
Labeling features is supported across many classes in the API. However, there are different properties and resources available depending on the layer type, geometry type, and if you are working in 2D or 3D.


Labeling is supported for FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, SceneLayer, StreamLayer, and Sublayer, in 3D SceneViews. The labelingInfo property is specified as an array of LabelClass objects, which contains the labelExpressionInfo, labelPlacement, and TextSymbol3DLayer. The TextSymbol3DLayer class supports altering the material, font, halo, and other properties of the label graphic. Labeling is supported for Points, Polylines, and Polygons.

Sample: Flat vs. volumetric 3D symbol layers

Known Limitations (SceneView)

Fonts for SceneView

The supported font families for 3D SceneViews are dependent upon the fonts installed on the user's computer and web browser. If an app uses a font that is not installed, the Font class implements a fallback mechanism that will use the default font family value, which is sans-serif.

See these references for instructions on how to install a new font on Windows or Mac.


FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, and StreamLayer

Labeling is supported for FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, StreamLayer, and Sublayer, in 2D MapViews. The labelingInfo property is specified as an array of LabelClass objects, which contains the labelExpressionInfo, labelPlacement, and TextSymbol. The TextSymbol class supports altering the color, font, halo, and other properties of the label graphic. Labeling is supported for Points, Polylines, and Polygons.

Sample: Multi-line labels

Known Limitations (MapView)

  • Support for Font.family, Font.style, and Font.weight properties are based on hosted fonts files in .pbf format. By default, fonts are available on https://static.arcgis.com/fonts. The URL can be configured by setting the esriConfig.fontsUrl property. See fonts for available font families.

Fonts for FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, and StreamLayer

Support for Font.family, Font.style, and Font.weight properties are based on hosted fonts files in .pbf format. By default, the fonts available are mostly the same ones used by the Esri Vector Basemaps. These fonts are listed in the Esri Vector Basemap Reference Document, under the Esri Vector Basemaps Resources\Fonts heading. These fonts are available via https://static.arcgis.com/fonts. The URL can be configured to point to your own font resources by setting the esriConfig.fontsUrl property.

If a Font is not available, it will use the default font family, which is sans-serif. This uses the Arial Unicode MS font file.

Fonts with bold, italic, or both, require these properties to be set in the Font.style and Font.weight properties, as opposed to being set in the Font.family. To see which fonts support what types of characters (e.g. Latin, Cyrillic, CJKV), you can search for the font name in the Microsoft Typography or Google Fonts.

List of currently supported fonts:

