representing at longitude/latitude pair ([-100.4593, 36.9014]).

more details
more detailsSceneView

Represents an optional clipping area used to define the visible extent of a local scene.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Specifies constraints for Camera tilt and altitude that may be applied to the SceneView.

more details
more detailsSceneView

The id or node representing the DOM element containing the view.

more details
more detailsView

The name of the class.

more details
more detailsAccessor

Specifies various properties of the environment's visualization in the view.

more details
more detailsSceneView

The extent represents the visible portion of a map within the view as an instance of Extent.

more details
more detailsSceneView

A fatal error returned when the view loses its WebGL context.

more details
more detailsView

Indicates if the browser focus is on the view.

more details
more detailsView

Allows for adding graphics directly to the default graphics in the View.

more details
more detailsView

The view for the ground of the map.

more details
more detailsSceneView

The height of the view in pixels read from the view container element.

more details
more detailsView

A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's height.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Options for configuring the highlight.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Options to configure input handling of the View.

more details
more detailsView

Indication whether the view is being interacted with (for example when panning).

more details
more detailsView

A collection containing a hierarchical list of all the created LayerViews of the operational layers in the map.

more details
more detailsView

An instance of a Map object to display in the view.

more details
more detailsView

A convenience property indicating the view's orientation.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Use the padding property to make the center, and extent, etc.

more details
more detailsView

SceneView can draw scenes in three different quality modes: high, medium and low.

more details
more detailsSceneView

When true, this property indicates whether the view successfully satisfied all dependencies, signaling that the following conditions are met.

more details
more detailsView

Indicates if the view is being resized.

more details
more detailsView

Represents the current value of one pixel in the unit of the view's spatialReference.

more details
more detailsView

Represents an approximation of the map scale at the center of the view.

more details
more detailsSceneView

An array containing the width and height of the view in pixels, e.g.

more details
more detailsView

The spatial reference of the view.

more details
more detailsView

Indication whether the view is animating, being interacted with or resizing.

more details
more detailsView

Indicates if the view is visible on the page.

more details
more detailsView

The view's time extent.

more details
more detailsView

The type of the view (for SceneView, this value is always 3d).

more details
more detailsSceneView

Exposes the default widgets available in the view and allows you to toggle them on and off.

more details
more detailsView

Indicates whether the view is being updated by additional data requests to the network, or by processing received data.

more details
more detailsView

The viewing mode (local or global).

more details
more detailsSceneView

Represents the current view as a Viewpoint or point of observation on the view.

more details
more detailsSceneView

The width of the view in pixels read from the view container element.

more details
more detailsView

A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's width.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Represents the level of detail (LOD) at the center of the view.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Property Details

Collection containing a flat list of all the created LayerViews related to the basemap, operational layers, and group layers in this view.

See also:
alphaCompositingEnabled Boolean
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8

Allows the view to be partially or fully transparent when composited with the webpage elements behind it. This property can only be set once at construction time. When alpha compositing is enabled, web scenes are less performant. It's important to set this property to true only when you need to apply transparency on the view.

Default Value:false
// create a view with a fully transparent background
var view = new SceneView({
 map: map,
 alphaCompositingEnabled: true,
 environment: {
   background: {
     type: "color",
     color: [0, 0, 0, 0]
   starsEnabled: false,
   atmosphereEnabled: false

Represents an ongoing view animation initialized by goTo(). You may watch this property to be notified when the view's extent changes .

See also:

Represents the view for a single basemap after it has been added to the map.

breakpoints Object

A convenience property used for defining the breakpoints on the height and width of the view. The sizes specified here determine the values of the widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint properties depending on the view's size.

Setting up breakpoints can aid in responsive app design. It does this by watching width and height breakpoints. This is helpful as it removes the need for multiple @media calls. Instead of listening for the view's size and/or resizes property, you can set up a watch handler for either the widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint properties of the view.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

xsmall Number
Default Value:544

Sets the xsmall breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is smaller than this value, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be xsmall.

small Number
Default Value:768

Sets the small breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is between this value and the value of the xsmall property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be small.

medium Number
Default Value:992

Sets the medium breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is between this value and the value of the small property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be medium.

large Number
Default Value:1200

Sets the large breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is between this value and the value of the medium property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be large.

xlarge Number

Sets the xlarge breakpoint in pixels used by widthBreakpoint and heightBreakpoint. If the view's height or width is greater than the value of the large property, then the value of widthBreakpoint or heightBreakpoint will be xlarge.

See also:
// Instead of watching the size or resizing properties

// Set up a watch handle for breakpoint"widthBreakpoint",function(breakpoint){
  switch (breakpoint) {
    case "xsmall":
    // do something
    case "small":
    case "medium":
    case "large":
    case "xlarge":
    // do something else

The observation point from which the visible portion (or perspective) of the SceneView is determined. Contains properties including the elevation, tilt, and heading (in degrees) of the current view. Setting the camera immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo().

When set in the constructor, this property overrides the viewpoint, extent, center, scale, and zoom properties.

The camera property contains an internal reference which may be modified in the future. To persist or modify the camera, create a clone using camera.clone().

Z-values defined in a geographic or metric coordinate system are expressed in meters. However, in local scenes that use a projected coordinate system, vertical units are assumed to be the same as the horizontal units specified by the service.

See also:
// Initializes the view at the given (x, y, z) position with a heading of 95 degrees.
// The position of the camera is a Point which will autocast in the sample
// below. Note that the default Point spatial reference is WGS84 which
// will only work if the SceneView has a Web Mercator or WGS84 spatial
// reference. For other spatial references, create a new position Point
// with an explicit spatial reference.
var view = new SceneView({
  camera: {
    position: [
       -122, // lon
         38, // lat
      50000  // elevation in meters

    heading: 95
// Initializes the view at the given position with a tilt of 65 degrees
var view = new SceneView({
  camera: {
    position: {
      x: -100, // lon
      y: 45,   // lat
      z: 10654 // elevation in meters

    tilt: 65
// Clone the camera to modify its properties
var camera =;

// Set new values for heading and tilt
camera.heading = 180;
camera.tilt = 45;

// Set the new properties on the view's camera = camera;
// Set the view's camera to a new position, heading and tilt with the goTo() method
  target: [-122, 38, 50000],
  heading: 180,
  tilt: 45
Autocasts from Number[]|Object

Represents the view's center point; when setting the center you may pass a Point instance or an array of numbers representing at longitude/latitude pair ([-100.4593, 36.9014]). Setting the center immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo().

