
require(["esri/layers/BuildingSceneLayer"], function(BuildingSceneLayer) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/layers/BuildingSceneLayer
Inheritance: BuildingSceneLayer Layer Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.10


The BuildingSceneLayer is designed for visualizing buildings with detailed interiors in a SceneView. These building models are usually exported from Building Information Modeling (BIM) projects. The data in a BuildingSceneLayer can represent walls, lighting fixtures, mechanical systems, furniture and so on.


Structure of a BuildingSceneLayer

BuildingSceneLayers visualize complex digital models of buildings and allow you to interact with all the components of the building. Because of the high complexity, the data in a BuildingSceneLayer is organized in BuildingGroupSublayers which contain BuildingComponentSublayers.

Often, the BuildingSceneLayer contains an overview BuildingComponentSublayer that can be loaded to display the exterior shell of a building.

This helps to get a faster preview of the whole building without loading all interior features:


The BuildingSceneLayer also contains a Full Model BuildingGroupSublayer with all the features in a building grouped by disciplines: Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical. Each of the disciplines is a BuildingGroupSublayer that contains BuildingComponentSublayers with features such as rooftops, walls, doors, AC units, lighting fixtures, columns or foundations.

You can see this layer structure in the LayerList of the BuildingSceneLayer with Slice widget sample:


Publishing a BuildingSceneLayer

Building data coming from a Revit file can be imported and published as a Scene Service using ArcGIS Pro version 2.3.

The Scene Service is identified by the URL or portalItem of the ArcGIS Server REST resource:

const buildingLayer = new BuildingSceneLayer({
  url: "",
  title: "Administration Building, Redlands - Building Scene Layer"


Being able to visualize detailed building information in its spatial context and landscape is a useful capability. To extract even more information from the visualization, attribute driven renderers and visual variables can be assigned to BuildingComponentSublayer.renderer. For example the Doors sublayer can use a UniqueValueRenderer to render all the interior doors that need replacement with a red color:


Filtering data

Often, the features in a BuildingSceneLayer might occlude one another. Attribute based filtering can be used to display only the features that satisfy a certain SQL expression. To filter features based on their attributes use the filters collection. The Filter BuildingScenelayer sample shows how to filter floors in a BuildingSceneLayer


Sublayers in a BuildingSceneLayer can have customized popup content using the BuildingComponentSublayer.popupTemplate property. Arcade expressions in a popupTemplate are also supported.

See also:


new BuildingSceneLayer(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

// Typical usage
layer = new BuildingSceneLayer({
  url: // url to the service

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The id of the currently active filter.

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more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

A flat Collection of all the sublayers in the BuildingSublayer.

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more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The copyright text as defined by the scene service.

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more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The name of the class.

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more detailsAccessor

Specifies how features are placed on the vertical axis (z).

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more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

Collection of filters that can be used to show or hide specific features in the SceneView.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The full extent of the layer.

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more detailsLayer

The unique ID assigned to the layer.

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more detailsLayer

The layer ID, or layer index, of a Scene Service layer.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

Indicates how the layer should display in the LayerList widget.

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more detailsLayer

Indicates whether the layer's resources have loaded.

more details
more detailsLayer

The Error object returned if an error occurred while loading.

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more detailsLayer

Represents the status of a load operation.

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more detailsLayer

A list of warnings which occurred while loading.

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more detailsLayer

The maximum scale (most zoomed in) at which the layer is visible in the view.

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more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The minimum scale (most zoomed out) at which the layer is visible in the view.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The opacity of the layer.

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more detailsLayer

The portal item from which the layer is loaded.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The spatial reference of the layer.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

Hierarchical structure of sublayers in a BuildingSceneLayer.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The title of the layer used to identify it in places such as the Legend and LayerList widgets.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer
StringFor BuildingSceneLayer the type is always "building-scene". more detailsmore detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The URL of the REST endpoint of the layer or scene service.

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more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

The version of the scene service specification used for this service.

more details
more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

Indicates if the layer is visible in the View.

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more detailsLayer

Property Details

activeFilterId String
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12

The id of the currently active filter. To activate one of the filters assign its id to this property.

A flat Collection of all the sublayers in the BuildingSublayer.

