
require(["esri/popup/content/support/ChartMediaInfoValue"], function(ChartMediaInfoValue) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/popup/content/support/ChartMediaInfoValue
Inheritance: ChartMediaInfoValue Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.11

The ChartMediaInfoValue class contains information for popups regarding how charts should be constructed.

See also:


new ChartMediaInfoValue(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

The name of the class.

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An array of strings, with each string containing the name of a field to display in the chart.

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A string containing the name of a field.

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An array of ChartMediaInfoValueSeries objects which provide information of x/y data data that is plotted in a chart.

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String value indicating the tooltip for a chart specified from another field.

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Property Details

declaredClass Stringreadonly inherited

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

fields String[]

An array of strings, with each string containing the name of a field to display in the chart.

In order to work with related fields within a chart, the fields must either be set as a fields element in the PopupTemplate's content or as popupTemplate.fieldInfos property outside of the PopupTemplate's content.

Set the popupTemplate.fieldInfos property for any fields that need to have number formatting for chart/text elements.

normalizeField String

A string containing the name of a field. The values of all fields in the chart will be normalized (divided) by the value of this field.

An array of ChartMediaInfoValueSeries objects which provide information of x/y data data that is plotted in a chart.

tooltipField String

String value indicating the tooltip for a chart specified from another field. It is used for showing tooltips from another field in the same layer or related layer/table.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform.

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Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation.

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Method Details


Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. The object passed into the input json parameter often comes from a response to a query operation in the REST API or a toJSON() method from another ArcGIS product. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for details and examples of when and how to use this function.

json Object

A JSON representation of the instance in the ArcGIS format. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for examples of the structure of various input JSON objects.

*Returns a new instance of this class.

Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for more information.

ObjectThe ArcGIS portal JSON representation of an instance of this class.

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