If set in the constructor, this property will be ignored if the viewpoint, camera, or extent properties are also set in the constructor.

The center property contains an internal reference which may be modified in the future. To persist or modify the center, create a clone using center.clone().

Z-values defined in a geographic or metric coordinate system are expressed in meters. However, in local scenes that use a projected coordinate system, vertical units are assumed to be the same as the horizontal units specified by the service.

See also:
// Sets the initial center point of the view to long/lat coordinates
var view = new SceneView({
  center: [-112, 38]
// Updates the view's center point to a pre-determined Point object = new Point({
  x: 12804.24,
  y: -1894032.09,
  z: 12000,

  spatialReference: 2027
// needs to be set (not modified in place) to have an effect.
// To modify only the center.x, first clone the current center, modify
// the .x property and then set it on the view.
var center =;

// Offset the center 1km to the east
center.x += 1000; = center;
clippingArea Extentautocast

Represents an optional clipping area used to define the visible extent of a local scene. If defined, only features that intersect the area will be displayed. The clipping area applies to all layers types, including the ground and the basemap.

The clippingArea property only applies to local scenes.


The clippingArea property contains an internal reference which may be modified in the future. To persist or modify the clippingArea, create a clone using clippingArea.clone().

See also:
var extent = view.extent.clone();

// Expand the extent in place, reducing it to 50% of its original size
// and set it as the clippingArea
view.clippingArea = extent.expand(0.5);
constraints Accessorautocast

Specifies constraints for Camera tilt and altitude that may be applied to the SceneView. See the object specification table below for details.

altitude Accessor

Specifies a constraint on the minimum and maximum allowed camera altitude.

Known Limitations

The altitude constraints works just in global WebScene. (Not in local WebScene)

min Number
Default Value:-∞

The minimum allowed camera altitude (in meters).

max Number
Default Value:EARTH_RADIUS * 4

The maximum allowed camera altitude (in meters).

clipDistance Accessor

Specifies the near and far webgl clip distances.

near Number

The near clip distance.

far Number

The far clip distance.

mode String
Default Value:auto

Specifies the mode of the constraint which is either auto or manual. In auto mode, the near and far clip distance values are automatically determined. In manual mode, the near and far clip distance values are user defined, constant values. Note that the mode automatically changes to manual whenever the near or far property is set.

Possible Values:"auto"|"manual"

collision Object
Deprecated since version 4.8. Use Ground instead.

When enabled, prevents the user from navigating below the surface in a local SceneView.

enabled Boolean
Default Value:true

Set to false to permit the user to navigate below the surface in a local SceneView.


Specifies a constraint on the amount of allowed tilting of the view.

max Number

Specifies the maximum amount of tilt (in degrees) allowed in the view and may range from 0.5 to 179.5 degrees.

mode String
Default Value:auto

Specifies the mode of the constraint. There are two possible values: auto or manual. In auto mode, the maximum tilt value is automatically determined based on the altitude of the view camera. In manual mode, the maximum tilt value is a user defined, constant value. Note: The mode automatically changes to manual whenever the max property is set.

Possible Values:"auto"|"manual"

See also:
Autocasts from String

The id or node representing the DOM element containing the view. This is typically set in the view's constructor.

// Sets container to the DOM id
var view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv"  // ID of the HTML element that holds the view
// Sets container to the node
var viewNode = document.getElementById("viewDiv");
var view = new SceneView({
  container: viewNode
declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

environment Accessor

Specifies various properties of the environment's visualization in the view. The SceneView will redraw automatically when any property of environment changes.

var view = new SceneView({
  map: map,
  container: "viewDiv"

// Set the sun position to reflect the current time =;

// Disable automatic lighting updates by camera tracking = true;

// Enable displaying shadows cast by the sun = true;

// Set a background color
var view = new SceneView({
  container: "view",
  map: map,
  environment: {
    background: {
      type: "color",
      color: [255, 252, 244, 1]
    starsEnabled: false,
    atmosphereEnabled: false
background Background

Specifies how the background of the scene (which lies behind sky, stars and atmosphere) should be displayed. By default this is simply a single, fully opaque, black color. Currently ColorBackground is the only type of background supported.

lighting Accessor

Lighting conditions of the scene.

date Date
Default Value:new Date("March 15, 2019 12:00:00 UTC")

The current date and time of the simulated sun. When setting the date, specifying the time zone is important, otherwise the time zone of the browser will be used. This might lead to different lighting for users in different time zones.

directShadowsEnabled Boolean
Default Value:false

Indicates whether to show shadows cast by the sun. Shadows are only displayed for real world 3D objects. Terrain doesn't cast shadows. In local scenes at small zoom levels, shadows are not displayed. For more control on which 3D objects cast shadows use the castShadows property available on ObjectSymbol3DLayer, FillSymbol3DLayer, ExtrudeSymbol3DLayer, and PathSymbol3DLayer.

ambientOcclusionEnabled Boolean
Default Value:false

Indicates whether to show ambient occlusion shading.

cameraTrackingEnabled Boolean
Default Value:true

Indicates whether the date and time of the simulated sun is automatically updated to maintain the current time of day while the camera changes.

atmosphereEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether atmosphere visualization is enabled.

atmosphere Accessor

Atmosphere conditions of the scene.

quality String
Default Value:low

Indicates the quality of the atmosphere visualization. The quality of the atmosphere may have a significant impact on performance. This setting does not have any effect in local scenes.

Known ValueExample

Possible Values:"low"|"high"

starsEnabled Boolean
Default Value:true

Indicates whether stars visualization is enabled.

The extent represents the visible portion of a map within the view as an instance of Extent. Setting the extent immediately changes the view without animation. To animate the view, see goTo().

Rather than using extent to change the visible portion of the map in a SceneView, you should use camera since it easily allows you to define the heading, elevation and tilt of the observation point from which the view's perspective is created.

When set in the constructor, this property overrides the center, scale, and zoom properties. This property will be ignored if the viewpoint or camera are also set in the constructor.

