
require(["esri/widgets/CoordinateConversion/CoordinateConversionViewModel"], function(CoordinateVM) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/widgets/CoordinateConversion/CoordinateConversionViewModel
Inheritance: CoordinateConversionViewModel Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

Provides the logic for the CoordinateConversion widget.

See also:


new CoordinateConversionViewModel(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

A Collection containing every Conversion that the widget is currently displaying.

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Describes the location of the coordinates currently displayed by the widget as a Point.

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The name of the class.

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A Collection containing every Format that the widget is capable of displaying.

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more detailsCoordinateConversionViewModel

This function provides the ability to override either the MapView goTo() or SceneView goTo() methods.

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This symbol is used to visualize the location currently described by the widget when capture mode is active.

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Describes the current mode of the widget.

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The number of milliseconds of delay before conversion requests will be sent to the GeometryService.

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more detailsCoordinateConversionViewModel

The view model's state.

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more detailsCoordinateConversionViewModel

A reference to the MapView or SceneView.

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Property Details

conversions Collection<Conversion>

A Collection containing every Conversion that the widget is currently displaying.

currentLocation Point

Describes the location of the coordinates currently displayed by the widget as a Point. Setting this property will update all conversions.

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

A Collection containing every Format that the widget is capable of displaying.

The default formats are basemap, dd, ddm, dms, mgrs, usng, utm, and xy.

goToOverride GoToOverride
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8

This function provides the ability to override either the MapView goTo() or SceneView goTo() methods.

See also:
// The following snippet uses the Search widget but can be applied to any
// widgets that support the goToOverride property.
search.goToOverride = function(view, goToParams) {
  goToParams.options.duration = updatedDuration;
  return view.goTo(, goToParams.options);

This symbol is used to visualize the location currently described by the widget when capture mode is active.

mode String

Describes the current mode of the widget.

  • While in live mode, the widget will update as the cursor moves.
  • While in capture mode, the widget will update on mouse click and display a graphic marking the current location.

Possible Values:"live"|"capture"

Default Value:live
requestDelay Number

The number of milliseconds of delay before conversion requests will be sent to the GeometryService. This only affects conversions that cannot be performed in the browser.

Default Value:300
state Stringreadonly

The view model's state.

Possible Values:"ready"|"loading"|"disabled"

Default Value:disabled

A reference to the MapView or SceneView. Set this to link the widget to a specific view.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Attempt to convert a point into a Position.

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Attempt to convert a string into a Point.

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more detailsCoordinateConversionViewModel

Update the input conversions based on the input point.

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Method Details

convert(point, format){Promise<Position>}

Attempt to convert a point into a Position.

point Point

The point to convert.

format Format

The format that describes how the point should be converted.

Promise<Position>When resolved, returns a Position.
reverseConvert(coordinate, format){Promise<Point>}

Attempt to convert a string into a Point. The format of the string must be specified. A Collection of available formats can be obtained from the formats property.

coordinate String

The coordinate string.

format Format

Specifies the format of the input coordinate.

Promise<Point>When resolved, returns a Point.
updateConversions(location, conversions){Promise<Conversion[]>}

Update the input conversions based on the input point.

location Point

A point that will be used to update each input conversion.

conversions Conversion[]

An array of Conversions to be updated.

Promise<Conversion[]>When resolved, returns an array of Conversions with updated Positions.

Type Definitions


Describes a point in terms of a location, a Point, and a coordinate, a string.

location Point

A point geometry representing the location described by the conversion.

coordinate String

A string representing the location.

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