
require(["esri/widgets/BasemapLayerList/BasemapLayerListViewModel"], function(BasemapLayerListVM) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/widgets/BasemapLayerList/BasemapLayerListViewModel
Inheritance: BasemapLayerListViewModel Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.13

Provides logic for the BasemapLayerList widget.

See also:


new BasemapLayerListViewModel(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

A collection of ListItems representing the baseLayers.

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Specifies a function that accesses each ListItem.

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The current basemap's title.

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more detailsBasemapLayerListViewModel

The name of the class.

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more detailsAccessor

A collection of ListItems representing the referenceLayers.

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more detailsBasemapLayerListViewModel

Specifies a function that accesses each ListItem representing reference layers.

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The view model's state.

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A reference to the MapView or SceneView.

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Property Details

baseItems Collection<ListItem>

A collection of ListItems representing the baseLayers.

baseListItemCreatedFunction Function

Specifies a function that accesses each ListItem. Each list item can be modified according to its modifiable properties. Actions can be added to list items using the actionsSections property of the ListItem.

basemapTitle String

The current basemap's title.

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

referenceItems Collection<ListItem>

A collection of ListItems representing the referenceLayers.

referenceListItemCreatedFunction Function

Specifies a function that accesses each ListItem representing reference layers.

state Stringreadonly

The view model's state.

Possible Values:"ready"|"loading"|"disabled"

Default Value:disabled

A reference to the MapView or SceneView. Set this to link the widget to a specific view.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Triggers the trigger-action event and executes the given action or action toggle.

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Method Details

triggerAction(action, item)

Triggers the trigger-action event and executes the given action or action toggle.


The action to execute.

An item associated with the action.

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