The extent property contains an internal reference which may be modified in the future. To persist or modify the extent, create a clone using extent.clone().

Z-values defined in a geographic or metric coordinate system are expressed in meters. However, in local scenes that use a projected coordinate system, vertical units are assumed to be the same as the horizontal units specified by the service.

Default Value:null
See also:
fatalError Error inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12

A fatal error returned when the view loses its WebGL context. Watch this property to properly handle the error and attempt to recover the WebGL context.

See also:
Example:"fatalError", function(error) {
  if(error) {
    console.error("Fatal Error! View has lost its WebGL context. Attempting to recover...");
focused Booleanreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

Indicates if the browser focus is on the view.

Allows for adding graphics directly to the default graphics in the View.

See also:
// Adds a graphic to the View;
// Removes a graphic from the View;
groundView GroundViewreadonly
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The view for the ground of the map.

height Numberreadonly inherited

The height of the view in pixels read from the view container element.

The view container needs to have a height greater than 0 to be displayed.

Default Value:0
heightBreakpoint String

A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's height. This value is determined based on where the view's height falls in the ranges defined in the breakpoints property. See the table below for a list of possible values. Use the breakpoints property to override the default thresholds.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

Possible ValueDescriptionDefault thresholds (pixels)
xsmallThe height of the view is smaller than the value set in the xsmall breakpoint.< 545
smallThe height of the view is between the values set in the xsmall and small breakpoints.545 - 768
mediumThe height of the view is between the values set in the small and medium breakpoints.769 - 992
largeThe height of the view is between the values set in the medium and large breakpoints.993 - 1200
xlargeThe height of the view is larger than the value set in the large breakpoint.> 1200

Possible Values:"xsmall"|"small"|"medium"|"large"|"xlarge"

See also:
Example:"heightBreakpoint", function(newVal){
  if (newVal === "xsmall"){
    // clear the view's default UI components if
    // app is used on a mobile device
    view.ui.components = [];
highlightOptions Objectautocast
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4

Options for configuring the highlight. Use the highlight method on the appropriate LayerView to highlight a feature.

color Color
Default Value:#00ffff
Autocasts from Object|Number[]|String

The color of the highlight.

haloColor Color
Default Value:null

An optional color for the halo of the highlight. If unset, the color will be used for the halo.

haloOpacity Number
Default Value:1

The opacity of the highlight halo. This will be multiplied with the opacity specified in color.

fillOpacity Number
Default Value:0.25

The opacity of the fill (area within the halo). This will be multiplied with the opacity specified in color.

See also:
var view = new SceneView({
  map: map,
  highlightOptions: {
    color: [255, 255, 0, 1],
    haloColor: "white",
    haloOpacity: 0.9,
    fillOpacity: 0.2
input Inputreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9

Options to configure input handling of the View.

// Make gamepad events to emit independently of focus.
view.input.gamepad.enabledFocusMode = "none";
interacting Booleanreadonly inherited

Indication whether the view is being interacted with (for example when panning).

Default Value:false

A collection containing a hierarchical list of all the created LayerViews of the operational layers in the map.

See also:

An instance of a Map object to display in the view. A view may only display one map at a time. On the other hand, one Map may be viewed by multiple MapViews and/or SceneViews simultaneously.

This property is typically set in the constructor of the MapView or SceneView. See the class description for examples demonstrating the relationship between the map and the view.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9

Options to configure the navigation behavior of the View.

// Disable the gamepad usage, single touch panning, panning momentum and mouse wheel zooming.
const view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv",
  map: new Map({
    basemap: "satellite"
  center: [176.185, -37.643],
  zoom: 13,
  navigation: {
    gamepad: {
      enabled: false
    browserTouchPanEnabled: false,
    momentumEnabled: false,
    mouseWheelZoomEnabled: false
orientation Stringreadonly

A convenience property indicating the view's orientation. See the table below for a list of possible values.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

Possible ValueDescription
landscapeThe width of the view is greater than its height.
portraitThe width of the view is equal to or smaller than its height.

Possible Values:"landscape"|"portrait"

Use the padding property to make the center, and extent, etc. work off a subsection of the full view. This is particularly useful when layering UI elements or semi-transparent content on top of portions of the view. See the view padding sample for an example of how this works.

left Number

The left padding (in pixels).

top Number

The top padding (in pixels).

right Number

The right padding (in pixels).

bottom Number

The bottom padding (in pixels).

Default Value:{left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0}
See also:

A Popup object that displays general content or attributes from layers in the map.

The view has a default instance of Popup with predefined styles and a template for defining content. The content in this default instance may be modified directly in the popup's content or in a layer's PopupTemplate.

You may create a new Popup instance and set it to this property to customize the style, positioning, and content of the popup in favor of using the default popup instance on the view.

// This syntax prevents any popups from opening and removes them from the application
view.popup = null;
// This syntax disables the click event on the view
view.popup.autoOpenEnabled = false;
qualityProfile String

SceneView can draw scenes in three different quality modes: high, medium and low.

The low quality profile significantly increases performance on slower browsers and devices by reducing the memory limit and the visual quality in the following aspects:

  • Map resolution
  • Scene layer detail level
  • Anti-aliasing (edge smoothing)

The high and medium quality profiles differ in the maximum amount of memory which the view is allowed to use. A higher memory limit improves quality in complex web scenes with many layers, but can have a negative impact on drawing performance and stability.

Physically based rendering (PBR) materials are enabled on all 3D objects in a SceneView in "high" quality mode. However, if a GLTF model or a 3D Object SceneLayer has PBR settings defined on the material, then these will be rendered in all quality modes.

In "high" quality mode, on a HiDPI display, graphics are rendered at a higher resolution depending on the browser's devicePixelRatio property.

The default value is based on the detected browser:

  • low for Internet Explorer 11 and certain mobile devices
  • medium for any other browser

Overriding the default value is best done in the constructor (see example below). If the value is modified after construction, only a subset of the quality aspects are affected.

Possible Values:"low"|"medium"|"high"

var view = new SceneView({
  qualityProfile: "high"
ready Booleanreadonly inherited

When true, this property indicates whether the view successfully satisfied all dependencies, signaling that the following conditions are met.

