
Note: Support for 3D on mobile devices may vary, view the system requirements for more information.

This sample demonstrates how to update a polygon geometry of a graphic by only reshaping or moving it using SketchViewModel.

How it works

The application initializes the SketchViewModel with the following parameters.

// Create a new instance of sketchViewModel
sketchViewModel = new SketchViewModel({
  view: view,
  layer: graphicsLayer,
  updateOnGraphicClick: false,
  defaultUpdateOptions: {
    // set the default options for the update operations
    toggleToolOnClick: false // only reshape operation will be enabled

This application only allows move and reshape operations for the graphics when it is being updated. It does not allow scale or rotate operations. This is done by listening to MapView's click event and having a custom hitTest logic to select and update the graphic of interest.

When a user clicks on the new development graphic, the SketchViewModel's update() method is called with the graphic and reshape tool as its parameters. This will ensure that the only allowed update operations for the graphic is to move or reshape.

// This function is called when a user clicks on the view.
function setUpGraphicClickHandler() {
  view.on("click", function(event) {
    // check if the sketch's state active if it is then that means
    // the graphic is already being updated, no action required.
    if (sketchViewModel.state === "active") {
    view.hitTest(event).then(function(response) {
      var results = response.results;
      // Check if the new development graphic was clicked and pass
      // the graphic to sketchViewModel.update() with reshape tool.
      results.forEach(function(result) {
        if (
          result.graphic.layer === sketchViewModel.layer &&
          result.graphic.attributes &&
        ) {
          sketchViewModel.update([result.graphic], { tool: "reshape" });

As a user is moving or reshaping the graphic, the application constantly checks if the updated graphic intersects school buffers or is still contained by the boundary polygon. If the new location for the graphic is not allowed, the graphic's symbol is changed to a red color indicating this reshape or move operation is not allowed. If a user tries to cancel or complete the update operation while the updated graphic is invalid, the sketchViewModel's update() method is called again with the invalid graphic and reshape tool. This gives the user a chance to correct any invalid updates.

// Listen to sketchViewModel's update event to do
// graphic reshape or move validation
sketchViewModel.on("update", onGraphicUpdate);

function onGraphicUpdate(event) {
  // get the graphic as it is being updated
  const graphic = event.graphics[0];
  // check if the graphic is intersecting school buffers or is
  // still contained by the boundary polygon as the graphic is being updated
  intersects = geometryEngine.intersects(buffers, graphic.geometry);
  contains = geometryEngine.contains(boundaryPolygon, graphic.geometry);

  // change the graphic symbol to valid or invalid symbol
  // depending the graphic location
  graphic.symbol = intersects || !contains ? invalidSymbol : validSymbol;

  // check if the update event's the toolEventInfo.type is move-stop or reshape-stop
  // then it means user finished moving or reshaping the graphic, call complete method.
  // this will change update event state to complete and we will check the validity of the graphic location.
  if (
    event.toolEventInfo &&
    (event.toolEventInfo.type === "move-stop" || event.toolEventInfo.type === "reshape-stop")
  ) {
    if (contains && !intersects) {
  } else if (event.state === "cancel" || event.state === "complete") {
    // graphic moving or reshaping has been completed or cancelled
    // if the graphic is in an illegal spot, call sketchviewmodel's update method again
    // giving user a chance to correct the location of the graphic
    if (!contains || intersects) {
        tool: "reshape",
        graphics: [graphic]

Sample search results