// finds the sublayer containing the doors
// use modelName to identify each layer as this is a standard name
const doorslayer = buildingSceneLayer.allSublayers.find(function(sublayer) {
  return sublayer.modelName === "Doors";

The copyright text as defined by the scene service.

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

elevationInfo Object

Specifies how features are placed on the vertical axis (z). This property only affects BuildingSceneLayer when using the absolute-height mode.

mode String

Defines how features are placed on the vertical axis (z). Currently only absolute-height mode is supported.

absolute-heightFeatures are placed at an absolute elevation (z-value) above sea level. This z-value is determined by summing up the offset value and the point's z-value. It doesn't take the elevation of the terrain into account. This is the only supported elevation mode for a BuildingSceneLayer.

The value is always "absolute-height".

offset Number
Default Value:0

An elevation offset, which is added to the vertical position of each feature.

unit String
Default Value:meters

The unit for offset values.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12

Collection of filters that can be used to show or hide specific features in the SceneView. Using filters is useful when only a subset of the data in the layer should be displayed. To activate a BuildingFilter add it to this Collection and assign its id to activeFilterId. Once activated, only the features that satisfy the conditions defined by the filterBlocks of the filter are displayed in the SceneView.

// define a floor filter
const buildingFilter = new BuildingFilter({
  filterBlocks: [{
    // an SQL expression that filters using the BldgLevel field
    filterExpression: "BldgLevel = 3"
// set the filter in the filters array on the layer
buildingLayer.filters = [buildingFilter];
// specify which filter is the one that should be applied
buildingLayer.activeFilterId =;

The full extent of the layer. By default, this is worldwide. This property may be used to set the extent of the view to match a layer's extent so that its features appear to fill the view. See the sample snippet below.

// Once the layer loads, set the view's extent to the layer's fullextent
  view.extent = layer.fullExtent;

The unique ID assigned to the layer. If not set by the developer, it is automatically generated when the layer is loaded.

layerId Number

The layer ID, or layer index, of a Scene Service layer. This is particularly useful when loading a single layer with the portalItem property from a service containing multiple layers. You can specify this value in one of two scenarios:

  • When loading the layer via the portalItem property.
  • When pointing the layer url directly to the Scene Service.

If a layerId is not specified in either of the above scenarios, then the first layer in the service (layerId = 0) is selected.

// while these examples use a SceneLayer, the same pattern can be
// used for other layers that may be loaded from portalItem ids

// loads the third layer in the given Portal Item
var layer = new SceneLayer({
  portalItem: {
    id: "73df987984b24094b848d580eb83b0fb"
  layerId: 2
// If not specified, the first layer (layerId: 0) will be returned
var layer = new SceneLayer({
  portalItem: {
    id: "73df987984b24094b848d580eb83b0fb"
// Can also be used if URL points to service and not layer
var layer = new SceneLayer({
  url: "",
  layerId: 0  // Notice that the url doesn't end with /2
// This code returns the same layer as the previous snippet
var layer = new SceneLayer({
  url: "",
  // The layer id is specified in the URL
listMode String inherited

Indicates how the layer should display in the LayerList widget. The possible values are listed below.

showThe layer is visible in the table of contents.
hideThe layer is hidden in the table of contents.
hide-childrenIf the layer is a GroupLayer, BuildingSceneLayer, KMLLayer, MapImageLayer, TileLayer or WMSLayer, hide the children layers from the table of contents.

Possible Values:"show"|"hide"|"hide-children"

Default Value:show
loaded Booleanreadonly inherited

Indicates whether the layer's resources have loaded. When true, all the properties of the object can be accessed.

Default Value:false
loadError Errorreadonly inherited

The Error object returned if an error occurred while loading.

Default Value:null
loadStatus Stringreadonly inherited

Represents the status of a load operation.

not-loadedThe object's resources have not loaded.
loadingThe object's resources are currently loading.
loadedThe object's resources have loaded without errors.
failedThe object's resources failed to load. See loadError for more details.

Possible Values:"not-loaded"|"loading"|"failed"|"loaded"

Default Value:not-loaded
loadWarnings Object[]readonly inherited

A list of warnings which occurred while loading.

maxScale Number

The maximum scale (most zoomed in) at which the layer is visible in the view. If the map is zoomed in beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means the layer does not have a maximum scale. The maxScale value should always be smaller than the minScale value, and greater than or equal to the service specification.