When a view becomes ready it will resolve itself and invoke the callback defined in when() where code can execute on a working view. Subsequent changes to a view's readiness would typically be handled by watching view.ready and providing logic for cases where the map or container change.

Default Value:false
See also:
resizing Booleanreadonly inherited

Indicates if the view is being resized.

Default Value:false
resolution Numberreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9

Represents the current value of one pixel in the unit of the view's spatialReference. The value of resolution is calculated by dividing the view's extent width by its width.

scale Number

Represents an approximation of the map scale at the center of the view. Setting the scale immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo().

When set in the constructor, this property overrides the zoom property. This property will be ignored if the viewpoint, camera, or extent properties are also set in the constructor.

See also:
// Set the approximate map scale at the center the view to 1:24,000
view.scale = 24000;
size Number[]readonly inherited

An array containing the width and height of the view in pixels, e.g. [width, height].

The spatial reference of the view. This indicates the Projected Coordinate System or the Geographic Coordinate System used to locate geographic features in the map. In a SceneView the following supported coordinate systems are available.

The spatial reference can either be set explicitly or automatically derived from the following:

When using an Esri basemap, the default spatial reference is Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere.

Default Value:null
stationary Booleanreadonly inherited

Indication whether the view is animating, being interacted with or resizing.

suspended Booleanreadonly inherited

Indicates if the view is visible on the page. Is true if the view has no container, a height or width equal to 0, or the CSS visibility is hidden.

Default Value:true
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12

The view's time extent. Time-aware layers display their temporal data that falls within the view's time extent. Setting the view's time extent is similar to setting the spatial extent because once the time extent is set, the view updates automatically to conform to the change.

Default Value:null
// Create a csv layer from an online spreadsheet.
var csvLayer = new CSVLayer({
  url: "",
  timeInfo: {
    startField: "SaleDate" // The csv field contains date information.

// Create a mapview showing sales for the last week of March 2019 only.
var view = new MapView({
  map: map,
  container: "viewDiv",
  timeExtent: {
    start: new Date("2019, 2, 24"),
    end:   new Date("2019, 2, 31")
type Stringreadonly

The type of the view (for SceneView, this value is always 3d).

Exposes the default widgets available in the view and allows you to toggle them on and off. See DefaultUI for more details.

var toggle = new BasemapToggle({
  view: view,
  nextBasemap: "hybrid"
// Adds an instance of BasemapToggle widget to the
// top right of the view.
view.ui.add(toggle, "top-right");
// Moves the zoom and BasemapToggle widgets to the
// bottom left of the view.
view.ui.move([ "zoom", toggle ], "bottom-left");
// Removes all the widgets from the bottom left of the view
// Removes the compass widget from the view
// Removes all default UI components, except Attribution.
// Passing an empty array will remove all components.
view.ui.components = [ "attribution" ];
updating Booleanreadonly inherited

Indicates whether the view is being updated by additional data requests to the network, or by processing received data.

Default Value:false
viewingMode String

The viewing mode (local or global). Global scenes render the earth as a sphere. Local scenes render the earth on a flat plane and allow for navigation and feature display in a localized or clipped area. Users may also navigate the camera of a local scene below the surface of a basemap.

globalscene-globalGlobal scenes allow the entire globe to render in the view, showing the curvature of the earth.
localscene-localLocal scenes render the earth on a flat surface. They can be constrained to only show a "local" area by setting the clippingArea property. Local scenes also allow for displaying and exploring data that would otherwise be hidden by the surface of the earth.

Depending on the viewing mode different supported coordinate systems are available.

Possible Values:"global"|"local"

Default Value:global
See also:

Represents the current view as a Viewpoint or point of observation on the view. In SceneViews, camera should be used in favor of viewpoint for watching or changing the point of view. Setting the viewpoint immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo().

When set in the constructor, this property overrides the extent, center, scale, and zoom properties. This property will be ignored if camera is also set in the constructor.

The viewpoint property contains an internal reference which may be modified in the future. To persist or modify the viewpoint, create a clone using viewpoint.clone().

See also:
width Numberreadonly inherited

The width of the view in pixels read from the view container element.

The view container needs to have a width greater than 0 to be displayed.

Default Value:0
widthBreakpoint String

A convenience property indicating the general size of the view's width. This value is determined based on where the view's width falls in the ranges defined in the breakpoints property. See the table below for a list of possible values. Use the breakpoints property to override the default thresholds.

Please refer to the styling guide for additional information on working with this.

Possible ValueDescriptionDefault thresholds (pixels)
xsmallThe width of the view is smaller than the value set in the xsmall breakpoint.< 545
smallThe width of the view is between the values set in the xsmall and small breakpoints.545 - 768
mediumThe width of the view is between the values set in the small and medium breakpoints.769 - 992
largeThe width of the view is between the values set in the medium and large breakpoints.993 - 1200
xlargeThe width of the view is larger than the value set in the large breakpoint.> 1200

Possible Values:"xsmall"|"small"|"medium"|"large"|"xlarge"

See also:
Example:"widthBreakpoint", function(newVal){
  if (newVal === "xsmall"){
    // clear the view's default UI components if
    // app is used on a mobile device
    view.ui.components = [];
zoom Number

Represents the level of detail (LOD) at the center of the view. Setting the zoom immediately changes the current view. For animating the view, see goTo().

Setting this property in conjunction with center is a convenient way to set the initial extent of the view.

If set in the constructor, this property will be ignored if the viewpoint, camera, extent, or scale properties are also set in the constructor.

See also:
view.zoom = 3;  // Sets the LOD to 3 (small map scale)
view.zoom = 18; // Sets the LOD to 18 (large map scale)
// Set the zoom level and center in the constructor
var view = new SceneView({
  zoom: 10,
  center: [-120, 34],
  map: map

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Emits an event on the instance.

more details
more detailsView

Sets the focus on the view.

more details
more detailsView

Sets the view to a given target.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

more details
more detailsView

Returns graphics that intersect the specified screen coordinate.

more details
more detailsSceneView

isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).

more details
more detailsView

isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected.

more details
more detailsView

isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved.

more details
more detailsView

Registers an event handler on the instance.

more details
more detailsView

Create a screenshot of the current view.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Converts the given screen point to a map point.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Converts the given map point to a screen point.

more details
more detailsSceneView

Call this method to clear any fatal errors resulting from a lost WebGL context.

more details
more detailsView

when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created.

more details
more detailsView

Gets the LayerView created on the view for the given layer.

more details
more detailsView

Method Details

emit(type, event){Boolean}inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5

Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.

type String

The name of the event.

event Object

The event payload.

