require(["esri/widgets/Print"], function(Print) { /* code goes here */ });
The Print widget connects your application with a printing service to allow the map to be printed. It takes advantage of server-side, high-quality, full cartographic print functionality using the ExportWebMap service of ArcGIS, which can be configured with custom layout templates. One is provided that shows the map only, while another provides a layout with legend, etc. The Print widget works with the PrintTask which generates a printer-ready version of the map.
By default, the Print widget prints a localized date for all layouts except map-only
. This can be customized using the customTextElements
property of PrintTemplate.layoutOptions.
Known Limitations
- There is no current support for printing SceneViews. Instead, see SceneView.takeScreenshot().
- There is no current support for printing highlighted features. Instead, see MapView.takeScreenshot().
- VectorTileLayer printing requires ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or later.
- There is no current support for printing ImageryLayers when a pixelFilter is defined.
- Labels currently cannot be printed as part of a FeatureLayer with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or any Printing Service published with ArcMap.
- ImageryLayer cannot be printed with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or earlier, or any Printing Service published with ArcMap.
- The print server does not directly print SVG symbols. Rather, they are converted to PictureMarkerSymbols for display.
- Make certain that any resources to be printed are accessible by the print server. For example, if printing a map containing PictureMarkerSymbols, the URL to these symbols must be accessible to the print server for it to work properly.
- Printing layers rendered with the DotDensityRenderer will create a client-side image of the layer in the printout.
- Printing layers using clustering will create a client-side image of the layer in the printout.
- For printing secure VectorTileLayers with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or 10.6.0, or for printing VectorTileLayers with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 or any Printing Service published with ArcMap, the PrintTask will create a client-side image for the VectorTileLayer to use in the printout. This has some limitations related to large size printing quality and a dependency on browser window height/width ratio.
- See also:
var print = new Print({
view: view
// Adds widget below other elements in the top left corner of the view
view.ui.add(print, {
position: "top-left"
- new Print(properties)
- Parameter:properties Objectoptional
See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.
Example:// typical usage var print = new Print({ view: view, printServiceUrl: "" });
Property Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class | |
String|HTMLElement | The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget. more details | more details | Widget | |
String | The name of the class. more details | more details | Accessor | |
Boolean | When | more details | Widget | |
String | The widget's default CSS icon class. more details | more details | ||
String | The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created. more details | more details | Widget | |
String | The widget's default label. more details | more details | ||
String | The URL of the REST endpoint of the Export Web Map Task. more details | more details | ||
TemplateOptions | Defines the layout template options used by the Print widget to generate the print page. more details | more details | ||
MapView | A reference to the MapView. more details | more details | ||
PrintViewModel | The view model for this widget. more details | more details |
Property Details
The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget. This property can only be set once. The following examples are all valid use cases when working with widgets.
Examples:// Create the HTML div element programmatically at runtime and set to the widget's container const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({ view: view, container: document.createElement("div") }); // Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view view.ui.add(basemapGallery, { position: "top-right" });
// Specify an already-defined HTML div element in the widget's container const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({ view: view, container: basemapGalleryDiv }); // Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view view.ui.add(basemapGallery, { position: "top-right" }); // HTML markup <body> <div id="viewDiv"></div> <div id="basemapGalleryDiv"></div> </body>
// Specify the widget while adding to the view's UI const basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({ view: view }); // Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view view.ui.add(basemapGallery, { position: "top-right" });
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as
, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.
- iconClass StringSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
The widget's default CSS icon class.
The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created. If not set by the developer, it will default to the container ID, or if that is not present then it will be automatically generated.
- label StringSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
The widget's default label.
- printServiceUrl String
The URL of the REST endpoint of the Export Web Map Task.
- templateOptions TemplateOptionsautocastSince: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6
Defines the layout template options used by the Print widget to generate the print page.
Example:templateOptions: { title: "My Print", author: "Sam", copyright: "My Company", legendEnabled: false }
- viewModel PrintViewModelautocast
The view model for this widget. This is a class that contains all the logic (properties and methods) that controls this widget's behavior. See the PrintViewModel class to access all properties and methods on the widget.
Method Overview
Name | Return Type | Summary | Class | |
String | A utility method used for building the value for a widget's | more details | Widget | |
Destroys the widget instance. more details | more details | Widget | ||
Boolean | Emits an event on the instance. more details | more details | Widget | |
Boolean | Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name. more details | more details | Widget | |
Object | Registers an event handler on the instance. more details | more details | Widget | |
Widget teardown helper. more details | more details | Widget | ||
This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. more details | more details | Widget | ||
Object | This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. more details | more details | Widget | |
Renders widget to the DOM immediately. more details | more details | Widget | ||
This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. more details | more details | Widget |
Method Details
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
A utility method used for building the value for a widget's
property. This aids in simplifying CSS class setup.Parameter:repeatable The class names.
Returns:Type Description String The computed class name. Example:// .tsx syntax showing how to set CSS classes while rendering the widget render() { const dynamicIconClasses = { [CSS.myIcon]: this.showIcon, [CSS.greyIcon]: !this.showIcon }; return ( <div class={classes(CSS.root, CSS.mixin, dynamicIconClasses)} /> ); }
- destroy()inherited
Destroys the widget instance.
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5
Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.
Parameters:type StringThe name of the event.
event ObjectoptionalThe event payload.
Returns:Type Description Boolean true
if a listener was notified
Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.
Parameter:type StringThe name of the event.
Returns:Type Description Boolean Returns true if the class supports the input event.
Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener.
Parameters:A event type, or an array of event types, to listen for.
listener FunctionThe function to call when the event is fired.
Returns:Type Description Object Returns an event handler with a remove()
method that can be called to stop listening for the event(s).Property Type Description remove Function When called, removes the listener from the event. Example:view.on("click", function(event){ // event is the event handle returned after the event fires. console.log(event.mapPoint); });
- own(handles)inherited
Widget teardown helper. Any handles added to it will be automatically removed when the widget is destroyed.
Parameter:handles WatchHandle|WatchHandle[]Handles marked for removal once the widget is destroyed.
- postInitialize()inherited
This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Executes after widget is ready for rendering.
This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. It must be implemented by subclasses for rendering.
Returns:Type Description Object The rendered virtual node.
- renderNow()inherited
Renders widget to the DOM immediately.
- scheduleRender()inherited
This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Schedules widget rendering. This method is useful for changes affecting the UI.