FontStyleWeightCode Snippet
Abril Fatface Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Abril Fatface', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Alegreya Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Alegreya', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Alegreya Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Alegreya', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Alegreya Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Alegreya', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Alegreya Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Alegreya', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Alegreya Sans Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Alegreya Sans', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Alegreya SC Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Alegreya SC', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Alegreya SC Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Alegreya SC', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Alegreya SC Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Alegreya SC', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Amarante Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Amarante', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Amatic SC Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Amatic SC', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Arial Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Arial', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Arial Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Arial', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Arial Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Arial', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Arial Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Arial', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Arial Unicode MS Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Arial Unicode MS', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Arial Unicode MS Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Arial Unicode MS', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Atomic Age Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Atomic Age', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Audiowide Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Audiowide', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Demi Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Demi', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Light Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Light', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Light Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Light', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Light Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Light', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Medium Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Medium', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Medium Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Medium', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Regular Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Regular', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Regular Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Regular', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Regular Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Regular', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Avenir Next LT Pro Regular Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Regular', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Belleza Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Belleza', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Black Ops One Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Black Ops One', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Cabin Sketch Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Cabin Sketch', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Cabin Sketch Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Cabin Sketch', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Coming Soon Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Coming Soon', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Esri Icon Fontnormalnormalfont: { family: 'CalciteWebCoreIcons', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Homemade Apple Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Homemade Apple', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
IM FELL DW Pica PRO Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'IM FELL DW Pica PRO', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
IM FELL DW Pica PRO Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'IM FELL DW Pica PRO', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Josefin Sans Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Josefin Sans', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Josefin Sans Semibold Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Josefin Sans Semibold', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Josefin Slab Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Josefin Slab', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Josefin Slab Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Josefin Slab', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Josefin Slab Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Josefin Slab', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Josefin Slab Light Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Josefin Slab Light', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Josefin Slab Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Josefin Slab', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Josefin Slab Semibold Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Josefin Slab Semibold', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Josefin Slab Thin Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Josefin Slab Thin', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Just Another Hand Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Just Another Hand', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Kranky Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Kranky', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Life Savers Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Life Savers', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Loved By The King Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Loved By The King', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Merriweather Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Merriweather', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Merriweather Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Merriweather', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Merriweather Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Merriweather', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Merriweather Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Merriweather', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Montserrat Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Montserrat', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Montserrat Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Montserrat', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Montserrat Medium Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Montserrat Medium', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Montserrat Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Montserrat', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Montserrat Semibold Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Montserrat Semibold', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Noto Sans Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Noto Sans', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Noto Sans Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Noto Sans', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Noto Sans Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Noto Sans', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Noto Sans Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Noto Sans', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Noto Serif Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Noto Serif', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Noto Serif Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Noto Serif', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Noto Serif Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Noto Serif', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Noto Serif Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Noto Serif', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Old Standard TT Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Old Standard TT', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Old Standard TT Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Old Standard TT', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Old Standard TT Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Old Standard TT', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Orbitron Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Orbitron', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Orbitron Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Orbitron', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Oregano Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Oregano', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Oregano Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Oregano', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Oswald Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Oswald', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Oswald Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Oswald', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Pacifico Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Pacifico', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Palatino Linotype Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Palatino Linotype', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Playfair Display Black Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Playfair Display Black', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Playfair Display Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Playfair Display', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Playfair Display Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Playfair Display', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Playfair Display Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Playfair Display', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Playfair Display Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Playfair Display', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Playfair Display SC Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Playfair Display SC', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Playfair Display SC Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Playfair Display SC', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Redressed Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Redressed', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Risque Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Risque', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Roboto Condensed Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Roboto Condensed', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Roboto Condensed Light Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Roboto Condensed Light', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Rye Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Rye', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Special Elite Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Special Elite', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Syncopate Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Syncopate', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Syncopate Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Syncopate', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Tangerine Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Tangerine', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Ubuntu', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Ubuntu Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Ubuntu', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Ubuntu Condensed Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Condensed', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Light Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Light', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Ubuntu Light Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Light', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Ubuntu Light Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Light', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Light Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Light', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Medium Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Medium', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Mono Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Mono', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Ubuntu Mono Bold Italicitalicboldfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Mono', style: 'italic', weight: 'bold' }
Ubuntu Mono Italicitalicnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Mono', style: 'italic', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Mono Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu Mono', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Ubuntu Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Ubuntu', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
UnifrakturCook Boldnormalboldfont: { family: 'UnifrakturCook', style: 'normal', weight: 'bold' }
Vast Shadow Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Vast Shadow', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }
Walter Turncoat Regularnormalnormalfont: { family: 'Walter Turncoat', style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' }


Labeling is supported for MapImageLayer by setting the labelingInfo property on the Sublayer class. The labelingInfo property is specified as an array of LabelClass objects, which contains the labelExpression, labelPlacement, and TextSymbol. The TextSymbol class supports altering the color, font, halo, and other properties of the label graphic. Labeling is supported for Points, Polylines, and Polygons.

Sample: MapImageLayer - label sublayer features

Fonts for MapImageLayer

The supported font families for MapImageLayers in a MapView are dependent upon the fonts installed on the ArcGIS Server that published the layer. To check what fonts are available on ArcGIS Server, run the Available Fonts task under Home > services > System > PublishingTools (GPServer) (requires admin access). To add a new font, the font must be installed on your computer and accessible to ArcGIS Server by registering it using ArcGIS Desktop. If an app uses a font that is not installed, the Font class implements a fallback mechanism that will use the default font family value, which is sans-serif.