Booleantrue if a listener was notified
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5

Sets the focus on the view.

goTo(target, options){Promise}

Sets the view to a given target. The target parameter can be one of the following:

  • [longitude, latitude] pair of coordinates
  • Geometry (or array of Geometry[])
  • Graphic (or array of Graphic[])
  • Viewpoint
  • Camera
  • Object with a combination of target, center, scale, position, heading and tilt properties (with target being any of the types listed above). The center property is provided as a convenience to animate the and is the equivalent of specifying the target with the center Point. The target must be provided in the spatial reference of the view.

This function returns a promise which resolves as soon as the new view has been set to the target. If the transition is animated, then the ongoing animation can be obtained using SceneView.animation.

If the given target is far away from the current camera position, then heading and tilt will be automatically set to their neutral values (facing north, looking top down). Tilt and heading can always be explicitly set to override this behavior.


The target location/viewpoint to go to. When using an object for target, use the properties defined in GoToTarget3D.


View transition options. See the specification defined in GoToOptions3D for more information.

PromiseA promise that resolves when the view's extent updates to the extent defined in target.
See also:
  center: [-126, 49],
  heading: 180, // set the heading to point South
  tilt:, // maintain tilt value
// go to a location defined by a Camera object
var cam = new Camera({
  position: new Point({
    x: -100.23, // lon
    y: 65,      // lat
    z: 10000,   // elevation in meters

  heading: 180, // facing due south
  tilt: 45      // bird's eye view

// go to a point using center, zoom, tilt, and heading
  center: [-126, 49],
  zoom: 13,
  tilt: 75,
  heading: 105
// goTo returns a Promise which resolves when the animation has finished.
// This promise may be chained to create a sequence of animations.
    .then(function() {
      return view.goTo(graphic2);
    .then(function() {
      return view.goTo(graphic3);
// goTo returns a Promise which resolves when the animation has finished.
// This promise may be chained to create a sequence of animations.
    .then(function() {
      return view.goTo(graphic2);
    .then(function() {
      return view.goTo(graphic3);

Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

type String

The name of the event.

BooleanReturns true if the class supports the input event.
hitTest(screenPoint, options){Promise<HitTestResult>}

Returns graphics that intersect the specified screen coordinate. The following layer types will return a result if a hit is made on an intersecting feature: GraphicsLayer, FeatureLayer, SceneLayer, BuildingSceneLayer, PointCloudLayer, CSVLayer, StreamLayer, GeoJSONLayer and

If no options are specified, graphics that are behind the ground surface will not be returned unless the ground surface is semi-transparent. Otherwise, using the map.ground in the include and exclude options determines whether the ground surface prevents hit testing graphics that are under it.

Starting with version 4.11, if a label intersects the specified screen coordinates then the result of the hitTest will contain the graphic associated with that label.


The screen coordinates (or native mouse event) of the click on the view.

options Object

Intersection test options. By default the map.ground is excluded if its opacity is smaller than one.


A list of layers and graphics to include for intersection testing. All layers and graphics will be included if include is not specified.


A list of layers and graphics to include for intersection testing. No layers or graphics will be excluded if exclude is not specified.

Promise<HitTestResult>When resolved, returns an object containing the graphics (if present) that intersect the given screen coordinates.
See also:
// Get the screen point from the view's click event
view.on("click", function(event) {
  // Search for graphics at the clicked location. View events can be used
  // as screen locations as they expose an x,y coordinate that conforms
  // to the ScreenPoint definition.
  view.hitTest(event).then(function(response) {
    var result = response.results[0];

    if (result) {
      var lon = result.mapPoint.longitude;
      var lat = result.mapPoint.latitude;

      console.log("Hit graphic at (" + lon + ", " + lat + ")", result.graphic);
    } else {
      console.log("Did not hit any graphic");

isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected). If it is fulfilled, true will be returned.

BooleanIndicates whether creating an instance of the class has been fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).

isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected. If it is rejected, true will be returned.

BooleanIndicates whether creating an instance of the class has been rejected.

isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved. If it is resolved, true will be returned.

BooleanIndicates whether creating an instance of the class has been resolved.
on(type, modifiersOrHandler, handler){Object}inherited

Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener. See the Events summary table for a list of listened events.


The name of the event or events to listen for.

modifiersOrHandler String[]|Function

Additional modifier keys to filter events. Please see Key Values for possible values. All the standard key values are supported. Alternatively, if no modifiers are required, the function will call when the event fires.

The following events don't support modifier keys: blur, focus, layerview-create, layerview-destroy, resize.

handler Function

The function to call when the event is fired, if modifiers were specified.

ObjectReturns an event handler with a remove() method that can be called to stop listening for the event.
removeFunctionWhen called, removes the listener from the event.
view.on("click", function(event){
  // event is the event handle returned after the event fires.

// Fires `pointer-move` event when user clicks on "Shift"
// key and moves the pointer on the view.
view.on('pointer-move', ["Shift"], function(evt){
  var point = view2d.toMap({x: evt.x, y: evt.y});
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9

Create a screenshot of the current view. Screenshots include only elements that are rendered on the canvas (all geographical elements), but excludes overlayed DOM elements (UI, popups, etc.). By default, a screenshot of the whole view is created. Different options allow for creating different types of screenshots, including taking screenshots at different aspect ratios, different resolutions and creating thumbnails.

Screenshots are always taken inside the padded area of the view (see padding).

options Object

Screenshot options.

format String
Default Value: jpg

The format of the resulting encoded data url.

Possible values: jpg | png.

quality Number
Default Value: 98

The quality (0 to 100) of the encoded image when format is jpg.

width Number

The width of the screenshot (defaults to the area width). The height will be derived automatically if left unspecified, according to the aspect ratio of the of the screenshot area.

height Number

The height of the screenshot (defaults to the area height). The width will be derived automatically if left unspecified, according to the aspect ratio of the screenshot area.

area Object

Specifies whether to take a screenshot of a specific area of the view. The area coordinates are relative to the origin of the padded view (see padding) and will be clipped to the view size. Defaults to the whole view (padding excluded).