Default Value:0
// The layer will not be visible when the view is zoomed in beyond a scale of 1:1,000
layer.maxScale = 1000;
// The layer's visibility is not restricted to a maximum scale.
layer.maxScale = 0;
minScale Number

The minimum scale (most zoomed out) at which the layer is visible in the view. If the map is zoomed out beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means the layer does not have a minimum scale. The minScale value should always be larger than the maxScale value, and lesser than or equal to the service specification.

Default Value:0
// The layer will not be visible when the view is zoomed out beyond a scale of 1:3,000,000
layer.minScale = 3000000;
// The layer's visibility is not restricted to a minimum scale.
layer.minScale = 0;

The opacity of the layer. This value can range between 1 and 0, where 0 is 100 percent transparent and 1 is completely opaque.

Default Value:1
// Makes the layer 50% transparent
layer.opacity = 0.5;
portalItem PortalItem

The portal item from which the layer is loaded. If the portal item references a Feature Service or Scene Service, then you can specify a single layer to load with the layerId property.

// while this example uses FeatureLayer, this same pattern can be
// used for other layers that may be loaded from portalItem ids
var lyr = new FeatureLayer({
  portalItem: {  // autocasts as new PortalItem()
    id: "caa9bd9da1f4487cb4989824053bb847"
  }  // the first layer in the service is returned
// set hostname when using an on-premise portal (default is ArcGIS Online)
// esriConfig.portalUrl = "";

// while this example uses FeatureLayer, this same pattern can be
// used for SceneLayers
var lyr = new FeatureLayer({
  portalItem: {  // autocasts as new PortalItem()
    id: "8d26f04f31f642b6828b7023b84c2188"
  // loads the third item in the given feature service
  layerId: 2
spatialReference SpatialReferenceautocast

The spatial reference of the layer.

Hierarchical structure of sublayers in a BuildingSceneLayer. Usually contains an Overview BuildingComponentSublayer and a Full Model BuildingGroupSublayer. However, some BuildingSceneLayers can contain only the Full Model BuildingGroupSublayer or the discipline BuildingGroupSublayers directly.

title String

The title of the layer used to identify it in places such as the Legend and LayerList widgets.

When loading a layer by service url, the title is derived from the service name. If the service has several layers, then the title of each layer will be the concatenation of the service name and the layer name. When the layer is loaded from a portal item, the title of the portal item will be used instead. Finally, if a layer is loaded as part of a webmap or a webscene, then the title of the layer as stored in the webmap/webscene will be used.

type Stringreadonly

For BuildingSceneLayer the type is always "building-scene".

url String

The URL of the REST endpoint of the layer or scene service. The URL may either point to a resource on ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online.

The layer may be specified using the layerId property when the url points directly to a service and not a specific layer. If layerId is not specified, then it will default to the first layer in the service.

// Layer from Scene Service on ArcGIS Server
var sceneLayer = new SceneLayer({
  url: ""
// Can also be used if URL points to service and not layer
var layer = new SceneLayer({
  // Notice that the url doesn't end with /0
  url: "",
  layerId: 0
version Objectreadonly

The version of the scene service specification used for this service.

major Number

The major version of the scene layer.

minor Number

The minor version of the scene layer.

versionString String

The complete version string of the scene layer.

See also:
// Prints the version to the console - e.g. 1.4, 1.5, etc.

Indicates if the layer is visible in the View. When false, the layer may still be added to a Map instance that is referenced in a view, but its features will not be visible in the view.

Default Value:true
// The layer is no longer visible in the view
layer.visible = false;

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Cancels a load() operation if it is already in progress.

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more detailsLayer

Called by the views, such as MapView and SceneView, when the layer is added to the Map.layers collection and a layer view must be created for it.

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more detailsLayer

Emits an event on the instance.

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more detailsLayer

Fetches custom attribution data for the layer when it becomes available.

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more detailsLayer

Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

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more detailsLayer

isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).

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more detailsLayer

isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected.

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more detailsLayer

isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved.

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more detailsLayer

Loads the resources referenced by this class.

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more detailsLayer

Loads the layer and all of its sublayers.

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more detailsBuildingSceneLayer

Registers an event handler on the instance.

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more detailsLayer

when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created.

