Choose between version 3.31 and 4.14

The 4.x API introduces new capabilities such as 3D support, map rotation, and deeper portal integration. However, not all 3.x capabilities are included in the initial 4.x release. Each release will add more functionality until it not only matches 3.x but far exceeds it. Developers should consider their app requirements and evaluate whether the current 4.x or 3.x release has the desired capabilities. For example:

  • Does the app need 3D visualization? If so, use 4.x.
  • Do you need a particular functionality from 3.x that's not yet available in 4.x such as analysis widgets or WFS? If so, use 3.x.
3DNot availableReleased
2DReleasedReleased (partial support)
Vector Tile LayerReleasedReleased
Raster Tile LayerReleasedReleased
Imagery LayerReleasedReleased
Map Image LayerReleasedReleased
Feature LayerReleasedReleased (currently supports query and visualization)
Geometry EngineReleasedReleased
Routing & DirectionsReleasedReleased
Web MapReleasedReleased (partial support)
Web SceneNot availableReleased
Directly consume layers from your portal itemsNot availableReleased (partial support)
Editing and SketchingReleasedReleased (partial support)
OGC Layers (WMS, WMTS, KML)ReleasedReleased
More OGC Layers (WFS)ReleasedComing soon
More GIS functionality widgets (Analysis)ReleasedComing soon

See the detailed functionality matrix for a full comparison.