The x coordinate of the area.


The y coordinate of the area.

width Number

The width of the area.

height Number

The height of the area.

ignorePadding Boolean

Indicates whether view padding should be ignored. Set this property to true to allow padded areas to be included in the screenshot.

Promise<Screenshot>When resolved, returns an object containing an encoded dataUrl and raw image data.
See also:
// Take a screenshot at the same resolution of the current view
view.takeScreenshot().then(function(screenshot) {
  var imageElement = document.getElementById("screenshotImage");
  imageElement.src = screenshot.dataUrl;
// Create a square thumbnail from the current view
var options = {
  width: 200,
  height: 200

view.takeScreenshot(options).then(function(screenshot) {
  var imageElement = document.getElementById("screenshotImage");
  imageElement.src = screenshot.dataUrl;
// Take a high resolution, square screenshot
var options = {
  width: 2048,
  height: 2048

view.takeScreenshot(options).then(function(screenshot) {
  var imageElement = document.getElementById("screenshotImage");
  imageElement.src = screenshot.dataUrl;
// Take a screenshot of a small area at the center of the view

// Compute the size of the view excluding potential padding
var padding = view.padding;
var innerWidth = view.width - padding.left - padding.right;
var innerHeight = view.height - - padding.bottom;

// Desired size of the area
var width = 200;
var height = 200;

var options = {
  area: {
    x: (innerWidth - width) / 2,
    y: (innerHeight - height) / 2,
    width: width,
    height: height

view.takeScreenshot(options).then(function(screenshot) {
  var imageElement = document.getElementById("screenshotImage");
  imageElement.src = screenshot.dataUrl;
// Takes a high-resolution screenshot for display on a HiDPI screen
// The pixelRatio indicates the display has 2x the pixel density of typical screens
var pixelRatio = 2;
view.takeScreenshot({ width: view.width * pixelRatio, height: view.height * pixelRatio });
// Takes a high-resolution screenshot for display on a HiDPI screen
// The pixelRatio is the resolution of the display capturing the image
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
view.takeScreenshot({ width: view.width * pixelRatio, height: view.height * pixelRatio });
toMap(screenPoint, options){Point}

Converts the given screen point to a map point.


The location on the screen (or native mouse event) to convert.

options Object

Intersection test options. By default only the map.ground and any IntegratedMeshLayer are included.


A list of layers and graphics to include for intersection testing. All layers and graphics will be included if include is not specified.


A list of layers and graphics to include for intersection testing. No layers or graphics will be excluded if exclude is not specified.

PointThe map point corresponding to the given screen point.

Converts the given map point to a screen point.

point Point

A point geometry.

ScreenPointThe screen point corresponding to the given map point.
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12

Call this method to clear any fatal errors resulting from a lost WebGL context.

See also:
Example:"fatalError", function(error) {
  if(error) {
when(callback, errback){Promise}inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6

when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created. This method takes two input parameters: a callback function and an errback function. The callback executes when the instance of the class loads. The errback executes if the instance of the class fails to load.

callback Function

The function to call when the promise resolves.

errback Function

The function to execute when the promise fails.

PromiseReturns a new promise for the result of callback that may be used to chain additional functions.
// Although this example uses MapView, any class instance that is a promise may use then() in the same way
var view = new MapView();
  // This function will execute once the promise is resolved
}, function(error){
  // This function will execute if the promise is rejected due to an error

Gets the LayerView created on the view for the given layer. The returned promise resolves when the layer view for the given layer has been created, or rejects with an error (for example if the layer is not part of the view, or if the layer type is not supported in this view).

layer Layer

The layer for which to obtain its LayerView.

Promise<LayerView>Resolves to an instance of LayerView for the specified layer.
See also:
// Create a feature layer from a url pointing to a Feature Service
var layer = new FeatureLayer(url);


    .then(function(layerView) {
      // The layerview for the layer
    .catch(function(error) {
      // An error occurred during the layerview creation

Type Definitions

EasingFunction(t, duration){Number}

User provided easing function. The function receives a normalized time between 0 and 1 as input and should provide a transformed normalized time between 0 and 1 as output.


The input time (from 0 to 1)

duration Number

The total duration (in milliseconds) of the animation. This may be used for heuristics on deciding what type of easing to perform.

Numbera value between 0 and 1
// Simple quadratic ease in function
function easeIn(t) {
  return t * t;
GoToOptions3D Object

Animation options for the goTo() method. See properties below for parameter specifications.

animate Boolean
Default Value:true

Indicates if the transition to the new view should be animated. If set to false, speedFactor, duration, maxDuration, and easing properties are ignored.

speedFactor Number
Default Value:1

Increases or decreases the animation speed by the specified factor. A speedFactor of 2 will make the animation twice as fast, while a speedFactor of 0.5 will make the animation half as fast. Setting the speed factor will automatically adapt the default maxDuration accordingly.

duration Number

Set the exact duration (in milliseconds) of the animation. Note that by default, animation duration is calculated based on the time required to reach the target at a constant speed. Setting duration overrides the speedFactor option. Note that the resulting duration is still limited to the maxDuration.

maxDuration Number
Default Value:8000

The maximum allowed duration (in milliseconds) of the animation. The default maxDuration value takes the specified speedFactor into account.


The easing function to use for the animation. This may either be a preset (named) function, or a user specified function. Supported named presets are: linear, in-cubic, out-cubic, in-out-cubic, in-expo, out-expo, in-out-expo, in-out-coast-quadratic. See easing functions for graphical representations of these functions.

By default, animations that are less than 1000 ms use the out-expo easing function; longer animations use the in-out-coast-quadratic easing function.


An AbortSignal to abort the animation. If canceled, the promise will be rejected with an error named AbortError. See also AbortController.

The target location/viewpoint to animate to in the goTo() method. A two or three-element array of numbers represents the [x,y,z] coordinates to center the view on. When using an object for the target, use the properties in the table below.


The target of the animation.