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more detailsLayer

Method Details


Cancels a load() operation if it is already in progress.

createLayerView(view, options){Promise<LayerView>}inherited

Called by the views, such as MapView and SceneView, when the layer is added to the Map.layers collection and a layer view must be created for it. This method is used internally and there is no use case for invoking it directly.

view *

The parent view.

options Object

An object specifying additional options. See the object specification table below for the required properties of this object.


A signal to abort the creation of the layerview.

Promise<LayerView>Resolves with a LayerView instance.
See also:
emit(type, event){Boolean}inherited

Emits an event on the instance. This method should only be used when creating subclasses of this class.

type String

The name of the event.

event Object

The event payload.

Booleantrue if a listener was notified

Fetches custom attribution data for the layer when it becomes available.

Promise<Object>Resolves to an object containing custom attribution data for the layer.

Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

type String

The name of the event.

BooleanReturns true if the class supports the input event.

isFulfilled() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is fulfilled (either resolved or rejected). If it is fulfilled, true will be returned.

BooleanIndicates whether creating an instance of the class has been fulfilled (either resolved or rejected).

isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected. If it is rejected, true will be returned.

BooleanIndicates whether creating an instance of the class has been rejected.

isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved. If it is resolved, true will be returned.

BooleanIndicates whether creating an instance of the class has been resolved.

Loads the resources referenced by this class. This method automatically executes for a View and all of the resources it references in Map if the view is constructed with a map instance.

This method must be called by the developer when accessing a resource that will not be loaded in a View.

It's possible to provide a signal to stop being interested into a Loadable instance load status. When the signal is aborted, the instance does not stop its loading process, only cancelLoad can abort it.


Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. The returned promise will be rejected with an Error named AbortError when an abort is signaled. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals.

PromiseResolves when the resources have loaded.
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.11

Loads the layer and all of its sublayers.

Promise<BuildingSceneLayer>Resolves when all sublayers have been loaded. Rejects if at least one of the sublayers failed to load.
See also:
// Print the names of all components in the building scene layer after ensuring that they have been loaded
  .then(function() {
    const allComponentNames = buildingSceneLayer.allSublayers
      .filter(function(sublayer) { return sublayer.type === "building-component"; })
      .map(function(sublayer) { return sublayer.title; })
  .catch(function(error) {
    console.log("Error: one or more sublayer failed to load");
on(type, listener){Object}inherited

Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener.


A event type, or an array of event types, to listen for.

listener Function

The function to call when the event is fired.

ObjectReturns an event handler with a remove() method that can be called to stop listening for the event(s).
removeFunctionWhen called, removes the listener from the event.
view.on("click", function(event){
  // event is the event handle returned after the event fires.
when(callback, errback){Promise}inherited

when() may be leveraged once an instance of the class is created. This method takes two input parameters: a callback function and an errback function. The callback executes when the instance of the class loads. The errback executes if the instance of the class fails to load.

callback Function

The function to call when the promise resolves.

errback Function

The function to execute when the promise fails.

PromiseReturns a new promise for the result of callback that may be used to chain additional functions.
// Although this example uses MapView, any class instance that is a promise may use then() in the same way
var view = new MapView();
  // This function will execute once the promise is resolved
}, function(error){
  // This function will execute if the promise is rejected due to an error

Event Overview

{view: View,layerView: LayerView}

Fires after the layer's LayerView is created and rendered in a view.

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more detailsLayer
{view: View,error: Error}

Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map.

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more detailsLayer
{view: View,layerView: LayerView}

Fires after the layer's LayerView is destroyed and no longer renders in a view.

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more detailsLayer

Event Details


Fires after the layer's LayerView is created and rendered in a view.

view View

The view in which the layerView was created.

layerView LayerView

The LayerView rendered in the view representing the layer in layer.

See also:
// This function will fire each time a layer view is created for this
// particular view.
layer.on("layerview-create", function(event){
  // The LayerView for the layer that emitted this event

Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map.

view View

The view that failed to create a layerview for the layer emitting this event.

error Error

An error object describing why the layer view failed to create.

See also:
// This function fires when an error occurs during the creation of the layer's layerview
layer.on("layerview-create-error", function(event) {
  console.error("LayerView failed to create for layer with the id: ",, " in this view: ", event.view);

Fires after the layer's LayerView is destroyed and no longer renders in a view.

view View

The view in which the layerView was destroyed.

layerView LayerView

The destroyed LayerView representing the layer.

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