require(["esri/symbols/WebStyleSymbol"], function(WebStyleSymbol) { /* code goes here */ });
WebStyleSymbol is a class used to conveniently create vector 2D symbols and realistic and thematic 3D symbols. It is a wrapper for creating CIMSymbol and PointSymbol3D objects that point to a web style resource available in the API.
Web styles are collections of symbols stored in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Online item. As of the current release, only Esri Web Style Symbols (2D) and Esri Web Style Symbols (3D) can be used in conjunction with this class. Note that the 2D web style symbols are only supported in 2D and 3D web style symbols are only supported in 3D with an exception of EsriIconsStyle
which can be used in both 2D and 3D.
A WebStyleSymbol does not contain any symbology definition itself; it only contains a reference to a web style symbol. For visualization purposes, it is internally replaced with the CIMSymbol or the PointSymbol3D instance it refers to. You can use fetchSymbol() to retrieve the actual symbol object from the web style to alter its color or size.
A web style can be referenced either directly with a URL (styleUrl) or registered style's unique name (styleName).
Autocasting support
As of version 4.5 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, autocasting is universally supported for all renderers, symbols, and symbol layers in the API. So there is no need to include this module in the require()
and define()
module loaders of your application unless you intend to use the static method(s) of this module.
Known Limitation
- Currently, fetchSymbol() method will only work for 3d web style symbols
// Referencing a web style via styleName
var symbol = {
type: "web-style", // autocasts as new WebStyleSymbol()
styleName: "EsriThematicShapesStyle",
name: "Standing Diamond"
// Referencing a web style via styleUrl
var symbol = {
type: "web-style", // autocasts as new WebStyleSymbol()
styleUrl: "http://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/bf27400d167d4c2e8e12c8a46f87afe4/data",
name: "Centered Sphere"
- new WebStyleSymbol(properties)
- Parameter:properties Objectoptional
See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.
Property Overview
Name | Type | Summary | Class | |
String | The name of the class. more details | more details | Accessor | |
String | The name of the symbol within the web style. more details | more details | WebStyleSymbol | |
Portal | The portal that contains the web style this symbol refers to. more details | more details | WebStyleSymbol | |
String | A registered web style name. more details | more details | WebStyleSymbol | |
String | URL that points to the web style definition. more details | more details | WebStyleSymbol | |
String | For WebStyleSymbol the type is always "web-style". more details | more details | WebStyleSymbol |
Property Details
- Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7
The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as
- name String
The name of the symbol within the web style. Each symbol in a web style is identified by a unique name. Only Esri Web Style Symbols (2D) and Esri Web Style Symbols (3D) can be referenced here.
The portal that contains the web style this symbol refers to. Only required when styleName is set.
Defaults to the value in config.portalUrl (e.g. https://www.arcgis.com).
- styleName String
A registered web style name. Only Esri Web Style Symbols (2D) and Esri Web Style Symbols (3D) can be referenced here. Note that the 2D web style symbols are only supported in 2D and 3D web style symbols are only supported in 3D with an exception of
which can be used in both 2D and 3D.Requires portal property to be set. Can not be used in conjunction with styleUrl.
See class description for example.
- styleUrl String
URL that points to the web style definition. Cannot be used in conjunction with styleName and portal.
See class description for example.
- type Stringreadonly
For WebStyleSymbol the type is always "web-style".
Method Overview
Name | Return Type | Summary | Class | |
WebStyleSymbol | Creates a deep clone of the symbol. more details | more details | WebStyleSymbol | |
Promise<PointSymbol3D> | Downloads and returns the PointSymbol3D instance the WebStyleSymbol refers to. more details | more details | WebStyleSymbol | |
* | Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. more details | more details | Symbol | |
Object | Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. more details | more details | Symbol |
Method Details
- clone(){WebStyleSymbol}
Creates a deep clone of the symbol.
Returns:Type Description WebStyleSymbol A deep clone of the object that invoked this method. Example:// Creates a deep clone of the graphic's symbol var symLyr = graphic.symbol.clone();
- fetchSymbol(options){Promise<PointSymbol3D>}
Downloads and returns the PointSymbol3D instance the WebStyleSymbol refers to.
Parameters:options ObjectoptionalAn object with the following properties.
Specification:signal AbortSignaloptionalSignal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named
when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.Returns:Type Description Promise<PointSymbol3D> When resolved, returns a PointSymbol3D instance. Example:// Given a SimpleRenderer with a WebStyleSymbol, replaces the symbol with its non-referencing version by fetching it renderer.symbol.fetchSymbol().then(function(actualSymbol) { renderer.symbol = actualSymbol; });
- fromJSON(json){*}static
Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. The object passed into the input
parameter often comes from a response to a query operation in the REST API or a toJSON() method from another ArcGIS product. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for details and examples of when and how to use this function.Parameter:json ObjectA JSON representation of the instance in the ArcGIS format. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for examples of the structure of various input JSON objects.
Returns:Type Description * Returns a new instance of this class.
Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for more information.
Returns:Type Description Object The ArcGIS portal JSON representation of an instance of this class.