The to go to.

scale Number

The SceneView.scale to go to.

zoom Number

The final zoom value to go to.

heading Number

The Camera.heading to go to.

tilt Number

The Camera.tilt to go to.

position Point

The Camera.position to go to.


Object specification for the result of the hitTest() method.

results Object[]

An array of result objects returned from the hitTest(). Results are returned when the location of the input screen coordinates intersect a Graphic in the view. See the table below for the specification of each object in this array.

graphic Graphic

A graphic present in the view that intersects the input screen coordinates. Starting with version 4.11, if a label intersects the input screen coordinates the corresponding graphic is returned. If the graphic comes from a layer with an applied Renderer, then the symbol property will be empty. Other properties will be empty based on the context in which the graphic is fetched. Some layers do not have a graphic.geometry (for example: SceneLayer and PointCloudLayer PointCloudLayer) The graphic.attributes only includes attributes which are loaded by the client, for this reason it can be a subset of all attributes. FeatureLayer.outFields with ["*"] can be used to force all attributes to be present. The graphic.symbol exists only for graphics coming from GraphicsLayer or but it is possible to compute the displayed symbology with getDisplayedSymbol.

mapPoint Point

The point geometry in the spatial reference of the view corresponding with the input screen coordinates.

distance Number

The distance from the camera position to the point geometry hit on this graphic. In global scenes the distance will be in meters while in local scenes the distance will be in the unit of the spatial reference of the view.

ground Object

Ground intersection result. The ground hit result will always be returned, even if the ground was excluded from the hitTest.

mapPoint Point

The point at which the ground was hit while performing the hitTest. This may be null when the ground was not hit at all (for example by clicking on the sky).

distance Number

The distance from camera position to the ground hit. The distance will be 0 if the ground was not hit at all. In global scenes the distance will be in meters while in local scenes the distance will be in the unit of the spatial reference of the view.

The screen coordinates (or native mouse event) of the click on the view.

A layer or graphic to be used in toMap and hitTest filter options.

See also:
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.11

An object representing a point on the screen.


The x coordinate.

The y coordinate.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9

Object returned when takeScreenshot() promise resolves:

dataUrl String

A data url representing the screenshot.

The raw RGBA image data.

Event Overview

{target: View,native: Object}

Fires when browser focus is moved away from the view.

more details
more detailsView
{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: 0,1,2,type: "click",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a user clicks on the view.

more details
more detailsView
{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: 0,1,2,type: "double-click",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after double-clicking on the view.

more details
more detailsView
{action: "start","added","update","removed","end",x: Number,y: Number,origin: Object,button: 0,1,2,buttons: Number,type: "drag",radius: Number,angle: Number,stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires during a pointer drag on the view.

more details
more detailsView
{target: View,native: Object}

Fires when browser focus is on the view.

more details
more detailsView
{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: 0,1,2,buttons: Number,type: "hold",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after holding either a mouse button or a single finger on the view for a short amount of time.

more details
more detailsView
{mapPoint: Point,x: Number,y: Number,button: 0,1,2,buttons: Number,type: "immediate-click",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires right after a user clicks on the view.

more details
more detailsView
{repeat: Boolean,key: String,type: "key-down",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a keyboard key is pressed.

more details
more detailsView
{type: "key-up",key: String,stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a keyboard key is released.

more details
more detailsView
{layer: Layer,layerView: LayerView}

Fires after each layer in the map has a corresponding LayerView created and rendered in the view.

more details
more detailsView
{layer: Layer,error: Error}

Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map.

more details
more detailsView
{layer: Layer,layerView: LayerView}

Fires after a LayerView is destroyed and is no longer rendered in the view.

more details
more detailsView
{x: Number,y: Number,deltaY: Number,type: "mouse-wheel",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires when a wheel button of a pointing device (typically a mouse) is scrolled on the view.

more details
more detailsView
{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse","touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-down",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse button is pressed, or a finger touches the display.

more details
more detailsView
{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse","touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-enter",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse cursor enters the view, or a display touch begins.

more details
more detailsView
{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse","touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-leave",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse cursor leaves the view, or a display touch ends.

more details
more detailsView
{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse","touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-move",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after the mouse or a finger on the display moves.

more details
more detailsView
{pointerId: Number,pointerType: "mouse","touch",x: Number,y: Number,button: Number,buttons: Number,type: "pointer-up",stopPropagation: Function,timestamp: Number,native: Object}

Fires after a mouse button is released, or a display touch ends.

more details
more detailsView
{oldWidth: Number,oldHeight: Number,width: Number,height: Number}

Fires when the view's size changes.

more details
more detailsView

Event Details

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

Fires when browser focus is moved away from the view.

target View

The view that the browser focus is moved away from.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.

Fires after a user clicks on the view. This event emits slightly slower than a pointer-down event to make sure that a double-click event isn't triggered instead. The immediate-click event can be used for responding to a click event without delay.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates the current mouse button state.

0left click (or touch)
1middle click
2right click

Possible Values:0|1|2

type String

For click the type is always click.

The value is always "click".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

See also:
// Set up a click event handler and retrieve the screen point
view.on("click", function(event) {
 // the hitTest() checks to see if any graphics in the view
 // intersect the given screen x, y coordinates
view.on("click", function(event) {
 // you must overwrite default click-for-popup
 // behavior to display your own popup
 view.popup.autoOpenEnabled = false;

 // Get the coordinates of the click on the view
 var lat = Math.round(event.mapPoint.latitude * 1000) / 1000;
 var lon = Math.round(event.mapPoint.longitude * 1000) / 1000;{
   // Set the popup's title to the coordinates of the location
   title: "Reverse geocode: [" + lon + ", " + lat + "]",
   location: event.mapPoint // Set the location of the popup to the clicked location
   content: "This is a point of interest"  // content displayed in the popup

Fires after double-clicking on the view.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates the current mouse button state.

0left click (or touch)
1middle click
2right click

Possible Values:0|1|2

type String

For double-click the type is always double-click.

The value is always "double-click".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

view.on("double-click", function(event) {
  // The event object contains the mapPoint and the screen coordinates of the location
  // that was clicked.
  console.log("screen point", event.x, event.y);
  console.log("map point", event.mapPoint);

Fires during a pointer drag on the view.

action String

Indicates the state of the drag. The two values added and removed indicate a change in the number of pointers involved.

