require(["esri/renderers/smartMapping/statistics/classBreaks"], function(classBreaks) { /* code goes here */ });
Function: esri/renderers/smartMapping/statistics/classBreaks
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.2

Function for generating class breaks for an input field in a FeatureLayer based on a given classification method and normalization type.

Known Limitations

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryFunction

Generates class breaks for an input field (or expression) of a FeatureLayer based on a given classification method and normalization type.

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more detailsclassBreaks

Method Details


Generates class breaks for an input field (or expression) of a FeatureLayer based on a given classification method and normalization type.

params Object

See the table below for details about parameters that may be passed to this function.


The layer from which to generate class breaks.

field String

The class breaks will be generated based on values of this field. If a field is provided, the values from the given field from all features will be queried in the service.

normalizationField String

The field by which to normalize the values returned from the given field.

classificationMethod String

The method for classifying the data. See the table below for a list of possible values.

Possible ValueDescription
natural-breaksData values that cluster are placed into a single class. Class breaks occur where gaps exist between clusters. You should use this method if your data is unevenly distributed; that is, many features have the same or similar values and there are gaps between groups of values.
equal-intervalEach class has an equal range of values; in other words, the difference between the high and low value is equal for each class. You should use this method if your data is evenly distributed and you want to emphasize the difference in values between the features.
quantileEach class has roughly the same number of features. If your data is evenly distributed and you want to emphasize the difference in relative position between features, you should use the quantile classification method. If, for example, the point values are divided into five classes, points in the highest class would fall into the top fifth of all points.
standard-deviationClass breaks are placed above and below the mean value at intervals of 1, 0.5, or 0.25 standard deviations until all the data values are included in a class.
standardDeviationInterval Number

When classificationMethod = "standard-deviation", this sets the interval at which each class break should be set (e.g. 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 1).

minValue Number

The minimum bounding value for the class breaks definition. Use this in conjunction with maxValue to generate class breaks between lower and upper bounds.

maxValue Number

The maximum bounding value for the class breaks definition. Use this in conjunction with minValue to generate class breaks between lower and upper bounds.

numClasses Number

Indicates the number of classes to generate for the class breaks definition.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression that returns a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable. This property overrides the field property and therefore is used instead of an input field value.

sqlExpression String

A SQL expression evaluating to a number.

sqlWhere String

A SQL where clause used to filter features for the statistics query. For example, this is useful in situations where you want to avoid dividing by zero as is the case with creating a predominance visualization.

view View

A SceneView or MapView instance is required when a valueExpression is specified.

features Graphic[]

A subset of features for which to generate the class breaks.

Promise<ClassBreaksResult>Resolves to an instance of ClassBreaksResult.
  layer: featureLayer,
  field: "COL_DEG",
  normalizationField: "TOT_POP",
  classificationMethod: "quantile",
  numClasses: 5
  // class break infos that may be passed to the
  // constructor of a ClassBreaksRenderer
  var breakInfos = response.classBreakInfos;

Type Definitions


An object describing a single class break generated from the classBreaks() method.

label String

The label describing the given class break for use in the Legend.

minValue Number

The lower bound of the class break.

maxValue Number

The upper bound of the class break.


Object returned from the classBreaks() method. This object describes classes generated from data in a FeatureLayer for a given field with a specified classification method.

classBreakInfos ClassBreak[]

An array of objects describing the class breaks generated from the classBreaks() method.

minValue Number

The minimum value of features in the dataset. This will be the lower bound of the lowest class break.

maxValue Number

The maximum value of features in the dataset. This will be the upper bound of the highest class break.

normalizationTotal Number

The normalization total if normalizationType is set to percent-of-total when generating class breaks with createClassBreaksRenderer().

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