You will learn: how to build an app to style and format the content in pop-ups for feature layers.
Applications can show pop-ups with attribute information for feature layers and graphics when you click on the map. Pop-ups can be formatted and styled by creating a PopupTemplate
object. A PopupTemplate
allows you to define the title, content and how the media is displayed. You can pass in HTML, a function or a list of fields to display a table view. Arcade Expressions
can also be used to perform calculations and format the data before it is displayed. If you have graphics or a graphics layer, individual pop-ups can be defined for each graphic
. Learn more about creating and formatting pop-ups in the documentation.
In this tutorial, you will create and apply a pop-up template for the Trailheads, Trails, and Parks and Open Spaces layers.
Click on the map below to see the different pop-ups for each layer.
Create a starter app
Open the JavaScript Starter App on CodePen.
In CodePen, click Fork and save the pen as
ArcGIS JavaScript Tutorials: Configure pop-ups
Define a pop-up for the Trailheads layer using HTML
In the
statement, add a reference to the FeatureLayer module.require([ "esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer" ], function(Map, MapView, FeatureLayer) {
At the end of the code in the main
, create a popupTemplate that sets the title toTrailhead
and the content to a custom HTML string. Apply the popupTemplate to the layer and add the layer to the map.var popupTrailheads = { "title": "{TRL_NAME}", "content": "<b>City:</b> {CITY_JUR}<br><b>Cross Street:</b> {X_STREET}<br><b>Parking:</b> {PARKING}<br><b>Elevation:</b> {ELEV_FT} ft" } var trailheads = new FeatureLayer({ url: "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trailheads_Styled/FeatureServer/0", outFields: ["TRL_NAME","CITY_JUR","X_STREET","PARKING","ELEV_FT"], popupTemplate: popupTrailheads }); map.add(trailheads);
NOTE: The feature layer will autocast thepopupTemplate
and create a class instance from the object. Learn more about autocasting in the documentation.Run the code and click on the trailheads to view the pop-up.
Define a pop-up for the Trails layer using a function
In the main
, create a popupTemplate that sets the title toTrail Information
and uses a function to render the content. Apply the popupTemplate to the layer and add the layer to the map.var popupTrails = { "title": "Trail Information", "content": function(){ return "This is {TRL_NAME} with {ELEV_GAIN} ft of climbing."; } } var trails = new FeatureLayer({ url: "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Trails_Styled/FeatureServer/0", outFields: ["TRL_NAME","ELEV_GAIN"], popupTemplate: popupTrails }); map.add(trails,0);
NOTE: The feature layer will autocast thepopupTemplate
and create a class instance from the object. Learn more about autocasting in the documentation.Run the code and click on Trails to view the pop-up.
Define a pop-up for the Parks and Open Spaces layer to show a table
In the main
, create a popupTemplate that sets the title to{PARK_NAME}
and defines an array of fieldsInfos to be displayed in the content. This will create a table view with the field name on the left and the field value on the right. Apply the popupTemplate to the layer and add the layer to the map.var popupOpenspaces = { "title": "{PARK_NAME}", "content": [{ "type": "fields", "fieldInfos": [ { "fieldName": "AGNCY_NAME", "label": "Agency", "isEditable": true, "tooltip": "", "visible": true, "format": null, "stringFieldOption": "text-box" }, { "fieldName": "TYPE", "label": "Type", "isEditable": true, "tooltip": "", "visible": true, "format": null, "stringFieldOption": "text-box" }, { "fieldName": "ACCESS_TYP", "label": "Access", "isEditable": true, "tooltip": "", "visible": true, "format": null, "stringFieldOption": "text-box" }, { "fieldName": "GIS_ACRES", "label": "Acres", "isEditable": true, "tooltip": "", "visible": true, "format": { "places": 2, "digitSeparator": true }, "stringFieldOption": "text-box" } ] }] } var openspaces = new FeatureLayer({ url: "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Parks_and_Open_Space_Styled/FeatureServer/0", outFields: ["TYPE","PARK_NAME", "AGNCY_NAME","ACCESS_TYP","GIS_ACRES"], popupTemplate: popupOpenspaces }); map.add(openspaces,0);
NOTE: The feature layer will autocast thepopupTemplate
and create a class instance from the object. Learn more about autocasting in the documentation.Run the code and click on Parks and Open Spaces to view the pop-up. Notice how it creates a table view of the fields and values specified.
Congratulations, you're done!
Your app should look something like this.
Add a chart
Pop-ups can support more than one content type. Update the code for the Trails pop-up template to a display a bar chart with the ELEV_MIN
NOTE: Don't forget to include the ELEV_MIN
fields in the trails.outFields
var popupTrails = {
title: "Trail Information",
//*** ADD ***//
// content: function(){
// return "This is {TRL_NAME} with {ELEV_GAIN} ft of climbing.";
// }
content: [{
type: "media",
mediaInfos: [{
type: "column-chart",
caption: "",
value: {
fields: [ "ELEV_MIN","ELEV_MAX" ],
normalizeField: null,
tooltipField: "Min and max elevation values"
Add an Arcade expression
Pop-ups also support Arcade Expressions that you can write to make numeric and geometric calcuations and to format the output. Update the code for the Trails pop-up template to a display the average slope of each trail per mile.
NOTE: Be sure to include the ELEV_MIN
fields in the trails.outFields
var popupTrails = {
title: "Trail Information",
//*** ADD ***//
// content: function(){
// return "This is {TRL_NAME} with {ELEV_GAIN} ft of climbing.";
// }, {
expressionInfos: [{
name: "elevation-ratio",
title: "Elevation change",
expression: "Round((($feature.ELEV_MAX - $feature.ELEV_MIN)/($feature.LENGTH_MI)/5280)*100,2)"
content: "The {TRL_NAME} trail average slope per mile is: {expression/elevation-ratio}% over a total of {LENGTH_MI} miles."