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

origin Object

Screen coordinates of the start of the drag.


The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked at the start of the drag. See MouseEvent.button.

0left mouse button (or touch)
1middle mouse button
2right mouse button

Possible Values:0|1|2

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

For drag the type is always drag.

The value is always "drag".

radius Number

The radius of a sphere around the multiple pointers involved in this drag. Or 0 while only a single pointer is used.

angle Number

Amount of rotation (in degrees) since the last event of type start.

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM MouseEvent.

view.on("drag", function(evt){
 // Print out the current state of the
 // drag event.
 console.log("drag state", evt.action);
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

Fires when browser focus is on the view.

target View

The view that the browser focus is currently on.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.

Fires after holding either a mouse button or a single finger on the view for a short amount of time.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

The horizontal screen coordinate of the hold on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the hold on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was held down. See MouseEvent.button.

0left mouse button (or touch)
1middle mouse button
2right mouse button

Possible Values:0|1|2

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

For hold the type is always hold.

The value is always "hold".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

view.on("hold", function(event) {
  // The event object contains the mapPoint and the screen coordinates of the location
  // that was clicked.
  console.log("hold at screen point", event.x, event.y);
  console.log("hold at map point", event.mapPoint);
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

Fires right after a user clicks on the view. In contrast to the click event, the immediate-click event is emitted as soon as the user clicks on the view, and is not inhibited by a double-click event. This event is useful for interactive experiences that require feedback without delay.

mapPoint Point

The point location of the click on the view in the spatial reference of the map.

The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked. See MouseEvent.button.

0left click (or touch)
1middle click
2right click

Possible Values:0|1|2

buttons Number

Indicates which buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

For click the type is always immediate-click.

The value is always "immediate-click".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain. Inhibits the associated click and double-click events.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

// Set up an immediate-click event handler and retrieve the screen point
view.on("immediate-click", function(event) {
 // the hitTest() checks to see if any graphics in the view
 // intersect the given screen x, y coordinates

Fires after a keyboard key is pressed.

repeat Boolean

Indicates whether this is the first event emitted due to the key press, or a repeat.

key String

The key value that was pressed, according to the MDN full list of key values.

type String

For key-down the type is always key-down.

The value is always "key-down".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.

// Zoom in when user clicks on "a" button
// Zoom out when user clicks on "s" button
view.on("key-down", function(evt){
 console.log("key-down", evt);

 if (evt.key === "a"){
   var zm = view.zoom + 1;

     zoom: zm
 else if(evt.key == "s"){
   var zm = view.zoom - 1;

     zoom: zm

Fires after a keyboard key is released.

type String

For key-up the type is always key-up.

The value is always "key-up".

key String

The key value that was released, according to the MDN full list of key values.

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM KeyboardEvent.


Fires after each layer in the map has a corresponding LayerView created and rendered in the view.

layer Layer

The layer in the map for which the layerView was created.

layerView LayerView

The LayerView rendered in the view representing the layer in layer.

See also:
// This function fires each time a layer view is created for a layer in
// the map of the view.
view.on("layerview-create", function(event) {
  // The event contains the layer and its layer view that has just been
  // created. Here we check for the creation of a layer view for a layer with
  // a specific id, and log the layer view
  if ( === "satellite") {
    // The LayerView for the desired layer

Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map.

layer Layer

The layer in the map for which the view emitting this event failed to create a layer view.

error Error

An error object describing why the layer view failed to create.

See also:
// This function fires each time an error occurs during the creation of a layerview
view.on("layerview-create-error", function(event) {
  console.error("LayerView failed to create for layer with the id: ",;

Fires after a LayerView is destroyed and is no longer rendered in the view. This happens for example when a layer is removed from the map of the view.

layer Layer

The layer in the map for which the layerView was destroyed.

layerView LayerView

The LayerView that was destroyed in the view.


Fires when a wheel button of a pointing device (typically a mouse) is scrolled on the view.


The horizontal screen coordinate of the click on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the click on the view.

deltaY Number

Number representing the vertical scroll amount.

type String

For mouse-wheel the type is always mouse-wheel.

The value is always "mouse-wheel".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM WheelEvent.

view.on("mouse-wheel", function(evt){
 // deltaY value is postive when wheel is scrolled up
 // and it is negative when wheel is scrolled down.

Fires after a mouse button is pressed, or a finger touches the display.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple down, move, and up events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

For pointer-down the type is always pointer-down.

The value is always "pointer-down".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was emitted.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Fires after a mouse cursor enters the view, or a display touch begins.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

Type of the event. It is always pointer-enter for this event.

The value is always "pointer-enter".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Fires after a mouse cursor leaves the view, or a display touch ends.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

Type of the event. It is always pointer-leave for this event.

The value is always "pointer-leave".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Fires after the mouse or a finger on the display moves.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple down, move, and up events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

Type of the event. It is always pointer-move for this event.

The value is always "pointer-move".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.

// Fires `pointer-move` event when user clicks on "Shift"
// key and moves the pointer on the view.
view.on('pointer-move', ["Shift"], function(evt){
  var point = view2d.toMap({x: evt.x, y: evt.y});

Fires after a mouse button is released, or a display touch ends.

pointerId Number

Uniquely identifies a pointer between multiple down, move, and up events. Ids might get reused after a pointer-up event.

pointerType String

Indicates the pointer type.

Possible Values:"mouse"|"touch"

The horizontal screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

The vertical screen coordinate of the pointer on the view.

button Number

Indicates which mouse button was clicked.

buttons Number

Indicates which mouse buttons are pressed when the event is triggered. See MouseEvent.buttons.

type String

Type of the event. It is always pointer-up for this event.

The value is always "pointer-up".

stopPropagation Function

Prevents the event bubbling up the event chain. Inhibits the associated immediate-click, click and double-click events.

timestamp Number

Time stamp (in milliseconds) at which the event was created.

native Object

A standard DOM PointerEvent.


Fires when the view's size changes.

oldWidth Number

The previous view width in pixels

oldHeight Number

The previous view height in pixels

width Number

The new measured view width in pixels

height Number

The new measured view height in pixels

See also:

API Reference search results
